
  1. 本文借鉴了建筑监理的思想和考虑ERP系统本身的特性,从理论上对ERP项目监理的内涵、原则、基本框架和模式进行分析。

    Through analyzing the theory of construction supervision and the characteristic of ERP system , this paper studies the meaning , principle , framework and mode of ERP projects supervision .

  2. 高层建筑监理和单桩极限承载力取值问题

    Supervision of a High Building and ' Short-Cut ' Calculation of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Single Pile

  3. 这些职位包括研发经理、财务总监、机械工程师和建筑监理等。

    These positions included job titles like manager of research and development , director of finance , mechanical engineer and construction supervisor .

  4. 建筑监理企业作为一种特殊的社会中介机构,它是一种知识密集型、技术密集型和人才密集型企业,它承担特殊的社会职能和责任。

    Construction supervision enterprise is a kind of special social intermediary organization , also a knowledge-intensive , technology-intensive and personnel-intensive enterprise and bears special social responsibilities and functions .

  5. 结合煤田地质勘探工程监理工作实际,对煤田地质勘探工程监理与建设工程监理进行了比较,认为煤田地质勘探监理与建筑监理程序基本相同,目的都是提高工程水平,规范工程。

    From practical supervision works in coal geological exploration , compared with the supervision works in construction projects , thinks that their procedures are basically the same , and the purposes are all for best quality and normalize respective projects .

  6. 他是个工程师,而我是实验物理学家,就好比是那种建筑监理师,并且总会说“你好啊,宇宙的建造者”,“我看到了你的成果”,“很屌哦”!

    He 's an engineer and I 'm an experimental physicist . You know , one of those guys who examines the building blocks of creation and says , " Hello , maker of the universe . " I see what you did there.Good one . "

  7. 我们根据建筑工程监理机制,结合软件工程的特点,通过对国家环保总局ODS项目管理信息系统开发的监理实践,提出了自己的软件项目监理机制的模型。

    According to the architecture project supervision mechanism and our practice of supervision in the process development of the ODS management information system for China National Environment Protection Bureau , we bring forward a model for software supervision mechanism .

  8. 建筑工程监理企业监理人员管理研究及实证分析

    Supervising Staff Management Research & Empirical Analysis in Engineering Supervision Enterprise

  9. 浅谈建筑工程监理对施工合同的规范管理

    Discussing about management of project supervisor on construction contract

  10. 如何落实建筑工程监理的安全责任

    How to Implement the Safety Responsibility of Construction Supervision

  11. 污水处理厂建筑工程监理工作要点分析

    Analysis of Construction Supervision Essentials in Sewage Plant Engineering

  12. 高层建筑施工监理应注意的问题

    Problem in High Layer Building Construction Inspection

  13. 智能化建筑工程监理的研究

    Study on Supervision of Intelligent Building Project

  14. 加强建筑工程监理真正实现三大控制

    Intensify construction supervision to realize Three control

  15. 因此,本文针对基于无线传输的建筑工程监理系统进行了设计与实现。

    So this paper design and achieve a construction supervision system based on the wireless transmission .

  16. 对建筑工程监理制度作了一般的介绍,工程监理制度自1988年引入中国以来,其在工程建设中地位日益提高,在控制工程质量、造价、工期的效果日益显著。

    This paper Introduce construction engineering supervision system generally , engineering supervision system has been introduced into China since 1988 . Its position in engineering increasingly increase , in the control engineering quantity , building price , time limit for a project .

  17. 通过对建筑工程监理的安全责任分析,阐明工程监理在建设工程中所起的作用,提出要加强工程监理单位与监理人员的责任意识,确保建设工程安全。

    This paper discusses the effect of construction supervision through the analysis on its safety responsibility , and gives some advice about strengthening the responsibility consciousness of both the supervision enterprises and the construction supervision engineers , so as to safeguard the constructive safety .

  18. 文章介绍了在中文WindowsXP开发平台下开发的建筑工程施工监理质量控制专家系统。

    This paper introduces expert system that is developed at Windows XP platform for the supervision and quality control of building engineering .

  19. 施工阶段建筑节能的监理工作

    The Supervision Work of the Building Energy Efficiency in Construction Stage

  20. 建筑幕墙工程监理的关键环节和技术要点

    Key link and technical points of engineering supervision for building curtain wall

  21. 建筑电气工程监理之我见

    My Opinion of Project Management on Building Electrical Work

  22. 建筑工程施工监理质量控制专家系统

    Expert System for Supervision Quality Control of Building Construction

  23. 高层钢结构建筑的工程监理特点分析

    Analysis of the Peculiarity of Engineering Supervision for the High-rise Steel Structure Building

  24. 浅谈如何搞好高层建筑安装工程监理的事前控制

    On how to make a pre-control of installation project supervision of high building

  25. 建筑电气工程监理常见主要质量问题与控制手段

    The main quality problem and its control measure of supervision in construction electric engineering

  26. 对建筑给排水监理工作的几点体会

    Experiences on Supervising of Building Water System Construction

  27. 建筑工程设计监理初探

    Probe into the Construction Engineering Design Monitoring

  28. 在此基础上,对建筑施工中监理复测较差的取值做了探讨。

    In this basis , the allowable values of check survey tolerances in engineering supervision are further researched .

  29. 论建筑安装工程监理项目按分部、子分部、分项工程的划分

    Discussion on Classification of Supervision Project by Divisional Work , Subdivisional Work and Items in Building Installation Engineering

  30. 对如何有效开展我国建筑节能工程监理的探讨建筑节能工程质量监督中应注意的问题

    Effective Development of Supervision on Architectural Energy Conservation Engineering in China Questions to Quality Control of the Saving Building Material Project