
zhàn shū
  • letter of challenge;written challenge to war
战书 [zhàn shū]
  • [written challenge to war] 敌对一方向另一方提出交战的文书

  • 用箭将战书射入城中

战书[zhàn shū]
  1. 我们向一个自称“大学运动员”的队下了战书。

    We challenged a team who called themselves ' College Athletes ' .

  2. 请战书像雪片似地飞向指挥部。

    Headquarters was swamped by an avalanche of applications for battle assignments .

  3. Justin刚刚打电话来说他今天下战书不能来了。

    A : Justin just now called and said that he can 't come in this afternoon .

  4. 字母哥说他父亲的离世和科比在推文上关于赢得MVP的战书激发了他的斗志。

    Antetokounmpo said his father 's death and a challenge by Kobe Bryant on Twitter to win MVP fueled his motivation .

  5. 这是,抛向苏格拉底的战书。

    Glaucon This is the challenge that Glaucon poses to Socrates .

  6. 明天下战书我们将去看望一位住院的冤家。

    This afternoon we 're going to visit a friend in hospital .

  7. 你没收到我我的邀战书吗?

    Didn 't you get my email explaining the situation ?

  8. 在下战书,我们盘算一起去公园。

    In the afternoon , we are going to the park together .

  9. 下一分钟她就给我下决斗战书。

    The next minute she challenged me to a duel .

  10. 这是给我下战书吗?

    I think I 'm hearing a bit of a challenge there .

  11. 在下战书,我和妈妈一起做家务。

    In the afternoon , I am going to do housework with my mother .

  12. 来日诰日下战书咱们黉舍将有一场足球赛。

    There is going to be a football match in our school tomorrow afternoon .

  13. 当我下战书放学回家时,猫都将近饿死了。

    When I came home in the afternoon , the cats almost starved to death .

  14. 一天下战书,一名老太太提着篮子过马路,她念去购面工具。

    One afternoon an old woman was crossing the street with a basket in her hand .

  15. 我们遗憾地告知您,本公司在R.C.15的房产,因昨日下战书失火,已局部销毁。

    We regret to inform you that our premises at15 R.C.were partly destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon .

  16. 我们不会等挪威、比利时或者荷兰去提交战书的。

    They did not wait for Norway or Belgium or the Netherlands to commit an act of war .

  17. 火狼有感飞鹰处处阻挠计划,遂下战书约飞鹰一较高下。

    The fire wolf has the feeling hawk everywhere to obstruct the plan , then under war declaration approximately hawk one high under .

  18. 列维-斯特劳斯在1962年出版了《野性的思维》一书,等于是(向萨特)下的战书。斯特劳斯认为自己研究的原始族群一点都不原始。

    Mr L é vi-Strauss , throwing down the gauntlet in " La Pens é e Sauvage " in 1962 , saw nothing primitive about the tribes he studied .

  19. 八年前,迪斯波米耶向他教的公卫学生下战书,要研究出一套既可为世界生产粮食,又可降低疾病的体系。

    Eight years ago , Despommier challenged the public health students he teaches to come up with a system of growing food for the world that would reduce the risk of disease .