
yóu chāi
  • postman;mailman;post;post man
邮差 [yóu chāi]
  • [post man;mailman] 古指派驻驿站传送信件的人;旧称邮局派到各地送信给收信人的工作人员

邮差[yóu chāi]
  1. 这大概是邮差来了。未检测出差错的概率

    That 'll be the post . probability of undetected error

  2. 信是邮差送来的吗?律师问。

    ' Did this letter come by post ? 'asked the lawyer .

  3. 邮差送来了一个小邮包。

    The mailman brought a small packet .

  4. n.邮差我要等邮差带给我他们的答覆。

    mailman I 'll wait for the mailman to bring me their reply .

  5. 7.overlyad.过度地,极度地这个年轻的邮差太疲倦了。

    The young postman was overly tired .

  6. NBA联赛超级前锋、“邮差”卡尔马龙今天在电台节目中表示,NBA冻结令结束以后,他想离开尤他爵士队。

    Utah Jazz when the NBA lockout ends , the NBA League 's premier forward said today during his radio show .

  7. 店外,另一位朋友正挎着邮差包在人行道上踱步,包上有一个大大的LV标识。

    Outside , another friend is carrying a messenger bag with an outsized LV logo , and pacing the sidewalk .

  8. 一个名叫Clarke十二岁的澳洲男孩做过邮差,负责在社区投递报纸。

    A 12 year-old Australian boy called Clarke . He started having a job as a postman at that moment .

  9. 然而,无论距离有多远,一周六天,邮差都要去所管辖的每一个邮箱中查收信件(FedEx和UPS可没这项业务)。

    And yet it is obliged ( as FedEx and UPS are not ) to visit every mailbox , no matter how remote , six days a week .

  10. 加拿大邮政的女发言人达西雅·凯梅特向BBC透露:“非常不幸,我们的邮差在寄送邮件的途中遭到一只乌鸦的啄袭而受伤。”

    Canada Post spokeswoman Darcia Kmet told the BBC : " Unfortunately , our employees have been attacked and injured by a crow in that Vancouver neighbourhood while attempting to deliver the mail .

  11. 据悉,Canuck袭击了一名邮差,并使其受伤见血。

    Canuck is said to have drawn blood after biting a letter carrier .

  12. 因一位邮差惨遭一只名叫Canuck的著名乌鸦啄袭,加拿大一座城市部分地区的邮递服务已经被迫暂停。

    Postal deliveries have been suspended in part of a Canadian city after a well-known crow called Canuck attacked a mailman .

  13. 当然邮差也可以选择帮助他们从密德湖底打捞上一架坠毁的B-29超级堡垒轰炸机,他们会翻新和驾驶它。

    Also the Courier may help them raise a crashed Boeing B-29 Superfortress from the bottom of Lake Mead , which they will restore and fly .

  14. 如果库珀没有刷新纪录,就只有两位在世的115岁老人接受这项挑战,其中一位是男性:来自日本京都的退休邮差木村次郎右卫门(JiroemonKimura)。

    If Mrs. Cooper does not take the record , there are only two other 115-year-olds alive to take on the challenge , and one of them is a man : Jiroemon Kimura , a retired postman from Kyoto .

  15. “邮差注意到了,”他在牙缝里说。

    " The postman noticed ," he said through gritted teeth .

  16. 邮差,邮差,有我的一封信吗?

    Postman , postman , is there a letter for me ?

  17. 突然,邮差成了艾米家的常客。

    Suddenly the postman was a regular at the Hagadorn house .

  18. 那不可能是邮差&才七点钟呢。

    That can 't be the postman-it 's only seven o'clock .

  19. 政府为生活困难的阿非利卡人提供了邮差、接待员等公务员职位。

    Struggling Afrikaners were given government jobs as postmen or receptionists .

  20. 因为袭击邮差,监禁一晚。

    I 'm doing a one-nighter for biting ed the mailman .

  21. 再把另外两名受害人带到邮差家里?

    Then he brings two VICS to the guy 's house ?

  22. 邮差刚刚塞进一些信件在我们的信箱,爷爷。

    The mailman just dropped some mail in our box , Grandpa .

  23. 我应聘当邮差的第一天就辞了职。

    I 've quit my new job as a postman .

  24. 商店前面的门,邮差箱。铁门或者窗户。

    Shop front , doors , portals , gates or Iron curtains .

  25. 最后邮差把信件送到了大明手中。

    And then the postman gave the letter to Daming .

  26. 我只收到一张邮差留下的通知。

    All I have is just a note left by the postman .

  27. 我申请邮差的工作。

    I applied for the job as a mail carrier .

  28. 邮差把邮包咚地一声扔在地板上。

    The postman plonked the mail bag on the floor .

  29. 那个邮差大姐已经搞错三次了。

    This is like the third time that mail lady did that .

  30. 主演的“邮差总按两次铃”。

    The postman always ring twice , with John garfields .