
  1. 社会各阶层,宫廷画、士大夫画、民间画各成体系,又相互影响。

    All sectors of the community , court painting , literati paintings , folk art into the system , and the mutual influence .

  2. 中国的绘画大体分为文人画、民间画、画家画,其绘画风格与画家的个性特征密切相关。

    The Chinese paintings can be divided into literal painting , folk painting and painters ' painting . All the paintings have a close relation with the painters ' personal characteristics .

  3. 我的民间艺术画是一个童话世界。

    My folk art paintings are a world of fairy tales .

  4. 民间水陆画之非物质文化属性及其保护

    Non-Material Attribute of Sacred Pictures in China and Their Protection

  5. 长江古代文化与民间木版画

    Ancient Changjiang River Culture and the Folk Woodcut Painting

  6. 中国创作性版画的发展梅山民间木版画艺术

    The Development of the Creative Woodblock in China The Meishan Folk Woodblock Print

  7. 试论民间木版画的媒体功能

    On the Medium Function of the Folk Woodcut

  8. 由于北京灯画的典型性和绘画成就,故选择北京灯画作为民间灯画研究的切入点。

    Because typicality and achievement of painting of the folk painting on lantern of Beijing , Choose it As the breakthrough point of research on Folk painting on lantern .

  9. 从研究我国的民间木版画生态的完整性上来讲,研究这两地的民间木版画的意义是显见的。

    From the study of folk woodcutting of " ecological " in terms of the integrity of our country , to study the two places the significance of folk woodcutting is visible .

  10. 民间美术与文人画是我们中华民族文化的两条脉路,共同构成中华民族的母体文化,究竟是文人绘画还是民间造型艺术代表着中国传统造型艺术体系,这是无意义的命题。

    The two trains of thought of Chinese national culture are made up of folk fine arts and scholar painting , both of which form the parent culture of Chinese nation . So it is a meaningless proposition about which of the two representing Chinese traditional plastic arts system .