
  1. 民俗传承元素在儿童计划免疫IEC传播策略中的应用

    A Pretest Study on the Application of Folklore Transmission Element in Health Communication Materials of Childhood Immunization IEC Strategies

  2. 商业神祖崇拜的民俗传承

    Traditional Particular Forms of the Folk Customs on Commercial Deities Worship

  3. 彝族花鼓舞;民间仪式;艺术展演;民俗传承。

    Yi Flower-drum dance ; folk ritual ; art performance ; folklore inheritance .

  4. 育儿是典型的民俗传承事象之一,它衔接着人类的过去、现在与未来。

    Child rearing is a typical part of folklore heritage , a bridge linking the past , the present and the future .

  5. 萧红的《呼兰河传》批判了呼兰河城一些骇人听闻的日常生活、落后的民俗传承、愚昧的习惯势力、泯灭的生命意识;

    Xiao Hong 's Hulanhe Zhuan ( Portraits of Hulanle ) is criticism on Hulanhe City : its horrible daily lives , backward customs ; uncivilized traditional powers , desolated consciousness of life ;

  6. 毛南族傩舞文化的几种传承方式的优劣势对比:家庭(家族)传承的局限性;民俗传承的缺失与缺乏;社会传承。

    First , the Maonan exorcise the way cultural heritage of several advantages and disadvantages : the family ( family ) heritage of limitations ; folk heritage of the missing and the lack of ; social heritage .

  7. 认为当代民俗传承调查研究,应紧紧围绕民俗传承主体群兼性身份之间的互动关系而展开,全面考察民俗纵向传承和横向传播的完整动态过程。

    It concludes that contemporary folklore inheritance study should focus on the interactive relations of its inheritance subject groups ' multi-identities and survey the complete dynamic process integrated by folklore longitudinal passing-on and horizontal spreading in a full way .

  8. 日本犬民俗的传承及其文化内涵

    The Heritage and Cultural Connotation of Japanese Dog 's Folk Custom

  9. 论校本课程开发与教育民俗的传承

    On school-based curriculum development and the inheriting of educational folk-custom

  10. 民族民俗文化传承形态研究

    A Study of the Handed down Formation of Folk Culture

  11. 民俗的传承、创新及其旅游开发

    The Inheritance , Innovations And Tourism Development of Folk Custom

  12. 中国人在传统社会里,通过长期的民俗的传承,形成独特的思维定式。

    In traditional society , the Chinese took shape the regular thinking ways through folklore 's continuity .

  13. 为了更好的保护生土窑洞这种珍贵的传统民居,将这种建筑形式在民间形成的宝贵的施工经验、构造参数以及民俗习惯传承并加以保护。

    In order to protect this precious traditional houses , the valuable civil construction experience , the structural parameters and the folklore of this architectural forms are gathered .

  14. 本文介绍和分析日本犬民俗的传承,以从一个侧面加深对日本文化的理解,同时也了解中日文化之异同。

    This article introduces and analyzes the heritage of Japanese dog 's folk custom to deepen the understanding of Japanese culture and the cultural differences between Japan and China .

  15. 一个民族的存在,必须有它自己的民族文化,而民俗的传承正是民族文化的组成部分。

    The existence and development of a nation cannot do without its own national culture . The transmission and inheritance of folk customs are the constituent elements of national culture .

  16. 进而以此为依据并结合相关材料归纳出家庭传承、劝课农桑传承、作坊及工厂传承、学校教育传承、农业推广传承以及民俗器物传承等六种不同的模式。

    It is based on this while combining the related materials that the six different models are inducted , including family heritage , urging sericulture as tradition , workshops and factories heritage , schools and education heritage , agriculture heritage and folk objects heritage .

  17. 但是,随着社会的发展,民俗的传承与发展遇到各种阻碍因素,面临着严峻的形势,其中蕴含的德育内容更是被人们忽视,导致其功能无法发挥。

    However , with the development of the society , the inheritance and development of the folk custom are encountering various obstacles and facing the grim situation . Particularly , the moral education embodied in it is neglected , leading to the poor functions .

  18. 然而,保护节日信仰是传统节日民俗文化得以传承的关键。

    The protection holiday belief is the key which the traditional festival folk custom culture inherits .

  19. 文章认为文化选择法则是民俗文化在传承与变异中互动发展的基本原因。

    So the author in the paper advances that the law of cultural selection is basic reasons of interaction change in the in-heritance and variation of folkways culture .

  20. 节庆作为一种民俗事象传承着族群﹨民族的传说、禁忌、仪式和知识,同时也维系着人们相互之间的感情。

    Festival as a sort of folklore items inherits legend , taboo , ritual and knowledge of ethnic group / nation , and maintains mutual affection between people .

  21. 摘要文章就民俗文化的传承形态进行了分析,认为民俗作为一个特殊的文化系统,在传承过程中,其整体结构由外化和内化两种形态构成。

    Based on analyzing the handed down formation of folk culture , this article deems that the folk custom is a special cultural system , its whole structure is formed of external and internal formations in the handed down course .

  22. 在现代经济与文化一体化的世界大趋势和人类文化发展的推动下,民俗文化的传承与经济的关系是值得关注的。

    In modern times , with the trend of integration of economy and culture , as well as the impetus due to the development of human culture , the relation between comedown of folklore culture and economy surely deserves our attention .

  23. 在民俗文化的传承过程中,民间美术一直扮演着十分重要的角色。它扎根于人民群众之中,反映了人民的思想和审美喜好,美化了人民的生活,深受人民喜爱。

    In the folk custom culture inheritance process , the folk fine art are acting the extremely important role continuously , it takes root in the people , Reflected people 's thought and the esthetic hobby , beautify people 's life , deeply is liked the people .

  24. 上海城市民俗文化遗产的传承机制及主要形式

    On the Mechanism and Major Forms of Inheritance of Shanghai Urban Folk Cultures

  25. 中国医药民俗的形成与传承,与宗教有关。

    The formation and development of China ′ s medical folklore are related to religion .

  26. 风水自古以来都是中华民族进行选宅选址的民俗文化和经验传承。

    Geomancy has always been the folk culture and experience inheritance concerning residential location choosing for Chinese nation .

  27. 包括班社的历史沿革、班社现状及构成特点、传承手段、社会民俗活动中的传承等。

    Class society , including the historical evolution , the status quo and constitute a tradition , folk activity , social tradition , etc.

  28. 在传统文化被消解的前提下,笔者论述了春节联欢晚会所具有的民俗特征和民俗传承。

    In the traditional culture is the premise of digestion , the author discusses the Spring Festival with folk features and folk heritage .

  29. 民俗文化的地方传承也就是在历史上被一再建构的地方性象征体系,其中若干重要文化事象具有标志性意义。

    The local heritance of folk culture is the representative system that has been re-constructed over and again , among which many important cultural images bear symbolic meanings .

  30. 对民俗文化在长期传承中主题的衍化问题,文章通过对具体事例的分析也作了简要论述,同时指出了蕴涵在民间美术形象符号中民俗文化长期以来对广大民众的影响。

    The subject evolved the question to the folk custom culture in the long-term inheritance , the article through has also made the brief elaboration to the concrete instance analysis .