
yóu chuán
  • liner;ocean liner;packet ship;mail liner;mail boat
邮船 [yóu chuán]
  • [packet ship;mail boat;liner] 在海上定期运送邮件的大型快速客轮

邮船[yóu chuán]
  1. 除非受恶劣天气干扰,南非邮船一般在星期五上午抵达。

    The South African mailboat arrived on Friday mornings unless bad weather intervened

  2. 他是这班邮船的船长。

    He is the captain of the packet .

  3. 作为马士基(MAERSK)、东方海外(OOCL)、日本邮船(NYK)以及阳明海运(YML)的专业订舱代理,我们一直坚持为船务公司及广大客户提供高质量的订舱代理服务。

    Being the professional Booking Agent for MAERSK , OOCL , NYK and YML , we 've been providing high quality booking service for shipping lines and numerous clients .

  4. 他安排我乘坐邮船从挪威到英国。

    He 'd arranged my passage from Norway to england .

  5. 你乘下一艘邮船回家吧。

    You 're going home with the next mail boat .

  6. 全球邮船旅游发展状况初步研究

    Pilot study on development of global cruise tourism industry

  7. 明天有去加莱的邮船么,帐房?

    ` There will be a packet to Calais , to-morrow , drawer '

  8. 丘纳德公司老掉牙的破纪录邮船“坎帕尼亚号”刚刚被作为废钢出售了。

    The old record-breaking Cunard liner Campania had just been sold for scrap .

  9. 这正是那条准时从上海开出的美国邮船。

    It was the American steamer , leaving for Yokohama at the appointed time .

  10. 这位精明的企业家早在1840年就创办了一家邮船公司,开辟了从利物浦到哈利法克斯的航线,

    In 1840 this shrewd industrialist founded a postal service between Liverpool and Halifax ,

  11. 国营轮船公司的海尔维地亚号和皇家邮船公司的山农号,

    the Helvetia from the Compagnie Nationale and the Shannon from the Royal Mail line ,

  12. 按这样每小时十二海里的速度计算,这条邮船用不了二十一天就能横渡太平洋。

    By making twelve miles an hour , she would cross the ocean in twenty-one days .

  13. 他的事物几乎就要办完,他提出乘坐九月份的邮船是完全有根据的。

    His business was so nearly concluded as to justify him in proposing to take his passage in September packet .

  14. 每天都有一艘廉价但外表艳丽的邮船从圣路易斯开过来,有另一艘从奇奥库克向下游驶去。

    Once a day a cheap , gaudy packet arrived upward from St. Louis , and another downward from Keokuk .

  15. (定期)邮船,班轮航运市场分为两类:班轮运输和不定期船运输。

    Packet boat [ ship ] There are two types of shipping markets : the liner market and the tramp market .

  16. 每一个旅客在这里都象是在邮船上舒服的房舱里。这时,火车正以全速在加利福尼亚州的土地上飞驰。

    It only remained to go to bed and sleep-which everybody did-while the train sped on across the State of California .

  17. 豪华邮船的总体造型、舱室布置有明显的特征,而布置在船上的推进装置是其动力所在,好似人体的心脏。

    Her general figuration and cabin arrangement are characteristic . The propulsion system is her power plant just like human heart .

  18. 噢,现在我暂时住在邮船泰坦尼克号上.至于以后嘛,听天由命。

    Well , right now my address is the RMS Titanic . After that , I 'm on God 's good humor .

  19. 在加莱邮船上他问囚犯是否需要一个勤杂工,囚犯就雇用了他。

    He had asked the prisoner , aboard the Calais packet , if he wanted a handy fellow , and the prisoner had engaged him .

  20. 在大西洋海洋博物馆里,旅游者可以目睹这座城市有关“泰坦尼”号邮船沉没的惨剧发生。

    At the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic , visitors can learn about the city 's key role in the aftermath of the sinking of the Titanic .

  21. 豪华邮船的推进系统不仅系统复杂,也是船舶安全、可靠航行的基础,同时还关系到邮船的运行经济性。

    Propulsion system of cruise ship is very complex . It is the basis of sailing safety of the ship and can increase the economic generator of the ship .

  22. 我们在海上航行时,有时会与邮船会合,邮船会带给我们家信,当然这是我们视为最紧要的事情。

    Sometimes , when we were at sea , a mail ship would rendezvous and bring us mail from home , which , of course , we accorded topmost priority .

  23. 听说那只驶往南塔开特的小邮船已经开出,要到那地方,得一直等到下星期一,此外别无他法,我真大失所望。

    Much was I disappointed upon learning that the little packet for Nantucket had already sailed , and that no way of reaching that place would offer , till the following Monday .

  24. 那以后几天我从法国回来,这个囚徒在加莱上了我坐的那条邮船,跟我同船旅行。

    ' I was returning from France a few days afterwards , and , at Calais , the prisoner came on board the packet-ship in which I returned , and made the voyage with me . '

  25. 如果她说的没错的话,那这个话题可十分惊人!因为那时太平洋邮船公司每年都会作12次航行,每次大约33天,光是这个内容就可以用一个章节的篇幅大写特写,而不是三言两语草草了事。

    If this is true-and it is a staggering proposition , given that the Pacific Mail Steamship Company made just a dozen sailings a year , taking 33 days-then the subject deserves a chapter , not just the briefest of mentions .

  26. 《航业商情杂志》,《来依特公司航海杂志》、《邮船杂志》、《海洋殖民杂志》以及为保险公司宣传公司要提高保险费的那些报纸,对于清除怪物这一点,都一致表示同意。

    The Shipping & Mercantile Gazette , the Lloyd 's List , France 's Packetboat and Maritime & Colonial Review , all the rags devoted to insurance companies , who threatened to raise their premium rates , were unanimous on this point .

  27. 近20多年来,作为全球知名的国际航运企业,铁行渣华、马士基、日本邮船等敏锐地洞察到了航运企业的发展方向,成功地迈进了综合物流服务领域。

    In recent 20 years , as world-wide well known international shipping companies , P & O NEDLLOYD , NYK Line and MAERSK have had an insight into the development orientation of shipping company exquisitely and succeeded entering the integrated logistics domain .

  28. 最后旅客们看到了赫德森河,12月11日,晚上十一点一刻,火车到达了居纳尔轮船公司右边的车站,换句话说,也就是到达了英国和北美皇家邮船公司的码头。

    At last the Hudson came into view ; and at a quarter-past eleven in the evening of the11th , the train stopped in the station on the right bank of the river , before the very pier of the Cunard line .

  29. 我们借来了一辆独轮车,装上我们的东西后,就离开客店,往那只停在码头上的南塔开特小邮船摩斯号进发。

    We borrowed a wheelbarrow , and embarking our things , including my own poor carpet-bag , and Queequeg 's canvas sack and hammock , away we went down to " the Moss , " the little Nantucket packet schooner moored at the wharf .