
chū tínɡ zuò zhènɡ
  • appear in court as a witness;serve as a witness at court
  1. 专家证人作为证人的一种,其出庭作证需要一定的条件;

    Expert witness should have certain qualifications when they appear in court as a witness .

  2. 然而在我国,警察极少以证人身份出庭作证。

    However , in our country , police seldom appear in court as a witness .

  3. 法庭传唤她出庭作证。

    The court subpoenaed her to appear as a witness .

  4. 他们将免受出庭作证的难堪。

    They are to be spared the ordeal of giving evidence in court .

  5. 那位父亲今天出庭作证时,驳斥了自己儿子的证词。

    When the father took the stand today , he contradicted his son 's testimony

  6. 特别委员会有权传唤证人出庭作证。

    Select committees have the power to subpoena witnesses

  7. 接下来的三四天里,将传唤11名证人出庭作证。

    In the next three or four days , eleven witnesses will be called to testify .

  8. 他的妻子在出庭作证的时候为保护他而撒了谎。

    His wife lied to shield him when she took the stand .

  9. 他被传唤出庭作证。

    He was summoned as a witness .

  10. 法庭传唤她出庭作证。

    The court subpoenaed her ( to appear ) as a witness .

  11. 在审判中他出庭作证。

    He appeared as a witness in the trial .

  12. 指纹专家应邀出庭作证。

    The fingerprint expert was asked to testify at the trial .

  13. 刑事鉴识科专家经常在犯罪现场实验室工作,分析DNA,手印,武器犯罪证据,有时候也需要出庭作证。

    Forensic scientists often work in crime scene labs , analyzing DNA , fingerprints , weapons , and other evidence , and sometimes testifying in court .

  14. 他们要求wally出庭作证吗?

    They 're going to put Wally on the stand ?

  15. 在苹果高级副总裁希勒(PhilipSchiller)发表了简短的介绍性证词后,第一天的审理结束。预计周五再次开庭时,希勒还将出庭作证。

    The day wrapped up after brief introductory testimony by Philip Schiller , an Apple senior vice president , who is expected to take the witness stand again when the trial reconvenes Friday .

  16. 如果不是玛丽安娜·巴斯特纳克(MarianaPasternak)那本有关她和“家政女皇”玛莎·斯图尔特(MarthaStewart)从前友谊的“全揭秘”书,我们又怎么会关注她呢?2004年斯图尔特受审时,巴斯特纳克曾出庭作证,之后两人的友谊就结束了。

    Why else would we care about Mariana Pasternak but for her tell-all book about her former friendship with Martha Stewart , which ended after Ms. Pasternak testified at Ms. Stewart 's 2004 trial .

  17. 证人出庭作证制度的权利保障。

    Part four : The protection of the witness 's rights .

  18. 首先,描述了我国鉴定人出庭作证的现状。

    First , describes the present situation of expert witnesses testified .

  19. 论警察出庭作证培训&一个值得关注的问题

    On Training Of Policeman 's Appearing In Court As A Witness

  20. 刑事审判中证人出庭作证现状分析

    In Criminal Judgement Analysing the Situation of Witness Testifying in Lawcourt

  21. 出庭作证的是克拉克的秘书莉迪亚·戴维斯

    Taking the stand was clarke 's secretary , Lydia Davis ,

  22. 证人出庭作证制度之研究

    Research on System of Appearing in Court as a Witness

  23. 司法鉴定人出庭作证的应对技巧

    On Reply Skills of Judicial Expert Witnesses Appearing in Court

  24. 你是否因出庭作证而被豁免呢?

    Were you granted immunity in exchange for your testimony ?

  25. 中国刑事诉讼证人不出庭作证的社会分析

    Social Analysis on the Reasons for Witness 's Vacant in Criminal Suit

  26. 刑事证人出庭作证的几个主要问题

    Main Problems of Appearing in Court as a Criminal Witness

  27. 出庭作证告诉大陪审团你所知道的。

    Go into that grand jury and tell them what you know .

  28. 迈尔斯拒绝就8名检察官解职一事出庭作证。

    Miers refused to testify about the firing of eight US attorneys .

  29. 我不能冒险让她出庭作证

    I can 't risk putting her on the stand .

  30. 他答应出庭作证以获得减刑。

    And is testifying against him in exchange for a reduced sentence .