
chèn qún
  • petticoat;slip;underskirt;underdress
衬裙 [chèn qún]
  • [underskirt]∶穿在里面的裙子

衬裙[chèn qún]
  1. 我的衬裙已经蹿到臀部,厚厚地卷成一圈。

    My underskirt had ridden up into a thick band around my hips .

  2. 18世纪的一种妇女服装,有合体的上身和斜裁的下摆裙,穿在一条精心制作的衬裙上。

    A woman 's dress of the18th century , having a fitted bodice and draped cutaway skirt , worn over an elaborate underskirt .

  3. 每件连衣裙最后线缝都滚了边,并且加上了合身的衬裙,看起来非常漂亮。

    Each dress is beautifully finished off with piped seams and fitted underskirts .

  4. 19世纪60年代初中期流行X造型,并通过紧身胸衣和大大的裙箍裙、衬裙来塑造这种效果。

    In the early 1860s , it prevailed X shape . Women use bodice , hoop skirts and petticoats to create this effect .

  5. 你是否愿意公布一下你是如何制作衬裙的?

    Would you be willing to publish how you did your petticoat ?

  6. 新娘的衬裙最多时能达到一百层。

    The number of underskirts could even reach a hundred .

  7. 在条纹呢制衬裙方面,女王显得更加随意。

    At Balmoral , the Queen goes even more off-duty in her look .

  8. 他叫我丈夫把我最好的一条衬裙拿去包船桨。

    He made my husband take my best petticoat to muffle the oars .

  9. 我能看到她的衬裙从裙子下露了出来。

    I could just see her petticoat peeking out from under her skirt .

  10. 适用于缝制内衣裤、紧身衣、衬裙、衬衣、裤裙等之产品。

    Itis suitable for sewing underwear , tights , underskirt . culottes , etc.

  11. 我看看,我要几条三角小裤裤,和一条衬裙。

    Let 's see , I need some panties and a slip , too .

  12. 我并没有看到她的肮脏的衬裙。

    Her dirty petticoat quite escaped my notice .

  13. 我们就像住在衬裙里面。

    It was like living inside a petticoat .

  14. 十几条衬裙把她的身体撑得圆鼓鼓的。

    A dozen petticoats bulked out her figure .

  15. 至少穿两条衬裙。

    To wear at least two petticoats .

  16. 珍,你的衬裙露出来了。

    Your petticoat is showing , Jane .

  17. 或者童帽?或者衬裙?

    Or bonnets ? or petticoats ?

  18. 新娘的衬裙最多时能一百层。精美的绣花礼服重现了昔日的时光。

    The marvelously embroidered wedding dress revives the atmosphere and sophisticated taste of the past times .

  19. 将衬裙与同样色彩和质地的蕾丝小背心相配将使你看起来有古典丰韵的甜美。

    Matching drawers with a camisole of the same color and fabric will look classically sweet .

  20. 她的衬裙太长了。

    Her petticoat was too long .

  21. 她站在那里,穿着红色的衬裙,脸上带着微笑。

    She stood there , in her red pet-ticoat , with a smile on her face .

  22. 因此,顺理成章地,她选择了这件简单的格子呢连衣衬裙,外加一条比较另类的镶嵌绿松石的腰带。

    Naturally , then , she accented a simple plaid shirtdress with an off-beat turquoise-studded belt .

  23. 衬裙和里裙均采用丝绸面料并带有荷叶边,由此形成展开的喇叭形。

    Lining and underskirts , both silk and trimmed with flounces , gave fullness to the dress .

  24. 它们已不用皱边,而是做成扇形的花边折叠在一起,把底下镶有带的衬裙露出来。

    They were no longer ruffled but were gathered up in scalloped festoons , showing braided petticoats beneath .

  25. 我必须在裙子里面加一条衬裙,以防走动时裙子往上缩。

    I have to wear a petticoat under this skirt to prevent it from riding up when I move .

  26. 这套装束被看作是海边的装束。收紧的上裙由一个铁环衬裙支撑,让这个装束的后背部分非常有特点。

    This dress is described as a'seaside costume ' . A gathered'overskirt'supported on a'crinolette'makes the back the most important feature .

  27. 她先穿上一件红色的衬裙,然后穿上一件黑色的连衣裙,再在裙子外面套上一件白色的薄纱裙。

    She put on a red petticoat first , then a black dress , and a white veil over the dress .

  28. 她现在穿着衬裙,紧身胸衣绷得紧紧的,给人看到也不在乎。

    She was in a petticoat now , and corsets which bulged , and unaware of being seen in bulgy corsets .

  29. 妇女脱掉紧身衣、多层的衬裙和拖地长裙,穿上了简单运动型的套装、衬衫和短到膝盖的裙子。

    Women took off corsets , multi-layered petticoats , floor-length skirts and put on simple and sporty suits , blouses , and skirts to the knee .

  30. 这是一套具备了所有六十年代时尚特点的服装:公主线外套遮盖住了女士短上衣和衬裙。

    THE INVESTITURE OUTFIT An ensemble that bears all the hallmarks of Sixties fashion : the princess-line coat hides a tunic as well as an underdress .