
chū xí
  • attend;in attendance;be present;presence;turn out;put in an appearance;go along;be
出席 [chū xí]
  • [attend;put in an appearance] 到会

  • 出席会议

  • 候选人在一个晚上出席了五个集会

出席[chū xí]
  1. 我因有约在先,无法出席。

    I was unable to attend because of a previous engagement .

  2. 我们希望出席的人越多越好。

    We 'd like as many people as possible to attend .

  3. 有几位国家元首出席了葬礼。

    Several heads of state were in attendance at the funeral .

  4. 出席的有200人,而前一年是300人。

    200 attended , as opposed to 300 the previous year .

  5. 副总统代表总统出席了这次庆典。

    The President was represented at the ceremony by the Vice-President .

  6. 全镇的居民都出席了集会。

    The entire population of the town was at the meeting .

  7. 所有要员都出席了典礼。

    All the top brass was / were at the ceremony .

  8. 她同意出席但不愿发言。

    She agreed to attend but jibbed at making a speech .

  9. 出席会议的人数比预期的多一倍。

    Double the expected number of people came to the meeting .

  10. 他每天都要出席,这很重要。

    It is important that he should attend every day .

  11. 由于工作紧张她不能出席。

    She was unable to attend because of the pressures of work .

  12. 由于某种个人原因,我将不能出席。

    For certain personal reasons I shall not be able to attend .

  13. 他每天都要出席,这很重要。

    It is important for him to attend every day .

  14. 他家里有人去世了,所以不能出席会议。

    A family bereavement meant that he could not attend the conference .

  15. 她觉得答应过了就应该出席。

    She felt honour bound to attend as she had promised to .

  16. 因事先有别的安排,她将不能出席。

    She will be unable to attend because of a prior engagement .

  17. 总统带病去出席那个仪式。

    The President left his sickbed to attend the ceremony .

  18. 邀请了十人,只有五人出席。

    Ten people were invited but only five turned up .

  19. 队长身体欠佳,将不会出席今晚的比赛。

    The captain is still unfit and will miss tonight 's game .

  20. 90%的股东出席了会议。

    The meeting was attended by 90 % of shareholders .

  21. 此次会议有来自56个国家的代表出席。

    The conference was attended by delegates from 56 countries .

  22. 见到这么多名人出席,似乎令她惊叹不已。

    She seemed awed by the presence of so many famous people .

  23. 有200人出席会议。

    There were 200 people present at the meeting .

  24. 我们假定了每一个人都会应邀出席并正就此作出安排。

    We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up .

  25. 她的出席使那场面增添了几分光彩。

    Her presence lent the occasion a certain dignity .

  26. 格林女士请我代表她出席会议。

    Ms Green has asked me to deputize for her at the meeting .

  27. 今天晚上出席座谈会的有两位政界人士。

    We have two politicians on tonight 's panel .

  28. 参加上述会议,请准时出席。

    Please be prompt when attending these meetings .

  29. 基督教所有教派的人都出席了这次会议。

    Christians of all denominations attended the conference .

  30. 出席的人数比预期的要少。

    The numbers attending fell short of expectations .