
  • 网络Architectural Landscape Design;Landscape Architecture
  1. 当代建筑景观设计中的文化传承与创新&解读贝聿铭先生的苏州博物馆新馆设计理念

    Inheritance and Innovation of Culture in Contemporary Architectural Landscape Design

  2. 建筑景观设计领域与虚拟技术相联系、相融合的环节正在日益增多。

    The architectural landscape design and virtual contact link integration is an increasing number .

  3. 生态脆弱区的生物气候学建筑景观设计&河西走廊古浪地区景观规划

    Bioclimatic architecture and landscape design in weak-ecosystem region & Landscape plan of gulang in Hexi corridor

  4. 建筑景观设计的若干思考&建筑景观与人的精神需求的关系

    Some Thoughts on the Architectural Landscape & The Relationship Between Architectural Landscape and the Spiritual Needs

  5. 其中水景以独特多样的形式成为建筑景观设计的重要组成部分。

    Among them , the waterscapes become a very important part because of their unique and various styles .

  6. 它在计算机动画、电脑游戏、影视特技、文化宗教、军事仿真、建筑景观设计、休闲旅游、虚拟现实等领域都有非常广泛的应用。

    It has been found wide application in many domains such as computer animation , computer games , special effects of movie , culture , religion , battlefield simulation , landscaping , architecture , virtual reality , etc.

  7. LOMA建筑及景观设计事务所

    LOMA & Architects and Landscape Designers

  8. 纽约建筑师安娜贝勒·塞尔道夫(AnnabelleSelldorf)正在整修这两个现存的较老的建筑,景观设计公司里德·希尔德布兰德(ReedHilderbrand)正在重新布置庭院。

    The New York architect Annabelle Selldorf is renovating both of the existing older structures , and the landscape firm Reed Hilderbrand is reconfiguring the grounds .

  9. 建筑和景观设计部的领导到风景园林学士学位(BLA)的研究提供了一个经认可的五年课程。

    The Department of Architecture and Landscape Architecture offers an accredited five-year course of study leading to a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture ( BLA ) .

  10. 不列颠哥伦比亚大学的建筑和景观设计学院提供CACB认可的建筑大师。

    The University of British Columbia 's School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture offers a CACB accredited Masters of Architecture .

  11. 武汉龙王庙商贸广场建筑及景观设计

    Architectural & Landscape Design for Wuhan Dragon King Temple Commercial Trade Plaza

  12. 我们的使命在于根据生态可持续发展原则,创造创新的建筑和景观设计。

    Our mission is to create innovative architecture and landscape design according to eco-sustainable principles .

  13. 建筑与景观设计的统一&重庆育才经开中学建筑与景观设计有感

    Unity of Architecture and Landscape Design

  14. 浅谈水工建筑的景观设计

    Landscape design of hydraulic construction

  15. 对城市建筑景观造型设计的探讨&天津市大港区街景改造

    The Model Design of Urban Building Landscape , A Case Study of the Street Landscape Reformation of Dagang District in Tianjing

  16. 我国现代户外建筑、景观设计的空间定位和环境设计尚不完善,对户外公共观演空间的研究很少涉及,没有明确定位。

    The space location and environment design of modern outdoor building and landscape are not consummate . People devoted little research on performing-spectating space .

  17. 并以沈阳市铁西旧工业居住区中比较有代表性的“工人村”为实例,阐述了建筑景观生态设计方法和居住生态建筑的设计方法在居住环境的生念设计中实际运用。

    And therefore is able to suggest some measures and methods of improving future plans A biological design for a residential environment is made by using Shenyang Tiexi .

  18. 导致了城市建筑屋顶景观设计的设计定位不清晰、空间组织形式单一、景观设计手法零乱等。

    Led to the design of the urban building rooftop landscape design positioning is not clear , the form of a single spatial organization of landscape design practices messy .

  19. 那些错误的城市、建筑和景观设计,使得世界上最伟大的国家却让一堆帝国主义的劣质品取代了自己独特的文化。

    And they 're not just about the world 's largest communist regime replacing the last shreds of its own culture with bad copies of imperialism 's worst mistakes .

  20. 建筑和景观设计的开放性、创新性带动了城市户外公共观演空间的研究,休闲经济、旅游经济的发展给户外公共观演空间的建设提供了新的动力。

    Building and landscape design has promoted research of city outdoor public performing-spectating space by its adaptability and creativity . Development of leisure and tourism economic provide new power to its construct .

  21. 同时,现代商业街区的设计师和开发商们也明确认识到商业空间建筑、景观设计应该承担城市公共空间的职责,以吸引更多的消费者前往消费。

    At the same time , the modern high-density commercial district designer and the developers also is clear realized the commercial space construction and landscape design should undertake the city public space responsibility , attracts more consumers .

  22. 本文介绍了该艺术风格的宗教背景、风格特征以及它在建筑与景观设计、家俱设计、手工艺品设计方面的影响,并力图通过对这种风格的分析,倡导一种朴素的设计理念。

    This article analyses its denominational influence background , the character of this style and its effect on architecture , furniture design , handcrafts and landscape design , and tries to advocate the simply-design-style through the introduction and analysis .

  23. logon罗昂是德国独资的国际设计公司,主要从事城市规划设计、建筑设计和景观设计,充分满足客户的具体需求。

    We are a German-based international design office that integrates urban planning , architecture and landscape design to respond to our clients'specific challenges .

  24. 约翰H丹尼尔斯在多伦多多伦多大学建筑,景观和设计学院也认可的本科和研究生学位。

    The John H.Daniels Faculty of Architecture , Landscape and Design at the University of Toronto in Toronto is also accredited for both undergraduate and graduate degrees .

  25. 建筑形体在景观设计中的作用分析

    Analysis on the functions of architectural form and structure in landscape design

  26. 色彩在建筑和城市景观设计中的应用和作用

    Application of color in design of architecture and urban view

  27. 并着重从基地使用、建筑布局、景观设计、空间组织等角度探讨了控制性详规中山水景观保护与再创的原则和方法;

    Emphasize land use , building layout , landscape design and spatial organization .

  28. 对海洋博物馆进行有目的的建筑和景观规划设计。

    Maritime Museum for a purpose of the architectural and landscape planning and design .

  29. 让建筑规划与景观设计更趋艺术化、高品味化。

    AREARFEI tries to deliver architectures and landscapes with high level of artistry and taste .

  30. 霍克提供建筑设计,景观设计和新的可持续发展的设计服务500000平方英尺,绿色建筑?认证的酒店。

    HOK provided architectural design , landscape design and sustainable design services for the new500,000-square-foot , LEED ? certified hotel .