
mín gōng
  • migrant worker;migrant labourer;rural labourer;a labourer working on a public project;out-of-town labourer;laborer working on a public project
民工 [mín gōng]
  • [labourer working on a public project] 由农村流动到城市、主要从事修建、运输的农民;也指被动员参加修路、筑坝或帮助军队运输等工作的人

民工[mín gōng]
  1. 民工生活苦于一般城里人。

    The migrant workers are worse off than the average city dwellers .

  2. 这个剧本以民工生活为题材。

    The theme of the play is the life of migrant workers .

  3. 12所民工子弟小学麻疹病毒IgG抗体总阳性率为45.83%。

    The total positive rate of antibody IgG was 45 . 83 % .

  4. 2001年在流动儿童和外来民工子弟学校学生中,开展了MV的强化免疫,共接种56566人,接种率为98.67%。

    Since 2001,56 566 floating children and students were vaccinated with MV , the rate was 98.67 % .

  5. 总部位于香港的劳动者权益组织中国劳工通讯(ChinaLaborBulletin)援引来自深圳市计划生育办公室的数据,指出深圳市可能还存在600万未登记的民工。

    China Labor Bulletin , a Hong Kong-based worker rights lobby , cites figures from the city 's family planning bureau that suggest there could be another 6m unregistered migrants in the city .

  6. 并对民工荒问题的利弊、民工荒的价值以及民工荒和WTO的劳工标准、社会倾销等重要问题结合起来进行深刻反思;

    Also profoundly turns over the advantages and disadvantages of the Worker shortage problem , the value of " workers shortage " and the WTO labor standards , social dumping , and other important issues .

  7. BEAN在帮助民工子弟社区中心筹建一个图书馆,志愿者们可以充分利用图书馆的资源来分小组教学生们阅读。

    BEAN is supporting the community center by providing them with a library , so the volunteers will use the books from this library to teach the students in small reading groups .

  8. 方法:对学校学生分布调查分析,用多阶段、先整群后简单随机抽样方法从12座民工子弟小学各年级段中随机抽取240名学生,进行IgG抗体测定和调查。

    Methods One sample of 240 students was recruited using a multistage cluster sampling design from 12 elementary school of migrant laborers ' children . Measles antibody IgG testing and questionnaire interview were finished .

  9. 方法采用SCL-90、EPQ,随机抽取东北地区四个城市470名民工进行调查,并与国内常模进行比较。

    Methods By the SCL-90 and EPQ , a sample of 470 peasant workers selected from four northeastern cities at random were tested and compared to usual models .

  10. 目的:用IgG抗体测定,对12座民工子弟小学学生进行麻疹抗体水平调查,并开展免疫状况调查,为丽水市计划免疫工作提供科学依据。民工荒产生的原因及对策研究

    Objective To test the level of measles antibody IgG and investigate immunity status quo in the migrant laborers ' children . Research on the Reason and the Countermeasure of the Shortage of Rural Migrant Laborers

  11. 外来民工HI抗体阳性率为72.96%,GMT为1∶2.14,各年龄组之间,抗体阳性率及GMT经统计学处理差异无显著性。

    The HI antibody positive rate and GMT of the builders from outside were 72.96 % , 1: 2.14 respectively . There were no significant differences of positive rate and GMT of the builders between various age groups .

  12. 结果民工SCL-90的9个因子分均值及阳性项目数均显著高于国内常模(P<0.001),女性民工有5个因子分均值及阳性项目数显著高于男性民工(P<0.05);

    Results Nine factors ' scores and number of positive items of SCL-90 were higher than those of usual models ( P < 0.001 ); and female peasant workers had higher scores of five factors than male peasant workers ( P < 0.05 ) .

  13. 方法对石景山区2所民工子弟学校三~六年级学生进行0.5a的健康干预,对干预前后2次问卷调查结果进行健康知识知晓率、健康行为形成率的效果评估。

    Methods A half-a-year health intervention was conducted among students in grade 2-6 in school of peasant workers ' children in Shijingshan District in Beijing . Impact evaluation was carried out based on the results of questionnaire surveys before and after the intervention .

  14. 城市民工生存状况透视

    On the Life - state of the Peasant Workers in City

  15. 正视民工与用人单位之间的法律关系

    Face Up to the Legal Relationship Between Immigration Workers and Employees

  16. 苏北外来民工子女教育现状的调查研究

    A Survey on Educational Situation of Migrant Children from Northern Jiangsu

  17. 论工程款和民工工资拖欠问题产生的原因及对策

    Factors and Strategies of Delaying Project Fund and Workers ' Salary

  18. 别用你的民工腔调说,伙计。

    Don 't sound like a fag , either , man .

  19. 上海市民工子女教育问题研究

    The Study on Education Problem of Mobility Family Children in Shanghai

  20. 小学民工子女的自我概念和行为问题

    Behavioral disorders and self-concept of children of farmer-workers in primary schools

  21. 赵教授进一步建议民工参加技能培训。

    Professor Zhao further suggested migrant workers to join skill trainings .

  22. 广东省东莞市女性民工潮调查报告

    A Survey of the Female Labour Force in Dongguan , Guangdong

  23. 我国东南民工荒问题的经济学分析

    The economic analysis on farm - worker shortage in south China

  24. 工会组织缺位下的工人个人谈判博弈&兼论我国民工的策略抑制问题

    Employees ' Individual Negotiation with the Absence of the Labor Union

  25. 农民、民工与权利保护&法律与平等的一个视角

    Peasant s , Peasant Workers And Rights Protection-speculation on Law and Equality

  26. 回流民工创业的乘数效应分析

    Analysis of Multiplier Effect on Backflow Rural Laborers ' Enterprises

  27. 如果需要的话我会派更多的民工去帮你。

    If necessary , I would send more farm-hands to help you .

  28. 每天成千上万的民工涌入大城市。

    Thousands of farmers pour into big cities every day .

  29. 民工犯罪原因及其预防

    The reason of the worker crime and it prevent from

  30. 民工荒与我国劳动力优势

    The Lack of Labor Force and the Advantage of China Labor Force