
  1. 建筑垃圾处理与循环经济

    Disposal of the Construction Waste and Recycling Economy

  2. 政府必须制定强制性的建筑垃圾处理的专项法规,以推动再生混凝土&这一新型绿色混凝土在我国的迅速发展。

    The government must establish compulsory special statute for the treatment of building waste , to promote the quick development of recycled concrete , a sort of new-style green concrete , at our country .

  3. 资源的枯竭使得环境问题日益恶化,而大量的建筑垃圾处理费用也相当惊人,并由此引发的环境问题和社会公害也很多。

    The exhaustion of nature resource make the environment problems more severely and that the handling charges of construction waste is very high , and it also cause a lot of environmental problems and social harmful effect .

  4. 国外建筑垃圾的处理对我国的借鉴

    Using Foreign Experience for Reference in Our Treatment Techniques of Construction Wastes

  5. 目前,这些建筑垃圾的处理办法主要是运往郊外弃置或填埋,这既占用土地又影响环境。

    Presently , method dealing with construction waste mainly is to transport and place it to environs or bury it underground .

  6. 生产工艺分为四个步骤:建筑垃圾预处理人工筛分破碎筛分四个简单步骤。

    Production process is divided into four steps : building junk pretreatment - artificially screening - broken - screening four simple steps .

  7. 壮年大楼短命爆破的类似新闻,这些年来持续不断,在我国城市建设繁荣的背后,暗藏着巨大的浪费,同时存在着材料资源短缺,循环利用率低,大量建筑垃圾无法处理等问题。

    In our country , after prosperous city construction , there is large waste , shortage of material resources , low efficiency of circulated use , disposal of large building refuse .

  8. 建筑垃圾的传统处理方法为简单的填埋或堆置,其弊端较多。

    The traditional method to process the C & D waste including burying and stacking has many disadvantages .

  9. 建筑垃圾传统的处理途径主要是作回填材料和加固软土地基等,但其利用率与其产量和存量相比还很低,还应该继续探索其新的利用途径。

    The main traditional approaches about comprehensive utilization of construction waste were reinforcing soft ground base and landfill .

  10. 该法能大幅地提高承载力、降低沉降并能消除建筑垃圾;在处理湿陷性黄土地基的过程中,能有效地降低孔隙率,消除地基湿陷性,工程运用十分广泛。

    The method can significantly improve the bearing capacity , reduce settlement and eliminate construction waste . In dealing with collapsible loess foundation , the method which can effectively reduce the porosity and eliminate collapsibility , are widely used in engineering .

  11. 介绍了一些国内外建筑垃圾的资源化处理方法。

    Introduces some domestic and foreign construction waste recycling method .

  12. 风电场建设期间的建筑垃圾采用什么方式处理?

    What way processing does wind power field construction period construction trash use ?

  13. 提出了我国建筑垃圾的资源化处理对策。

    And the corresponding counter measures for building rubbish reclamation management are put forward .

  14. 主要介绍了国内外建筑垃圾的现状,国外处理建筑垃圾的经验,特别是日本对建筑垃圾的处理。

    This paper has major introduced the status quo of construction waste at home and abroad and the experiences of disposing the building-produced refuse , especially the disposal in Japan .

  15. 实现建筑垃圾资源化,必须要加大宣传贯彻建筑垃圾处理利用法规的力度。

    If we want to recycle building waste , it is needed to propagandize for seeing out the laws and policies of how to deal with it .

  16. 在评价过程中,建筑的生命周期分为五个过程,即建材准备阶段、建筑建造阶段、建筑运行阶段(运行年限为50年)、建筑拆除阶段和建筑垃圾处理阶段。

    In the evaluating processes , the whole life includes 5 units , which include the stage of building materials preparation , the stage of construction , the stage of operation ( running for 50 years ), the stage of demolition and the stage of waste disposal .