
chū miáo lǜ
  • Emergence rate;rate of emergence
  1. 结果表明:1)所用能量和剂量的重离子~7Li和~(12)C对种子的田间出苗率无明显影响;

    The main results are as follows : 1 ) The effects of heavy ions ~ 7Li and ~ ( 12 ) C irradiation on the rate of emergence are insignificant ;

  2. 2.4-D溶液也可在不同程度上提高种子出苗率及苗木年生长量。

    2 , 4-D solution could increase both the rate of emergence and growth .

  3. N离子注入对陆地棉发芽率和出苗率的影响

    Effects of N ion implantation on the germinating ratio and sprouting ratio in Upland Cotton

  4. 聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)提高苜蓿出苗率的研究

    Study on increase of clovers burgeon rate by using PAM

  5. 6-BA的动态效应对桉树组培出苗率的影响

    Dynamic Effect of 6-BA on Eucalyptus Tissue Culture Seedling Yield

  6. 采用猪粪/玉米秸秆型育苗基质进行茄子穴盘育苗时,除了处理F以外,所有处理的茄子的出苗率均达到80%以上,达到了CK的水平;

    Using pig manure / corn straw media to seedling , emergence rate of all treatments can get to 80 % except for treatment F.

  7. 不论何种夏季气候型,遮阳网覆盖均明显地提高了出苗率,但产品内涵品质如VC,蛋白质等含量均下降,硝酸盐积累也增多。

    Compared with non-shading culture , the product internal quality , such as content of vitamin C and protein decreased , but nitrate accumulation increased .

  8. 用福鼎大白茶等11个品种为材料,通过测定花粉生活力及作杂交亲本组合试验,观察其结实率、F1出苗率和茶苗生长势,对茶树的孕性进行了研究。

    The fertility of tea plant has been investigated on 11 tea varieties by determining the pollen viability , fertility rate , emergence rate and growth vigor of F_1 generation .

  9. 播后3d浇水比播后16d浇水的田间出苗率提高29.5%。

    Watering 3-day later after sowing increased seedling ratio by 26.5 % , compared with 16-day later after sowing .

  10. 免耕秸秆覆盖除RSS外均能显著提高马铃薯的出苗率和产量,但是出苗较传统耕种迟缓且不整齐。

    No-tillage with stubble retention could improve the emergence rate and yield , except RSS , but emergence was late and no order .

  11. 实验测定指标包括出苗率、生物量和根茎长、产量、光合作用、根系活力以及叶中ABA含量。

    Determination indices include the rate of seedling , biomass , root and stem length , output , root vigor , and the ABA contents in the leaves .

  12. 沙埋深度0·5cm条件下,4个物种具有最高的出苗率和出苗速率。

    In general , a 0.5 cm sowing depth resulted in the highest seedling emergence and emergence rate .

  13. “苍山蒜”播后20d,出苗率随处理天数增加而呈递减趋势。

    " Cangshan " cloves sprouted the latest and the sprouting rate showed a decreasing trend .

  14. 播种后10d的出苗率较空白对照降低了5%~25%。

    There was 5 % ~ 25.0 % of the seeding number less than the control 10 days after sowing .

  15. 90%以上种芽伸长5~10mm时播种出苗率98%;

    And when germ length of 90 % of seeds was 5 ~ 10mm , the emergence rate of seedlings was 98 % ;

  16. 结果表明对花后60d的里扎玛特和巨峰的幼胚进行胚培养,其发芽率和成苗率显著高于层积处理后催芽播种的种子的发芽率与出苗率。

    The results indicated that the germination rate and seedling rate of the embryo culture were higher than those of insemination .

  17. 有效提高了种子出苗率和生物量,减小了成坪天数(P0.05)。(3)客土喷播防护技术相比普通喷播技术首先能为裸露边坡创造有利于生态恢复治理的良好基础。

    The seed germination rate and biomass were improved effectively , the mature time were decreased ( P0.05 ) . ( 3 ) Soil spray sowing protection can create a good basis for ecological restoration compared with ordinary spray sowing technology of bare slope .

