
  • 网络strategy paper
  1. 我们希望于2002年中完成中国国家战略文件的最新版本。

    We are hoping to complete an updated version of the Country Strategy Paper by mid-2002 .

  2. 国际发展部制订的中国国家战略文件,以及我们的项目组成的详细内容可以从因特网上获得。

    DFID 's Country Strategy Paper for China and further details of our project portfolio are available via the Internet .

  3. 但是减贫战略文件并没有把技术上实现变革视为优先事项。

    But technical change is not identified as a priority within PRSPs .

  4. 那样有意思的一份战略文件,却几乎没有见诸报端。

    Interesting as that strategy document is , it was hardly hot off the presses .

  5. 这个词根本不属于战略文件,尤其不会从审计人员的嘴里说出来。

    This word does not belong in a strategy document at all , particularly not from an auditor .

  6. 世行针对非洲的主要战略文件为《非洲行动计划》,对此大家都很清楚。

    As you 're aware , the Bank 's key strategy for Africa is the Africa Action Plan .

  7. 报告附带的一份战略文件更鼓动人心,它提醒各国政府为什么对外开放很重要。

    An accompanying strategy paper was more stirring , reminding national governments why it is important to keep the door open .

  8. 此外,本文还着重阐述了俄罗斯对港口发展的政策,并对国家战略文件进行了剖析。

    Moreover , the paper includes review of Russian government policy on ports with detailed analysis of significant state strategies related to port development .

  9. 国家战略文件介绍了国际发展部将如何为中国千年目标的进展作出贡献,并提供衡量进展的基础。

    Our Country Strategy Paper explains how DFID aims to contribute to progress towards the Millennium Develo9pment Goals in China , and provides a basis to measure progress .

  10. 新的共同框架反映在世行的治理与反腐败战略文件草案中,该草案定于周一在发展委员会会议上讨论。

    The new common framework is reflected in the Bank 's draft strategy paper on governance and anti-corruption , which is to be discussed at the Development Committee on Monday .

  11. 在这一过程中,国家先制定一份国家减贫战略文件,为捐赠机构提供提供一份框架,供其用于根据国家的优先重点更好地协调并调整其方案。

    Under this process , the country prepares a national poverty reduction strategy that creates a framework for donors to use to better coordinate and align their programs behind national priorities .

  12. 国防部依赖网络空间行使职能,五角大楼的战略文件表示。报告称,由于美军在全世界拥有逾1.5万网络和700万台电脑设备,这种依赖是很难夸大的。

    The department of defence depends on cyberspace to function , the strategy document said , saying it was difficult to overstate this reliance as the Pentagon has more than 15,000 networks and 7m computing devices around the world .

  13. 在11月29日公布的一份信件中,奥巴马告诉国会,其政府将于2014年春季呈报另一份战略文件,文件将详述如何实现在《新国家安全战略》中提出的政策目标。

    The administration will present another strategy paper on how it intends to achieve the policy ambitions to be outlined in the new national security doctrine sometime in the spring , Obama told Congress in a letter made public Friday .

  14. 我们有时会建议让一些公司自己来处理,通过反恐战略的文件费来代替他们的支付数额。

    Some companies are sometimes advised to come in person and get the anti-terrorist document to cover their payments .

  15. 她说,她最初对制定一项北约新战略概念文件很有热情,但随着进程的发展,她现在已经相信北约的28个成员国没有能力起草这样一份北约所需要的文件。麦克纳马拉说:

    But as the process has developed , she says she has come to believe that the alliance 's 28 nations will be unable to draft the kind of document they need .

  16. 当然,《纲要》作为战略纲领性文件,不可能细致规定具体的实现路径,这也是广大学前教育管理与理论工作者的重大历史使命。

    Certainly , as a strategic programmatic document , the Program cannot specifically state detailed provisions of the realization path . Therefore , it is the great historical mission of the preschool educators ' and the theorists ' .

  17. 此外,国别援助战略、项目评估文件和规划文件均须在成员国同意的前提下,在向执董会分发的同时对外披露。

    In addition , Country Assistance Strategies , Project Appraisal Documents , and Program Documents will be disclosed simultaneous to their distribution to the Board if the member country consents .