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  • 网络outlook on war
  1. 战后日本政界战争观研究。

    Study in the war views of Japanese political circles ii .

  2. 从海明威的三部长篇小说看他的战争观

    Hemingway 's Changing Views on War : A Study of His Three Novels

  3. 尼采生活战争观是尼采学说的重要组成部分。

    The view of life war is an important component of Nietzsche 's theory .

  4. 战争观是关于战争基本问题的理性认识。

    The outlook of war is the rational knowledge on the basic issues of war .

  5. 尼采生活战争观并未真正认识社会生活和个人。

    Nietzsche 's view of life war does not really know the society and himself .

  6. 评尼采的生活战争观

    On nietzsche 's view of life war

  7. 马克思主义战争观是我们认识战争的根本立场和根本观点。

    Marxist view of war is our fundamental starting point and viewpoint in understanding war .

  8. 20世纪后半期革命历史小说创作的战争观

    On the War 's Exploration of Revolutionary Historical Fiction 's Writing in the 1980s and 1990s

  9. 在他们的战争观里,人不仅是手段,也是目的。

    In their outlook of war , people were not only the means but also the aim .

  10. 欧里庇得斯战争观管窥

    Euripides ' View on War

  11. 和平既是一种社会现象,也是古代兵家的战争观;

    Peace is not only a social appearance , but also the war idea of ancient strategist .

  12. 运用孙子战争观指导我军履行新使命的思考

    Reflections on the New Mission Carried out by PLA Using the View on War Created by Sun Tzu

  13. 功利战争观一直为处于政治军事斗争核心的政治家、军事家们所青睐和推动。

    The utilitarian outlook of war was in favor of politicians and strategists who were in the center of political and military struggle .

  14. 而双方选择追求现实利益的行为,也对双方的战争观与和平观的演变产生了深刻影响。

    And the behavior of the parties choose to pursue the real interests , also had a profound impact on the evolution of the concept of war and peace .

  15. 新时代观中的新战争观、新主题观、新趋势观具有严格的科学性和鲜明的时代性。

    In the new age views , the new war view , new topic view and new trend view will be qualified with the scientific character and distinctive character .

  16. 坚持科学发展全面提升医院有效履行使命的能力运用孙子战争观指导我军履行新使命的思考

    Promoting Service Abilities of Military Hospital Guided by Scientific Development View Reflections on the New Mission Carried out by PLA Using the View on War Created by Sun Tzu

  17. 春秋末年以后,兵家、法家继承和发展了功利战争观,并使其理论化、系统化。

    After the end of the Spring and Autumn Period , military strategists and Legalists inherited and developed the utilitarian outlook of war , making it both theoretical and systematical .

  18. 在忧患意识关照下的战争观显现出鲜明的层次性:非战、慎战、以战止战。

    In the sense of anxiety , the outlook on wars appeared distinct levels : " non-war ", " deliberation in war ", " against a war by another " .

  19. 军事成语具有独特的军事文化内涵,它反映了古人慎战的战争观,以谋为本的思想及诸多的谋略原则;

    Military idioms have distinctive military cultural connotations . They reflect the ancients ′ war sense of careful about fighting , thought of based on stratagem and a lot of strategical principles .

  20. 他的这一侵华战争观的形成既有日本社会文化传统的深刻影响,也有他自身经历方面的深刻原因。

    The formation of his viewpoints of their war of invading China are strongly influenced by the Japanese social and cultural customs and is also the result of his own personal experiences .

  21. 我们要用新的英雄观、战争观、军事观、战争智慧、战争心态审视、表现当代军人风貌,反映出真正的当代职业军人及其品格、精神结构。

    We must use the new hero concept , concept of war , military concept , the wisdom of the war , a war mentality to examine the performance of contemporary military style .

  22. 天命战争观盛行于三代,衰落于春秋,它是天命观在战争领域里的延伸。

    The destiny outlook of war , as an extension of the destiny outlook in the war field , prevailed in the dynasties of Xia , Shang and Zhou , and waned in the Spring and Autumn Period .

  23. 本文认为,先秦战争观大约经历了四种形态:天命战争观、民本战争观、功利战争观和战争观的初步融合。

    The paper holds the idea that the pre-Qin outlook of war experienced four patterns : the destiny outlook of war , people-based outlook of war , utilitarian outlook of war , and the primary mergence of different outlooks of war .

  24. 15年战争观的提出有着深刻的历史背景;多数日本学者肯定15年战争观,并以此为前提,论述了中日战争的性质,重点阐明了日本帝国主义是侵略者;

    15 years war view proposed has the profound historical background ; Most of Japanese scholars affirmed 15 years war view , and took this as a premise , elaborated the Chinese and Japanese war nature , had expounded with emphasis the Japanese imperialism is an invader ;

  25. 从战争陈观到和平理想

    From the Stereotypes of War to the Ideals of Peace

  26. 儒、释、道的战争和平观

    The Views on War and Peace of Confucianism , Buddhism and taoism

  27. 由此人道主义干涉这个因二战后战争违法观的强化而很少为人提及的论题又走上前台,并成为国际关系理论与实践中最富有争议的问题,给国际法的理论与实践都带来挑战。

    That has brought challenges to the theory and practice of international law .

  28. 德日不同战争历史观产生之原因分析

    The Causal Analysis On Different Attitudes of Germany and Japan towards World War ⅱ

  29. 鸦片战争与中国观的近代转换

    The Opium War and the Modern Transformation of " China View "

  30. 和平还是战争,听其言,观其色,下一国际世界各国力量实力转变,能是否再缔造一个新平衡世界。

    Peace or war , and its color , and the next international world power shift , whether can strength to create a new balance in the world .