
chèn shān
  • shirt;blouse;overshirt;undies
衬衫 [chèn shān]
  • [shirt] 一种有领有袖的前开襟的而且袖口有扣的内上衣,常贴身穿

衬衫[chèn shān]
  1. 把衬衫好好泡一泡再洗。

    Give the shirt a good soak before you wash it .

  2. 他那夹克的米黄色与乳白色的衬衫非常协调。

    The beige of his jacket toned with the cream shirt .

  3. 他穿上干净的白衬衫显得清爽利落。

    He looked fresh and neat in a clean white shirt .

  4. 他希望她不会注意到他肮脏的衬衫袖口。

    He hoped she wouldn 't notice his grubby shirt cuffs .

  5. 那件女衬衫只洗过两水,不应该变成这个样子。

    That blouse shouldn 't look like that after only two washes .

  6. 我们试着把我衬衫上的血迹擦掉。

    We tried to sponge the blood off my shirt .

  7. 湿衬衫紧贴在他的胸部。

    The wet shirt clung to his chest .

  8. 衬衫湿漉漉地贴在她身上。

    The blouse clung damply to her skin .

  9. 这些衬衫是100%的纯棉。

    These shirts are 100 % pure cotton .

  10. 这件女衬衫要用温的肥皂水洗。

    Wash the blouse in warm soapy water .

  11. 我找不到一件干净的衬衫。

    I can 't find a clean shirt .

  12. 我扔下他自己在市场上就一件衬衫讨价还价。

    I left him in the market haggling over the price of a shirt .

  13. 要求着装独树一帜的人穿这件衬衫最合适。

    This shirt is great for anyone who wants to make a fashion statement .

  14. 他穿着宽松裤和宽松衬衫,那是夏日夜晚的理想穿着。

    He was dressed in a pyjama and kurta , ideal for a summer evening .

  15. 他衬衫下面的肌肉紧绷绷的。

    His muscles bunched under his shirt .

  16. 她的衬衫扣松开了。

    Her blouse had come undone .

  17. 她急忙扣好衬衫。

    She hurriedly buttoned her blouse .

  18. 我买的这件衬衫太小,得换件大的。

    This shirt I bought 's too small ─ I 'll have to change it for a bigger one .

  19. 他身着棕色灯芯绒裤子和白色棉衬衫。

    He wore brown corduroy pants and a white cotton shirt .

  20. 他逃走时只穿着莎笼和破旧的衬衫。

    He fled wearing only a sarong and a tattered shirt .

  21. 她没有预先看看自己是否有熨烫好的干净衬衫。

    She hadn 't checked whether she had a clean ironed shirt

  22. “大概吧,”我边说边把衬衫掖了进去。

    ' Probably , ' I said , tucking in my shirt

  23. 他身着一件条纹衬衫和一条宽松的蓝裤子。

    He was wearing a stripy shirt and baggy blue trousers .

  24. 我一直都穿着米歇尔那件黑色和金色相间的衬衫。

    I 'd been wearing Michel 's black and gold shirt .

  25. 他穿着衬衫和黑裤子,脚蹬皮靴,看上去很帅气。

    He was smartly dressed in a shirt , dark trousers and boots

  26. 他设法把飘起的衬衫塞到裤子里。

    He tried to tuck his flapping shirt inside his trousers

  27. 杰克从衬衫口袋里抽出这张纸条。

    Jack pulled the slip of paper from his shirt pocket

  28. 他穿着纯棉裤子和开领衬衫。

    He was wearing cotton pants and an open-necked shirt .

  29. 他穿一件素净的蓝色衬衫,领口敞着。

    He wore a plain blue shirt , open at the collar .

  30. 本月的特价商品包括一款衬衫、裤子和多种床罩。

    This month 's offers include a shirt , trousers and bed covers