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yóu tíng
  • postal kiosk;post house
邮亭 [yóu tíng]
  • (1) [post house]∶古时传递文书的人沿途休息的处所;驿馆

  • 暮宿邮亭

  • (2) [postal kiosk]∶邮局在街道上、广场上或公园里设立的收寄邮件的处所

邮亭[yóu tíng]
  1. 介绍了对邮亭、报刊亭和电话亭进行设计的一些体会,如应从材料选择、物理结构、基本功能和外观方面综合考虑、统筹兼顾等等。

    The paper introduction the design for postal kiosk , newsstand and telephone kiosk should have consideration to the material selection , physical structure , basic function and outside , making overall plans and taking all factors into consideration .

  2. 烽燧和邮亭驿在长城防御体系中发挥了新的重要作用。

    Beacon towers and post stations were built , which played a new role in the defence system of the Great Wall .

  3. 很多时候,词人都将作品题写在亭台楼阁、驿站邮亭、僧寺道观的墙壁及桥梁道路的柱石上,供来往行人观览传播。

    The authors were often likely to write their works on the walls of pavilions , ancient post-houses , temples and houses for Taoist and stones beside bridges and roads .

  4. 第十一条邮政企业应当在方便群众的地方设置分支机构、邮亭、报刊亭、邮筒等设施,或者进行流动服务。

    Article 11 . Postal enterprises shall establish branch offices , postal kiosks , newspaper and periodical stands , mail boxes , etc. , in places convenient to the masses , or provide mobile services .

  5. 从周代以来,国家已经在道路上设置候馆、邮亭、驿站、递所等各种形式的设施,以便于城乡之间的远近交流和国家政令文书的上传下递。

    Since Zhou Dai , the state has set up on road , waiting hall , post , pass the postal kiosks and other forms of facilities , in order to facilitate exchanges between urban and rural areas and the national order and document upload handed .