  18. 结果表明:除珊瑚树Viburnumodoratissimum及大果马蹄荷Exbucklandiatonkinensis的出苗率较低之外,其他12种的出苗率均≥60%。

    Except for Viburnum odoratissimum and Exbucklandia tonkinensis , seedling rates of the other 12 species were ≥ 60 % .

  19. 随着种植世代的增加,辐照后代的出苗率逐渐恢复,辐照M3代的平均出苗率为92.5%,和对照材料无明显差异。

    The emergence of offspring of irradiation is gradual recovery as cultivation of generations increases . The average germination rate was 92.5 % in irradiation generation M3 , and no significant difference between the control material . 2 .

  20. 要达到50%以上的出苗率,不论覆盖何种土壤,覆盖厚度以0.5cm最好,大粒草种覆土厚度应小于3.0cm;

    0.5 cm soil covering thickness could obtain 50 % above emergence rate whatever soil types were covered .

  21. 通过2%NaOH溶液处理、浓H2SO4溶液处理或干湿交替处理,可使砧木山楂种子次年萌发并提高出苗率,不同种的山楂种子所适用的最佳处理方式不同。

    Pretreatments of hawthorn seeds with 2 % NaOH 、 98 % H_2SO_4 and alternation of drying-wetting could improve seed germination rate and seedling rate and could sprout well in the next spring .

  22. 实验表明,此修复材料对种植40d后的油菜的出苗率无显著影响,而对叶长、叶宽等形态有明显影响。

    The experiment indicated that this material did not produce much influence on the germinating rate of rape 40 days after planting .

  23. 幼胚诱导获得的愈伤组织颜色、质地和对潮霉素(Hyg)耐受性都优于成熟胚获得的愈伤组织,生长速度和分化出苗率都高于成熟胚获得的愈伤组织。

    The colour , the quality , the growth speed and the rate of regeneration of young embryonic callus are better than mature embryonic callus .

  24. 结果表明:SP1代种子的发芽率、发芽势提高而出苗率和成苗率均降低。

    The results showed that the emergence rate and seeding rate were decreased with the increase of germination rate and its force , and little variation of the characters of SP 1 generation ;

  25. 出苗率均有所提高,0.8A处理组最为显著;

    The seed germination ratio of the groups treated with plasma was increased , among which 0.8A group was profoundly improved most ;

  26. 播种方法对比试验表明,采用先装土至容器袋上口10cm,然后点种、盖土可提高出苗率。

    The contrast test of seeding method shows that the rate of emergence can be increased if puts soil up to 1.0 cm lower the container mouth , then dibbles in the seeds and covers with soil .

  27. 通过对在朝阳县十二台苗圃对沙棘种不同催芽程度后播种试验研究表明:在催芽过程中,待有70%~90%芽伸长2~4mm时进行播种,出苗率85%;

    Experiment of sowing after germ accelerating in the nursery of Chaoyang County showed that when germ length of 70 % ~ 90 % of seeds was 2 ~ 4mm , the emergence rate of seedlings was 85 % ;

  28. 播种时间最好在4~5月份;播种采用种子基部直立向下插入基质中,然后覆盖土0.5cm的方法可提高出苗率。

    The optimum seed sowing period is between April and May . To sow seeds in upright position and cover with 0 5 cm soil resulted the highest percentage of germination .

  29. 通过对种子的特殊处理和催眠进行南方红豆杉播种育苗,可使发芽期从2~3a缩短为3~4个月,并可提高发芽率和出苗率,当年生苗平均高12cm。

    Special treatment and hypnosis of Taxus chinensis var. mairei seed could shorten development stage from 2 ~ 3 years to 3 ~ 4 months , increase germination ratio and emergence rate of seedling .

  30. 15min后冷水冲洗3~5次,用冷水浸种24h并在室温下堆积催芽处理后,其苗木出苗率和保苗率均可达80%以上。

    And then wash them for 3 to 4 times after 15 minutes , soak seeds in cold water for 24 hours , force buds by deposition at room temperature , both the rate of emergence and rate of reservation can reach up to 80 % .