
yóu zhènɡ zǒnɡ jú
  • General Post Office;main post office
  1. 邮政总局在哪儿?

    Where 's the main post office ?

  2. 我们就在邮政总局的北边。

    We 're located just north of the main post office .

  3. 与此同时,美国邮政总局(U.S.PostalService)说,它预计在今年的感恩节至元旦期间,将运送创纪录的4.2亿个包裹,较上年同比增加12%。

    The U.S. Postal Service , meanwhile , said it expected to ship a record 420 million packages between Thanksgiving and New Year 's , an increase of 12 % from last year .

  4. 据NPR新闻的特里娜·威廉姆斯报道,在感恩节至新年前夕,预计邮政总局每天将处理近6亿份邮件,一共将处理超过150亿份邮件和包裹。

    NPR 's Trina Williams reports nearly 600 million pieces of mail are expected to be processed daily between Thanksgiving and New Year 's Eve , adding up to the delivery of more than 15 billion pieces of mail and packages .

  5. 邮政总局有邮件存局候领处。

    There 's a Poste restante at the main post office .

  6. 邮政总局离图书馆不远。

    The main post office is not far from the library .

  7. 美国邮政总局已经为假期的到来做好准备。

    The Postal Service is gearing up for the holiday season .

  8. 浮尔顿大厦以前是新加坡邮政总局的所在地。

    Fullerton building used to house the general post office of singapore .

  9. 邮政总局面朝铁路车站。

    The head post office fronts the railway station .

  10. 官员们表示美国邮政总局遭黑客入侵。

    Officials say the U.S. Postal Service was hacked .

  11. 问题5美国邮政总局正在计划做什么?

    Question 5 . What is the U.S. Postal Service planning to do ?

  12. 美国邮政总局有些情况下会安排在圣诞节当天投递包裹。

    The Postal Service in some cases plans to deliver on Christmas Day itself .

  13. 他说一伙匪徒企图抢劫邮政总局。

    The man said that a gang intended to rob the main post office .

  14. 圣诞节时邮政总局十分繁忙。

    The GPO is very busy at Christmas .

  15. 我采取的重要文件,向邮政总局并把他们的代理人。

    I take important papers to the post office and hand them to the agent .

  16. 他母亲总是站在他一边.邮政总局面朝铁路车站。

    His mother always takes his part . The head post office fronts the railway station .

  17. 第二次大陆会议于1775年任命富兰克林为第一任邮政总局局长。

    The Second Continental Congress appointed Benjamin Franklin as the first Postmaster General in seventeen seventy-five .

  18. 九广铁路公司总经理邮政总局面朝铁路车站。

    " Managing Director , Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation " The head post office fronts the railway station .

  19. 本周,现任邮政总局局长帕特里克·多纳霍(Patrick-Donahoe)向参议院委员会传达了紧急消息。

    This week , current Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe brought an urgent message to a Senate committee .

  20. 他在邮政总局门口碰见一个伶俐的邮差,拿着信从邮局走出来,去送早班信。

    At the door he met an intelligent postman coming out with letters for the morning delivery .

  21. 邮政总局局长帕特里克·多纳霍强调称,制度会随着时代改变,以保证服务更加便利。

    Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe emphasizes the institution is changing with the times to make service more convenient .

  22. 美国邮政总局近日发行庆祝2008年北京奥运的新邮票。

    The United States postal service has issued a new stamp to commemorate the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing .

  23. 美国邮政总局在1992年就请他设计了一套以华裔美国人为主题的新年邮票。

    In 1992 , the U.S. Postal Service asked him to design a New Year stamp to honor Chinese Americans .

  24. 2011年01月01日为迎接中国农历辛卯兔年,加拿大邮政总局定于2011年1月7号发行兔年生肖邮票。

    2011-01-01 Canada Post will issue two stamps on Jan.7,2011 , in celebration of the upcoming Chinese Lunar Year of the Rabbit .

  25. 他在第二天早上七点钟就起了床,不一会儿就走出旅馆,向邮政总局走去。

    In the morning he arose at seven , and shortly after went out , taking the direction of the chief post-office .

  26. 亚历山大表示,他对瑞安·洛斯卡恩今天下午被美国邮政总局调查人员逮捕的消息感到非常震惊。

    Alexander says he was stunned and surprised by the news while Ryan Loskarn was arrested this afternoon by US Postal Service investigators .

  27. 邮政总局运营和递送业务的副总裁迪恩·格兰霍姆表示,第一波邮局关闭工作将在今年秋天开始。

    Dean Granholm , the vice president for delivery and post office operations , said the first waves of closings would begin this fall .

  28. 美国邮政总局今日宣布,由于收入减少,他们正考虑在明年关闭约3700个邮局。

    The U.S. Postal Service announced today that it is considering closing about 3700 post offices over the next year because of falling revenues .

  29. 因为鸡年邮票销售得那么好,美国邮政总局委托李再为他们设计一套12属性的邮票。

    Because the rooster stamp sold so well , the Postal Service commissioned Lee to design a Lunar New Year series of 12 stamps .

  30. 昨天,数以千计的儿童在放学之后涌进曼岛邮政总局,哈利波特的热潮再次冲击了整个曼岛。

    HUNDREDS of children descended on the Isle of Man 's main post office after school yesterday as Harry Potter fever hit the island .