
luó mǎ tǐ
  • Roman
  1. 这本词典里的释义是用罗马体印刷的。

    Definitions in this dictionary are printed in roman type .

  2. 罗马体是印刷字母中最常见的字体。

    Roman type is the most common style of printed letters .

  3. 在这本书中,定义用罗马体排印。

    In this book , definitions are set in roman .

  4. 倾角并不能决定一个字母是一个“罗马体”还是一个“草写体”。

    The angle doesn 't decide if a character is a'roman'character or an'cursive'character .

  5. 你想的没错,第一个是一个罗马体。

    As you would expect , the first letter is a roman character .

  6. 同时,从市场行销可知在发售几个月内,这种不贵的机器将攫取相当大的一部分罗马体字母使用者的世界市场。

    Meanwhile , marketing suggests that within months of its release this inexpensive unit should capture a considerable share of the world market of people using Romanized letters .

  7. 古典考古博物馆是世界上少数收藏有古希腊和古罗马石膏铸体的博物馆之一。

    The Museum of Classical Archaeology is one of the few surviving collections of plaster casts of Greek and Roman sculpture in the world .

  8. 尽管被罗马统治,世纪初的亚历山大人还是崇拜埃及神,希腊神和罗马神的混合体,塞拉皮斯是其中主要的一个。

    Though ruled by Rome , first-century Alexandrians worshipped a blend of Egyptian , Greek , and Roman deities , the composite god Serapis chief among them . "