
chèn xiàn
  • serif
  1. 这就是起点。这个“e”,已经决定了这个字体中的其余字符不应该是一个无衬线字体。

    This means that the starting point , the'e ' , already defined that the rest of the font cannot be a sans serif typeface .

  2. Gills说诸如TimesRoman或者Cambria这样的衬线字体将无法被扫描软件识别。

    Gillis says that serif fonts , such as Times Roman or Cambria may be rejected by screening software .

  3. 总的来说第三个n和第二个并没有多大区别,只是衬线的个别部分被切掉了而已。

    Basicly there is no difference between the second and third'n ' , only some parts of the serifs have been cut off .

  4. 以规则的形状、细细的衬线和浓重的笔划为特征的字体(以18世纪G博多尼的设计为基础)。

    A typeface ( based on an 18th century design by Giambattista Bodoni ) distinguished by regular shape and hairline serifs and heavy downstrokes .

  5. 我学习了serif(衬线字)和sanserif(非衬线字)字体,学会了根据不同的字母组合调整间距,懂得了了不起的活版印刷之所以了不起的原因。

    I learned about serif and san serif typefaces , about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations , about what makes great typography great .

  6. 此类字体没有衬线,故又称为“无衬线字体”。

    These are typefaces without serifs , otherwise known as sans-serif .

  7. 用字母带衬线的字体印刷。

    Printed in a serif type-face A specific style of type .

  8. 亮暗衬线法校正邻近效应及其实验研究

    Bright and dark figure method for OPC and its experimental research

  9. 面板上的文字为大号、无衬线、粗体、凸起。

    Lettering on panel is large , sans-serif , bold and raised .

  10. 扣带绒衬里羊皮手套不带这种衬线的字母称作无衬线字母。

    Strap wrist fleece-lined capeskin gloves Alphabets without serifs are called sansserif .

  11. 埃及体:一种字体款式。它有着方形衬线,容易辨认。

    Egyptian : Type style recognizable by its heavy , square serif .

  12. 不带这种衬线的字母称作无衬线字母。不要对母亲说无礼的话。

    Alphabets without serifs are called sansserif . Don 't bad-mouth your mother .

  13. 是无衬线字体的一种形式。

    A form of the sans serif typeface .

  14. 不带这种衬线的字母称作无衬线字母。

    Alphabets without serifs are called sansserif .

  15. 帕拉提诺协会是一个21世纪的无衬线字体从主德国设计师赫尔曼察普夫。

    Palatino Sans is a21st Century sans serif typeface from the master German designer Hermann Zapf .

  16. 方形衬线:有寸线字体的一种。衬线的粗幼和字体主要笔画相等或更粗。

    Square serif : Typeface with serifs the same weight or heavier than the main letter strokes .

  17. 哥耶斯格体:依英制标准分类的一组字体。是无衬线字体的一种形式。

    Grotesque : Group of typefaces calssified under the British Standard . A form of the sans serif typeface .

  18. 顶饰:一些斜体英文字的主要笔画收笔时的回转弧线,它代替正体的衬线。

    Finial : Curve that finishes a main stroke in some italic faces , replacing the serif of the roman .

  19. 以不规则、向上斜的衬线以及几乎没有轻重笔划差别为特征的字体(以18世纪的世纪为基础)。

    A typeface ( based on an 18th century design ) distinguished by irregularity and slanted ascender serifs and little contrast between light and heavy strokes .

  20. 衬线:在一些印刷字体的主要笔划两端的短横线。它本来是书写的起笔或收笔的笔势。

    Serif : The short cross - lines at the beginning and end of the main strokes of certain type faces . Originally , it is the beginning or finishing strokes of the pen .

  21. 铝镁浇注料钢包衬渣线部位Al2O3-ZrO2-SiO2系陶瓷保护涂层的研究

    Research on the Al 2O 3-ZrO 2-SiO 2 system of ceramic safety coating of the vessel 's slag line of Al 2O 3-MgO castables

  22. 结果表明,由化学液相沉积工艺制得的沉积炭结构的抗烧蚀性能优于炭纤维,其作为喉衬的线烧蚀率为0.008mm/s,证明该工艺是可行的。

    The results show that the ablation-protection properties of structure of deposited carbon prepared by the chemical liquid deposition are better than those of carbon fiber , the linear erosion rate of the composite used for motor throat is 0.008mm / s , and the composite preparation process is feasible .