
  1. 闽南海区张网作业渔获物组成分析

    The catch composition analysis of swing net in Southern Fujian sea waters

  2. 本文根据2003~2004年张网作业的监测调查资料,研究分析了闽南海区张网作业渔获物组成。

    According to monitoring data of swing net fishery in Southern Fujian sea waters from 2003 to 2004 , the catch composition was studied .

  3. 本文根据2000~2005年闽东、闽中及闽南海区张网渔业资源监测资料,着重分析张网作业对重要经济种类带鱼幼鱼的损害情况。

    According to monitoring data of fisheries resources of swing net on eastern , mid and southern Fujian sea waters during 2002 to 2005 , this paper emphasize analysis the injured status of the important economic specie as juvenile Trichiurus haumela by swing net .