
  • 网络elevation;facade;building facade;façade
  1. 基于专家数据库(ED)技术的建筑立面照明设计系统的研究

    Research of Building Elevation Face Lighting Design System Based on ED ( Expert Database ) Technique

  2. 体会城市商业建筑立面

    " Understanding " on the elevation of commercial building in city

  3. 太阳能光电板在可持续建筑立面整合设计中的美学表达

    Aesthetics Expression of Photovoltaic Panels in Sustainable Architectural Facade Integrated Design

  4. 城市街道景观整治中沿街建筑立面改造的设计方法研究

    Reforming Design of Building Facade along Street during Urban Street Landscaping

  5. 桥梁,建筑立面,道路护栏,城市亮化。

    Wall , Bridge , Road protective railing , City illumination .

  6. 窗在建筑立面中的肌理表达

    The Building ′ s " Texture Expression " of Windows

  7. 浅谈建筑立面改造规律及其艺术构思

    Brief Discussion on Regular Patterns and Artistic Concept of Architectural Facade Retrofit

  8. 建筑立面照明工程设计算法

    The Algorithm Study on the Illumination Engineering Design for Build 's Elevation

  9. 从边缘说起&略论当代建筑立面设计的几种手法

    Talking form of dge : several design methods of contemporary architectural facades

  10. 浅谈视错觉在建筑立面设计中的应用

    On the Application of Optical Illusion in Building Elevation Design

  11. 浅析呼和浩特通道南路沿街建筑立面改造设计

    On the architectural facades rebuilding along the south road of Hohhot channel

  12. 楼阁建筑立面比例的整体控制浅析

    The Integer Control of the Storied Building Facade Proportion

  13. 控制经营户数量及人口容量,清理街两侧的建筑立面,适当增加绿地。

    And cut down the roadside building elevation to increase the greenbelt area .

  14. 建筑立面构造设计与建筑立面照明处理方法研究

    Research on the Facade Fabric Design and Facade Lighting Design of a Building

  15. 局部外形特征对高层建筑立面上围护结构风荷载的影响

    Effects of local shape characteristics on wind loads on the facades of high-rise buildings

  16. 建筑立面所形成的可塑性。

    The building facades are formed by plasticity .

  17. 现代建筑立面装饰设计研究

    Study on Modern Building Vertical Plane Ornament Design

  18. 中世纪的特点在这个建筑立面表现的淋漓尽致。

    Medieval characteristics still exist in the area .

  19. 人们对建筑立面装饰有何新的需求呢?

    What is the new require of people to the vertical plane ornament of city building ?

  20. 织物体系与建筑立面处理

    Textile system with building facade

  21. 建筑立面设计中的超平面风格理念与特征初探

    Primary Study on the Idea and Characteristic of Super Graphic Style in the Design of Building Facade

  22. 高架复合道路噪声在临街建筑立面分布研究

    A study on the distribution of noise on the vertical faces of buildings nearby of elevated combination road

  23. 建筑立面由轻表皮附着而成,轻表皮所流露出来的建筑气质阳刚而健美。

    Elevation of building is adhered by light epidermis , light epidermis reveal virile and body-building architecture style .

  24. 广告与商业建筑立面的冲突与共存初探

    The Discussion of the Conflicts and the Common Presence between the Commercial Advertisement and the Building 's Elevation

  25. 支撑布置的范围由于受到建筑立面和设备的限制,只能集中在楼梯和电梯间周围。

    The braces are located only around stairs and elevators because of the restriction from architectural and mechanic planning .

  26. 提出了一种基于车载序列影像的建筑立面纹理快速重建的方法。

    An algorithm of rapidly reconstructing texture of building facades from vehicle-based image sequence is presented in this paper .

  27. 作者在本文中说明了建筑立面设计与墙板造型两者之间的关系。

    In this paper the author explains the relation between the design of facade and the selection of the panel type .

  28. 第五章从平面型制、建筑立面、建筑结构来分析公共建筑的形态特征。

    Chapter V , from the planar system , building facades , building profiles to analyze the characteristics of the form of public buildings .

  29. 提出建筑立面装饰研究的缘起、背景、意义、内容、方法及框架。

    Put forward the origin , background , meaning , contents , method and frame of the vertical plane ornament of city building research .

  30. 形体与空间的褪色将建筑立面重新推上设计舞台。

    The fade of the role of architectural form and space has pushed the dealing of the architectural surface on the stage of design again .