
  • 网络Strategic Management System
  1. 论企业税收筹划战略管理体系的构建

    On Strategic Management System Construction of Enterprise Tax Planning

  2. 不论是私营,还是公共机构,你都能学会如何开发和建立平衡计分卡战略管理体系。

    This course shows how to build and implement a balanced scorecard strategic management system for your organization , whether public or private sector .

  3. 第五部分完善我国知识产权战略管理体系。

    Chapter 5 discussion to perfect Chinese intellectual property stratagem management system .

  4. 建立战略管理体系提高企业竞争力

    Establishment Strategy Management System to Improve Enterprise Competition Ability

  5. 一种新的公司战略管理体系&BSC-SEMS

    A new strategic management systerm & BSC-SEMS

  6. 从建立科学有效的战略管理体系、将战略管理与企业绩效管理工作相结合以及打造崇尚执行的企业文化等方面探讨了如何提高中国网通的战略执行力。

    At last the author discussed how to improve implementation strength from aspects of company culture and strategy management .

  7. 企业的税收筹划行为其实也属于管理学的研究范畴,构建企业税收筹划战略管理体系,有利于企业在战略的高度对税收筹划进行全面、系统的控制。

    Constructing enterprise tax planning strategic management system can help enterprises carry on overall and systematic control of the tax planning in the height of strategy .

  8. 建立有效的战略绩效管理体系,对W公司应对市场竞争,达到行业领导者地位有重要意义。

    It is of great importance for W to cope with the market competition and to achieve the status of the industry leader .

  9. 精品科技期刊发展战略的管理体系研究

    Research on management system of development strategy of high quality scientific journals

  10. 构建我国饭店战略成本管理体系研究

    The Study on the Establishment of China 's Hotel Strategy Cost Management System

  11. 基于环境可持续性的企业战略绩效管理体系

    Strategic performance management system based on environmental sustainability

  12. 基于职位族平台的战略绩效管理体系设计

    Design of the Strategic Performance Management System Based on Position Race 's Management Platform

  13. 最后,本文用这个战略成本管理体系对高新技术企业进行了具体的分析研究。

    At last , this thesis applies the strategic cost management system to study and analyze the hi-tech companies .

  14. 第二部分:战略成本管理体系相关概念诠释。包括战略成本管理的概念、特点和在饭店业中应用的特殊性。

    The second part explicates many issues dealing with strategic cost management including its definition , characteristics and its specialty applied in hotel industry .

  15. 第三部分是构建战略成本管理体系,并采用理论与案例分析相结合的方法,阐述战略成本管理体系对企业的重要性。

    The third part is the strategic cost management system , and the theory and method of combining the case analysis , expounds the strategic cost management system for the enterprises .

  16. 本文将战略成本管理体系分为战略成本预测、战略成本决策、战略成本计划与控制及战略业绩评价四个部分。

    This will be the strategic cost management system is divided into strategic cost forecast , strategic cost decision-making , strategic cost plan and control and strategic performance evaluation of four parts .

  17. 先后介绍了顺驰集团的历史,开发状况,在天津发展和全国的扩张,核心业务以及聚焦战略的管理体系等。

    The author first writes the detail of its history , development procedure , its core businesses , rapid expansion in Tianjin as well as all over China and its management system that is focusing on strategy .

  18. 在此基础上,作者构建了省域战略投资管理体系运营机构的架构,详细阐述了其功能定位和运营模式,最后提出完善省域战略投资运营机构的保证措施。

    Based on the concluding , this paper constructs the framework of operation organization of strategic investment management in province , illustrates the function and operation model , and provides the suggestions for perfecting the operation organization of strategic investment in province .

  19. 战略成本管理方法体系研究

    Study on System of Strategic Cost Management Methods

  20. 所以,电力企业建立基于战略的绩效管理体系已成为一种必然。

    Therefore , the establishment of a strategic-oriented performance management system has become a necessity . In strategic performance management system , business strategy and performance management interact .

  21. 从理论联系实际出发,借助企业具体案例,详细介绍了基于战略的绩效管理体系设计过程,具有较强的借鉴意义。

    Combining theory with practice , it introduces in detail the design process of strategy-based Performance Management system of corporations with real case , so it has stronger reference meanings .

  22. 优秀的企业,不但需要卓越的领导人、自我革新的内部管理流程,还离不开一套基于企业发展战略的绩效管理体系。

    Excellent enterprise , not only need outstanding leaders , self innovation of internal management process , still cannot leave a set of enterprise development strategy based on the performance management system .

  23. 另外,战略导向绩效管理体系的建立在客观上需要企业具备哪些条件,如何不断巩固和完善也是本文探讨的一个方面。

    Besides , another aspect the thesis probes into is that what conditions the enterprise should have to meet the criteria of the establishment of strategy oriented performance management system and how to consolidate and perfect the system .

  24. 提出了质量管理体系建设中存在的问题和解决途径,对不同企业发展战略的质量管理体系进行了比较,指出了质量管理体系建设必须与企业发展战略相适应。

    Some problems and solutions in the construction of quality management system are presented . The quality management system of different enterprise development strategies are compared . It is pointed out that the construction of the quality management system must adapt to the enterprise development strategy .

  25. 通过对系统论及供应链关系的分析,深入研究了提高供应链绩效的方法,包括战略管理、供应体系的建立、成本管理、信息管理、客户关系管理及服务;

    Through analysis of the relationship between management system theory and supply chain management ( SCM ), ways to improve the performance of SCM are studied such as strategic management , establishment of a supply chain system , cost management , information management , client-customer relationship and service management .

  26. 通过对网通X分公司的绩效管理过程进行整体而广泛的研究,并对具体存在的问题进行深入的分析和探讨,创造性地开发出了符合网通X分公司战略发展的绩效管理体系。

    A new performance management system of China Netcom X Company was established constructively through extensive research on the overall performance management process and in-depth analysis and study on specific issues .

  27. 第四章针对KT公司目前绩效管理过程中存在的问题,结合中层管理人员岗位的特殊性,为KT公司建立了一套战略导向的绩效管理体系。

    For KT corporate current performance management process in the exists of problem , combined particularity of middle management personnel position , in the fourth chapter , this article established a strategic oriented performance management system for KT corporate .

  28. 通过分析Z财产保险公司四川分公司客户服务人员现行绩效管理中存在的问题,以及问题产生的原因,确定了构建以平衡记分卡为主要考核方法的战略向导型绩效管理体系的指导思想。

    The article looks into existing problems of the company 's current performance evaluation mechanism , analyses the reasons behind , then sets up the guidance methodology of a strategy-oriented performance management system , which is featured by applying BSC as the main evaluation measure .

  29. 论战略成本管理业绩评价体系的构建

    On the Construction of Performance Appraisal System for Strategic Cost Management

  30. 企业战略信息管理绩效评价体系研究&以制造性企业为例

    The Study on Performance Evaluation System of Strategic Information Management