
chū zhòng
  • be outstanding;outstanding;exceptional;prominent;eminent;be out of the ordinary
出众 [chū zhòng]
  • [outstanding;eminent;prominent] 高出一般人

  • 才华出众

出众[chū zhòng]
  1. 他是位文采出众的作家。

    He is a writer of exceptional literary talent .

  2. 然而,他们拥有令人印象深刻的GMAT成绩,专业和课外成就也相当出众。

    Yet they have impressive GMAT scores along with professional and extracurricular achievements that are nothing less than exceptional .

  3. 他穿着白色晚礼服显得十分出众。

    He cut a striking figure in his white dinner jacket .

  4. 天才出众的孩子可能觉得与班上的同学格格不入。

    Very talented children may feel alienated from the others in their class .

  5. 他们场上场下都表现出众。

    Their conduct both on and off the pitch was excellent .

  6. 她的才智和气质和他一样出众。

    Her mental capacity and temperament are as remarkable as his .

  7. 她一走出众人的视线就开始飞奔起来。

    The moment she was out of sight she broke into a run

  8. 毫无疑问她是我们拥有的最为出众的王后。

    She was surely the most distinguished queen consort we have had .

  9. 大家都说露露智力出众。

    Lulu was said to be of very superior intelligence .

  10. 她以才华出众而闻名。此外,她还非常漂亮。

    She has a reputation for brilliance . Also , she is gorgeous .

  11. 我的老板才智并不出众。

    My boss isn 't a great intellect .

  12. 当我见到马尔科时,我被他出众的着装品位一下子惊到了。

    When I met Marco I was immediately struck by his great dress sense .

  13. 业绩出众的人会获得现金奖励。

    High achievers will receive cash bonuses

  14. 无论口头还是笔头,他的文法和句法都非常出众。

    His grammar and syntax , both in oral and written expression , were much better than the average .

  15. 经济危机使得找到工作几乎成为不可能,就连能力出众的学生都对工作前景不抱希望。

    The economic crisis makes jobs almost impossible to find and even able pupils feel hopeless about job prospects .

  16. 作为外科医生,菲利普才华出众。

    As a surgeon , Philip was exceptionally gifted .

  17. 他读书万卷,才学出众。

    He has read widely and is an outstanding scholar .

  18. 爱德华·费拉尔斯得到她们的好评并不是由于他的人品或谈吐特别出众。

    Edward Ferrars was not recommended to their good opinion by any peculiar graces of person or address .

  19. 然而,那些课上浏览网页的学生确实在考试中表现更差,无论他们之前入学考试的成绩如何,这表明即使是学习成绩最为出众的学生也会因课上分散注意力而受到消极影响。

    But students who surfed the web during class did worse on their exams regardless of their ACT scores , suggesting that even the academically smartest students are harmed when they 're distracted in class .

  20. 虽然对碳排放造成损害的预测各有差异,而且的确也难以预测可能发生的灾难性气候事件造成的可能代价,但是大多数预测都显示出众多负面影响。

    While   alternative   estimates   of   the   damage   from   carbon   emissions differ ,   and   it 's   especially   hard   to   reckon   the   likely   costs   of   possible   catastrophic   climate   events ,   most   estimates   suggest   substantial   negative   effects .

  21. 漂亮服务员经济指数(HotWaitressEconomicIndex)指通过计算长相出众的人从事服务员职业的人数来预测经济形势的指数。

    Hot Waitress Economic Index is an index that indicates the state of the economy by measuring the number of attractive people working as waiters / waitresses .

  22. 几个候选人因他们犀利的观点出众

    A few candidates stood out for the incisiveness of their arguments .

  23. 缓解肌肤的干燥状况,同时带来柔嫩、紧致和光滑的出众效果。

    Dry complexions are replenished , feel soft , firm and smooth to the touch .

  24. 他那男子气的美和出众的优雅风度马上成了大家赞扬的话题

    His manly beauty and more than common gracefulness were instantly the theme of general admiration .

  25. 米其林一星被归为“同类别中出众的餐厅”。

    One Michelin star was classified as " a very good restaurant in its category . "

  26. 以审美的标准来评判,相貌出众的人毕竟是少数,我们大部分人也不过相貌平平。

    Asthetically " beautiful " people are in the minority , the majority of us are NOT beautiful .

  27. 因为通常都认为长相出众的人在经济形势良好的时候,想找份高薪的工作并不困难。

    It is assumed that attractive individuals do not tend to have trouble finding high-paying jobs during good economic times .

  28. 上镜的土豆指的就是那些本人长得并不出众,却很上镜的人。

    Photato ( Photogenic Potato ) refers to someone that looks good in a photo , but looks ugly in person .

  29. “软面行李箱”指才能出众、能同时处理多项任务的员工通常会接手一个又一个任务,就像软面行李箱一样可以拓展出空间来装更多的东西。

    Soft-sided luggage refers to an employee whose talent and multi-tasking abilities allows him or her to take on assignment after assignment .

  30. “美貌催眠”指因为某人外形实在出众,以至于他们的另一半会忽视他们性格中挺严重的一些缺点,心甘情愿继续被他们催眠。

    Hotness hypnosis describes the situation when one finds their partner so physically attractive that he / she is overlooking the serious flaws in their personality and continues to willingly remain under their trance .