
  • 网络Southern Railway
  1. 他在南方铁路公司当上了铁路机车司炉工。

    He became a railroad locomotive fireman with the Southern Railroad .

  2. 本文阐述了在我国南方铁路沿线水田中敷设光电缆的特点。

    The paper expounds the specialities of laying cable or optical cable in paddy field along the railway in south of our country .

  3. 坡面冲刷是我国南方花岗岩地区铁路公路沿线路堑边坡的主要工程地质问题。

    To the cutting slopes composed by granite residual soil along railway and highway in southern China , the primary engineering geological problems is slope surface erosion .

  4. 针对目前隧道富水、浅埋、软弱围岩等情况,在城市地铁尤其是南方地区修建铁路隧道过程中开展了诸多的探索和施工技术研究。

    On basis of the problems of Rich Water Tunnel , shallow buried , weak surrounding rock and so on , there are a lot of exploration and construction technology researches in the City Tunnel especially in the process of building railway tunnels in the southern region .

  5. 林肯手中掌控的北方24000英里的铁路线成了他战争武器的杀手锏,但南方所拥有的铁路网则小得多。

    In Lincoln 's hands , the 24000 miles of railroad tracks in the North becomes an arm of his war machine . But the South has a far smaller network .