
  • 网络Tactical thinking;tactical concept
  1. 数据链的广泛应用,将带来战术思想、乃至军事思想的变革。

    The wide use of data link has brought about great changes in tactical concept and even military concept .

  2. 日本侵略中国东北的战略战术思想

    Stratagem and Tactics Ideas of Japan 's Invading Northeast China

  3. 我们的将军们可能不得不修正他们的战术思想。

    Our generals may have to revise their tactical thinking .

  4. 论现代足球攻防战术思想和训练观点

    On the Attacking and Defending Tactics of Modern Football and Corresponding Training Points

  5. 从这点上,建立我们的策略思想和战术思想。

    On this we should build our tactical thinking .

  6. 《孙子》战术思想在竞技体育中运用的整体思路

    On the Comprehensive Scheme of Usage of Sun Tzu 's Tactical Thought in Competitive Sports

  7. 难道只是为了试验一些前卫的战术思想,所以他的球队必须采用某种战术?

    Is a system of play being forced on his team in some attempt to be avantgarde ?

  8. 有两个因素使古德里安的战术思想在德国军方里远比在其他国家里占主导地位。

    There were two factors which helped Guderian 's tactical ideas become dominant in the German military more than in any other military .

  9. 随着世界排球技战术思想的不断演变,中国排球的技战术思想也在不断的变化,每个时代和阶段的技战术思想也都体现着当时的时代性和阶段性。

    Accompanying the constant evolution of the volleyball skills and tactics globally , the technical and tactic thoughts of Chinese team is also changing with obvious symbol of the time .

  10. 游击战术思想用在抗日方面,九一八事变至抗战爆发处于酝酿与尝试阶段,1938年1月汉口会议时初步形成,1938年底正式确立并在其后得到发展。

    The thought got initial formation at Hankou Meeting in January 1938 ; it was established officially at the end of the year of 1938 and developed from then on .

  11. 整体意识和大局观念是当今世界刑事侦查战术思想发展的必然趋势,当前犯罪发展的趋势和现代刑事侦查活动的特点要求树立整体意识和大局观念。

    As for tactical thoughts of criminal investigation in the world nowadays , integral consciousness and ideas of overall situation become the inexorable trend . They need to be established for the present tendency of crime expanding as well as the features of contemporary criminal investigation .

  12. 技战术指导思想的确立与中国排球运动的发展

    The establishment of guiding thinking of tactics and the development of Chinese volleyball

  13. 试论新规则对我国排球技、战术指导思想的影响

    The Influence of Guiding Thought of China Volleyball Technique and Tactics from the New FIVB Rule

  14. 通过对中国排球运动各个历史时期技战术指导思想演变的社会背景与我国排球状况的阐述,探讨了技战术指导思想与中国排球运动发展的互动关系。

    This paper , through the introduction of the development of Chinese volleyball and the background of its technical and tactical guiding ideology at different times , approaches the interrelationship between them .

  15. 比赛中,运动员依据自身竞技能力状态结合场上形势变化,灵活贯彻赛前教练员的战术指导思想,尽可能的发挥自身最高竞技能力。

    During the competition the athletes based on their athletic ability to combine market status changes , flexible tactical coaches before carrying out the guiding ideology , as much as possible play to their maximum athletic ability .

  16. 通过对中国排球运动不同时期技战术指导思想的回顾,探讨了正确的技战术指导思想的确立对我国排球运动发展的极端重要性。

    Based on reviewing the guiding thinking of skills and tactics of Chinese volleyball in different periods , it is pointed out that the establishment of correct guiding thinking of skills and tactics is very important to Chinese volleyball development .

  17. 研究警察实战应用战术,转变思想观念,针对性展开教学改革,提高人民警察为人民服务意识、法制意识、战术意识以及自我保护意识,准确有效的控制、制服犯罪分子和犯罪嫌疑人至关重要。

    Researches on the application of actual combat and the reform of teaching accordingly are of vital importance for the police to increase their serving , legal , tactical consciousness and consciousness of self - protection and effectively control or catch the criminals and suspects .

  18. 孙子兵法的战略战术和辩证法思想已广泛应用于社会生活的各个领域。

    The tactics and dialectics embodied in Master Sun Zi Warcraft have found applications in various fields of life .

  19. “先为不可胜”,“避实而击虚”等战术原则和策略思想与篮球比赛有着十分密切的关系,是篮球比赛及临场指挥中强有力的理论武器。

    Some tactical principles and strategical ideas of the book have very close relationship with the basketball matches , and they are powerful theoretical weapons in basketball matches and on-the-spot commanding .

  20. 毽球运动战术体系包括战术观念、战术指导思想、战术意识与战术实施几个方面。

    Shuttlecock Ball Sport Tactical theoretical system contains the theory of tactical guidance and tactical implementation . Tactical guidance theory includes tactical concepts , tactics guiding ideology and tactical awareness .