
  1. 广西富川百柱庙建筑彩绘的保护修复研究

    Research on protection and restoration of colored paintings in Baizhu Temple , Fuchuan , Guangxi province

  2. 炕围画,是地域性很强的一种民间绘画形式,是壁画、年画、建筑彩绘的复合体。

    Kang Wai paintings , is a strong regional folk art form of murals , pictures , construction of the complex painting .

  3. 泉州地区清代古建筑彩绘为数不少,富有鲜明的地方特色,但保存现状不尽人意,且这门技艺后继乏人。

    There is lot of color decoration on heritage building of Qing dynasty in Quanzhou Region without well maintenance , and this skill is lack of worthy successors .

  4. 蒙古国博格达汗宫建筑木构件彩绘工艺及材料分析

    The Analysis of Techniques and Materials about the Paintings on the Wood Structural Components of Mongolia Bogda Khan Palace