
chū hǎi kǒu
  • estuary
  1. 广州港南沙港区位于珠江出海口,腹地范围100km,覆盖了珠三角经济最发达的城市群,地理位置优越。

    Nansha Port Section of Guangzhou Port is located on the estuary of the Pearl River , the hinterland of which covers the most developed cities in Pearl River Delta .

  2. 珠江崖门出海口大气边界层特征分析

    An analysis on the characteristics of atmospheric boundary layer in Yamen , zhujiang River Estuary Area

  3. 虎门大桥辅航道桥为主跨270m的预应力混凝土连续刚构桥,位于珠江出海口,桥址处经常出现台风及雷雨大风。

    The Humen Bridge auxiliary channel bridge is a continuous rigid frame bridge with the main span of 270 m.

  4. 他为沙皇夺取了黑龙江下游,然后是Sikhote-Alin山脉以东及海岸线。剥夺了中国在日本海的出海口。

    He secured the Amur basin for the tsar and then the eastern side of the Sikhote-Alin mountains and the coastline beyond , denying China access to the Sea of Japan ( East Sea ) .

  5. 某动力公司出海口基地码头的一高4000mm、宽1700mm的钢箱型吊车梁,截面之大、重量之重在国内很罕见,其制作工艺较为复杂。

    A steel box-section crane girder with 4m high and 1.7m width are manufactured for a launch out dock . The large section and height and the complex fabrication technics of it are infrequent in the engineering of China .

  6. 目前俄国人唯一的出海口就是摩尔曼斯克。

    At present the only exit that the Russians had was Murmansk .

  7. 万泉河出海口风光更为迷人。

    River to the sea more attractive scenery .

  8. 这条河轻轻的出海口。

    The river runneth softly to the sea .

  9. 天津是我国北方重要的出海口,也是重要的交通枢纽。

    Tianjin in north China is important to the sea and an important transport hub .

  10. 防城港是很便捷的出海口。

    Fangchenggang is a very convenient port .

  11. 沿江出海口平坦城镇雨水管道设计方法探讨

    Approach about design procedures of rain-water drainage pipe for smooth terrain of the coast outlet along river

  12. 狭长的沿海国家:国土狭长并具有出海口的国家。

    Coastal strip country : Country consisting of a small strip of land with an outlet to the sea .

  13. 上海浦东新区地处中国海岸线中点和长江出海口的交汇处

    The Pudong New Area lies at the mid-point of China 's coastline where the Changjiang River empties into the sea

  14. 由于阿拉伯河作为伊拉克的唯一出海口,对它有重要的经济和战略地位;

    Because the Shatt al-Arab River is a unique port , it plays an important role in economy and strategic position .

  15. 南沙炮台是清代虎门炮台群的一部分,在珠江虎门出海口之西岸。

    Nansha humen fort is part of the Qing dynasty enterprise of fort , in pearl river enterprise of west coast .

  16. 哈萨克斯坦地处内陆,积极寻求出海口,希望与我国合作发展物流经济。

    Kazakhstan is situated at the interior , and seeks the estuary positively . It hopes cooperation with our country to develop its logistics economy .

  17. 由于它的地理位置,你拥有关渡大桥到淡水河出海口的美丽景色。

    Due to its location , you may have an excellent view of Guan-Du Bridge , Mount Guan-Yin , and the Tamsui River and its estuary .

  18. 中山港位于江苏沿海突出部的废黄河入海处,是淮河流域和苏北地区理想出海口,经专家论证该处筑港条件优越。

    Zhongshan Harbour is located in the salient of Jiangsu coast where the former Yellow River entered into sea , the ideal exit of The Huaihe River valley .

  19. 营口港作为辽宁中部城市群出海口,在沈阳经济区建设中必将扮演举足轻重的重要角色。

    Yingkou Port as the access to the sea of central city in Liaoning Group , play an important role in " the Shenyang economic zone " building .

  20. 南流江出海口海上工程地质钻探施工是成功的,取得了较好的经济和社会效益。

    For the work of site investigation at the entrance of Nanliujiang River is quite successful , a good economic effect has been received as well as society effect .

  21. 超过六个世纪的时间过去了,这个小小的共和国就坐落在亚得里亚海出海口一个浑浊的泻湖上,却在全球叱咤风云。

    For over six centuries , this tiny republic set down in a muddy 1 ) lagoon at the head of the Adriatic Sea , was a global super power .

  22. 在历史上,俄罗斯为了争夺出海口,占领和控制黑海海峡,与西方列强展开激烈的争夺。

    In history , in order to scrabble for the launch sea mouth , occupancy and control Black Sea channel , Russia and west developed countries involved in a drastic contend .

  23. 报纸称其中的一次红潮周5出现在黄河出海口处并且覆盖了1850平方公里的渤海海域。

    The newspaper said one of the blooms emerged on Friday near the mouth of the Yellow River and covered about 1,850 sq km ( 710 sq miles ) of the Bohai Sea .

  24. 针对河川对港区丁基锡来源贡献调查结果显示爱河有丁基锡化合物有扩散至出海口区域之现象。

    By aiming at the contributions of rivers to the source of butyltin within the harbor districts , the research result shows that butyltin compounds in Love River were found to be diffused to estuaries .

  25. 他说,我们其实并没有合适尺寸的拦油栅,我觉得我们该把用于开阔海域的拦油栅放在大的出海口,但手头的这种拦油栅就是没有那么多。

    ' We really didn 't have the appropriate boom sizes , 'he says . 'I think we would have liked to put out open-water boom at the big passes , but we just didn 't have enough .

  26. 营口港历史悠久,自然地理环境优越,是全国沿海主枢纽港之一,东北第二大港口,是辽宁中部城市群和东北三省最便捷的出海口。

    Yingkou Port has long history and geographical location , and is one of the nation 's coastal hubs , the Northeast 's second largest port , the most convenient outlet of Liaoning central city group and northeastern provinces .

  27. 珠江口是广州市的出海口,珠江口广州海域有着丰富的自然资源及区位优势,但随着经济的不断发展,广州海域的资源环境面临前所未有的压力。

    Guangzhou is located in the coastal waters near the Pearl River Estuary . There are rich resources and convenient advantage of location in Guangzhou Sea , but Guangzhou is undergoing unique pressure from marine resources and environment with the continual development of economy .

  28. 环钦州湾地区位于中国沿海开放地带的南部末端,西部大开发地带中的西南地区出海口,地缘政治经济地位显要突出。

    Qinzhou Bay Region lies in the southern end of Chinese open belt along sea , it is the launching out mouth in southeast area in the large-scale development of the western regions , and its status of geography , politics and economy is of vital importance .

  29. 土库曼斯坦是与我国领土相连的内陆国家,具有丰富的石油和天然气资源;同时,土库曼斯坦由于身处内陆地区,急需出海口发展本国石油产业,也需要邻国的合作。

    Turkmenistan is linked with the landlocked countries of our territory who is rich in oil and gas resources ; the same time , Turkmenistan , is in inland areas as an urgent need to develop their oil industry to the sea , also need the cooperation of neighboring countries .