
  • 网络Car sales;Auto Sales
  1. 根据中国汽车工业协会提供的数字,今年上半年,国内品牌的汽车制造商在国内汽车销售额中只占不到20%。

    Domestic-brand automakers accounted for less than 20 percent of China 's auto sales in the first half of this year , the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers says .

  2. 他们计划了一场广告宣传,想扭转骤然下降的汽车销售额。

    They planned an advertising campaign in an effort to reverse plunging car sales .

  3. 这将是自2005年以来,汽车销售额首次出现月度下降。

    This would be the first time sales have fallen on a monthly basis since 2005 .

  4. 他预测,汽车销售额很可能比去年减少,在接下来的时间里继续下降。

    He predicts the sales will likely continue to drop from the year before , for the rest of2011 .

  5. 7月份的汽车销售额猛涨了41.4%,但是到了8月份却下挫19.9%。

    The sales of vehicles saw a surge of 41.4 % in July , but a drop of 19.9 % in August .

  6. 今年迄今为止,西欧汽车销售额已下滑5%,仅9月份就下降9%以上。

    Car sales have fallen by 5 per cent so far this year in Western Europe and by more than 9 per cent in September alone .

  7. 周四出炉的8月份个人开支数据,预计将显示支出上升1%,这主要因为“旧车换现金”计划推动汽车销售额上升。

    Personal income and spending data for August on Thursday should show a rise of 1 per cent in spending , mainly from higher car sales under the cash-for-clunkers programme .

  8. 随后他们借助快速国际扩张,使汽车业销售额翻了一番。

    They subsequently doubled automotive sales thanks to rapid international expansion .

  9. 上个月整个汽车产业的销售额降低了接近32%,为25年来的最低值。

    Total / industry sales fell almost 32 % last month to the lowest rate in 25 years .

  10. 汽车工业的销售额达一万亿美元左右,从而成为世界上最大的制造业。

    Sales of the automobile industry stand at about a trillion dollars , making it the world 's biggest manufacturing industry .

  11. 理由一:汽车业年销售额超过1万亿美元,对苹果来说是个特别庞大,而且具有可行性的市场。

    Reason 1 : The auto sector offers a uniquely large , addressable market for Apple , with over $ 1 trillion in annual sales .

  12. 我国汽车物流成本占汽车销售额比重还很大,在零部件配送领域,汽车物流可以说还难以流动。

    While the car logistic cost is still very high and the parts of car are difficult to " flow " .

  13. 2013年,英国汽车市场研究公司HAGI(HistoricAutomobileGroupInternational)的顶级拍卖指数和交易商顶级珍藏汽车销售额增长了46.75%;

    In 2013 , the HAGI ( Historic Auto Group International ) Top Index of auction and dealer sales of exceptional collectable cars gained 46.75 percent ;

  14. 很大一部分原因是来自福特汽车的改革创新,改革涵盖了整套生产线而不是个别工位,以及支付工人与汽车销售额相符合的报酬的工资体系,这样便让他们扩大了市场占有率。

    some of this was because of Ford 's innovations , including assembly line production instead of individual hand crafting , as well as the concept of paying the workers a wage proportionate to the cost of the car , so that they would provide a ready made market .

  15. 记者:3月份美国的汽车销售并不理想,预言者都觉得未来会很不景气,为什么您认为在今年年末的时候,汽车的销售额会出现反弹呢?

    Reporter : March 's industry auto sales in the US were dismal , and forecasters " outlooks are bleak . Why do you think sales will rebound later this year ?