
zhàn láng
  • War Wolf;warwolf
战狼[zhàn láng]
  1. 3月6日,该片超过2019年奇幻动漫电影《哪吒之魔童降世》,成为中国影史票房第二高的电影。目前,位列影史票房冠军的是2017年的动作冒险影片《战狼2》,票房成绩为56.93亿元。

    The film overtook the 2019 animated 2 is currently topping the all-time box office chart covering all films ever screened in China with a total revenue of 5.693 billion yuan , according to data compiled by the China Movie Data Information Network .

  2. 团队精神是冷锋在“战狼”部队学到的第一课。

    The first lesson the Wolf Warriors teaches Leng is team spirit .

  3. 战狼出现在命案现场,引起警察与黑帮注意。

    War Wolf appears in homicide cases onsite , policeman and gangs of note .

  4. 战狼说打前站的转风能过其他人就没问题了。

    Zhan Lang said that if Xuan Feng could pass , so it would no problems .

  5. 战争片常常会激起人们心中的爱国情,《战狼》也不例外。

    War films are known to arouse a sense of patriotism , and Wolf Warriors is no different .

  6. 不过,他的出色枪法和坚强意志赢得了进入精英部队战狼的机会。

    But his extraordinary marksmanship and tough personality win him recruitment into the elite military squadron Wolf Warriors .

  7. 中国电影票房复苏:《战狼2》票房突破12亿

    China Box Office Roars Back to Life as ' Wolf Warrior 2 ' Makes Massive $ 130M Debut

  8. 成为隆力奇公司领袖型的优秀团队,将战狼理念传播到全球,在中国每一个省捐建一座战狼希望小学。

    And then , we build the team 's school in every province of China even the whole world .

  9. 然而在《战狼2》突出的票房成绩中,我们依旧可以看到美国元素的蛛丝马迹。

    But traces of the U.S. industry 's fingerprints could still be detected on Wolf Warrior 2 's success .

  10. 《战狼2》是奥斯卡外语片这一分类中92部被提名的电影中的一部。

    Wolf Warrior 2 is one of 92 films up for consideration in the Oscars 's foreign language film category .

  11. 我非常喜欢战狼传说,还订了杀杀人跳跳舞因为在南方是在哪儿都买不到。

    I love Legend of Wolf and have ordered Ballistics Kiss , since I can 't find it anywhere down South .

  12. 现在,41岁的吴京自导自演的《战狼》终于有电影填补了这一空白。

    But now , Wolf Warriors , directed by and starring Wu Jing , 41 , has begun to fill that void .

  13. 身边的战狼兄弟先行一步,我也将带着荣耀死去。风暴祭坛之上,我还将重生。

    Wolf brothers falling at my side , with honour I will dieupon the altar of the storms , I will be reborn .

  14. 但是,孤军奋战已经早已令人视觉疲劳,在《战狼》的续集里,还是希望能看到更多的军事战略和团队精神。

    The one-man-army trope is tired , and I hope that if the movie becomes a franchise it focus more on tactical warfare and team chemistry .

  15. 军事电影迷们最期待的莫过于影片中先进的武器装备和激烈的战斗场面。《战狼》定能让你们心满意足。

    What fans expect most from military themed action movies is no doubt advanced weaponry and fierce fight scenes , and Wolf Warriors delivers in full .

  16. 日前,产生轰动效应的动作电影《战狼2》,被选中代表中国竞争明年奥斯卡的“最佳外语片”这一奖项。

    The mega-hit action film Wolf Warrior 2 has been selected to represent China in the bid for the Best Foreign Language Film at next year 's Oscars .

  17. 其中,国产动作片《战狼2》位居榜首,成了中国史上收入最高的影片,门票销售狂揽56.8亿元。

    Domestic action movie " Wolf Warrior II " was top on the list and became the country 's highest-grossing film ever , raking in 5.68 billion yuan in ticket sales .

  18. 没有哪个国家尽善尽美,即使是我们的祖国也是如此。但是,当看到战狼们戴上写着为中国而战的臂章时,我的心中还是充满了骄傲。

    No country is perfect , not even our own , but the scene in which the Warriors put on armbands reading I fight for China made my heart swell with pride .

  19. 据《新京报》报道,看到《战狼》上周末位居榜首的票房,制作人们似乎发现了商机,并开始考虑将其发展成系列电影。

    With Wolf Warriors topping box office charts last weekend , its producers caught the smell of money and are now considering making the movie into a series , according to The Beijing News .

  20. 没有哪个国家尽善尽美,即使是我们的祖国也是如此。但是,当看到“战狼”们戴上写着“为中国而战”的臂章时,我的心中还是充满了骄傲。

    No country is perfect , not even our own , but the scene in which the Warriors put on armbands reading " I fight for China " made my heart swell with pride .

  21. 《战狼2》是动作片导演吴京2015年同名电影的续集,周四一上映,《战狼2》的票房就已经达到1.5亿美元,上周结束时票房总计13亿美元。

    Actor-director Wu Jing 's Wolf Warrior 2 , a sequel to his 2015 film of the same name , opened Thursday to $ 15 million before pulling in an enormous $ 131 million over the weekend .

  22. 这部电影于今年2月上映,目前已获得36.5亿元的票房,并在2018年迄今为止占据了中国电影市场的榜首位置,仅次于中国有史以来票房最高的电影《战狼2》。

    The film , released in February , has raked in 3.65 billion yuan and occupied the top spot in China 's film market so far in 2018 , only second to " Wolf Warrior 2 , " the top-grossing film of all time in China .

  23. 由武术高手吴京执导并主演的《战狼2》,讲述了中国前特种部队战士冷锋的故事,他在被卷入到非洲一个国家的争端中之后,重新扮演了救助和保护平民的角色。

    Directed by and starring martial arts expert Wu Jing , Wolf Warrior 2 tells the story of Leng Feng , a former Chinese Special Forces officer , reprising his role as a rescuer and protector of civilians after getting involved in a war in an African country .

  24. 与《红海行动》和两部英雄痛打西方恶棍的兰博式《战狼》不同,《流浪地球》并不带有沙文主义色彩,尽管该片中也有《战狼》系列的主角吴京,他本人还投资了该片。

    Unlike " Operation Red Sea " or the two " Wolf Warrior " movies , which featured a Rambo-like hero battling Western villains , " The Wandering Earth " is not jingoistic , though it does star Wu Jing , the hero of the " Wolf Warrior " films , who put up his own investment in the project .