
  • 网络The Art Of War;theatre of war
  1. 他谈到孩童必需接受战争艺术的教育。

    Children must be taught the art of war .

  2. 战争艺术的原则与准则

    Principle and Maxims of the Art of War

  3. 你对于战争艺术中的速度和隐秘是如何理解的?

    What is your opinion on operational speed and stealth in the art of warfare ?

  4. 一些致力于战争艺术的军官正试图总结应吸取的经验教训。

    Some officers of the art of war are trying to summarize the lessons learned .

  5. 它看起来可能有点不正派,但是这和战争艺术毫无关系。

    It may not seem quite decent , but that is no concern of the military art .

  6. 战略线是西方军事家首先提出的,约米尼在《战争艺术》一书中对其下了明确定义以及做了详细论述。

    The strategic lines first proposed by the Western military strategist , Yue Mini them in his book " The Art of War " under the clear definition of the detail .

  7. 这些兵学理念中的诸多大战略思想、战争艺术与将道的要求,皆使得春秋时代成为了我国战略发展史上一个承先启后的重要时期。

    The concept of grand strategy , art of war , and the demand for generalship hade establish Chun Chiu period one of the most innovative era in the strategic history .

  8. 战争艺术:取消该天赋的增加审判,十字军打击和神圣风暴的暴击伤害,取代为增加少量所有上述技能所造成的伤害。

    Art of War : No longer increases critical strike damage on Judgements , Crusader Strike , and Divine Storm , instead increases all damage done by those abilities by a smaller amount .

  9. 战争艺术现在提高审判,十字军打击,神圣风暴伤害5/10%。

    The Art of War now increases the damage of Judgement , Crusader Strike and Divine Storm by5 / 10 % . ( Old-Increased critical strike damage only , by10 / 20 % )

  10. 在长期的持久抗战的艰苦岁月里,八路军129师成功地运用了游击战的战争艺术,有力地打击了日本侵略者,取得了辉煌的战果;

    In the long hard times , Eighth Route Army Division 129 gave a series of serious attacks on Japanese invaders by successful use of guerrilla warfare , which became the epitome of Anti-Japanese War behind enemy lines .

  11. 战争的艺术掌握在优秀的指挥官手中。

    The art of war is in the grasp of talented commanders .

  12. 这场战争毫无艺术可言斯宾塞

    There 's no art to this war , Spencer .

  13. 党创造了坚强的武装部队,因此也就学会了战争的艺术。

    The party created strong armed forces and thus learned the art of war .

  14. 安布鲁斯·毕尔斯的战争小说艺术

    Art of War Stories by Ambrose Bierce

  15. 莫斯科掌握了混合战争的艺术,包括运用信息和心理压力。

    Moscow has mastered the art of hybrid warfare , including information and psychological pressure .

  16. 它培养了战争的艺术,却无法消除人类之间的隔阂。

    It has cultivated the arts of war but is incapable of wiping away the barriers between human beings .

  17. 本文对此进行了简要述评,说明胜败的关键因素在于战争指导艺术的高低。

    This paper gives a brief narration and commentary on them , showing that it 's warfare commanding art that determines the outcome of a battle .

  18. 你不可以与一个敌人战斗太久,要不你会教会他战争的艺术的。“-拿破仑?波拿巴”

    You must not fight too often with one enemy , or you will teach him all your art of war . " - napoleon bonaparte "

  19. 目前,由于科学的发展,战争的艺术在于获得煤、铁、油,并使用工业技术对之进行加工。

    And for the present , owing to science , the art of war consists in possessing coal , iron , oil , and the industrial skill to work them .

  20. 也就是从这儿,从这个他遭到放逐的地方,他写下大作《君王论》,《论利瓦伊》,和《战争的艺术》

    It was here , from a place of political exile , that he wrote his major works & The Prince , the Discourses on Livy , and The Art of War .

  21. 大家知道,大多数常见的历史课程主题都是政治、经济和战争,但艺术史的重点远不止于此。

    You know , most typical history courses concentrate on politics , economics and war , but art history focuses on much more than this .

  22. 戈培尔借此公开场合指责敌人是野蛮人,并且要求国家社会主义在战争中推进艺术的发展。

    Goebbels uses the occasion to accuse his enemies of being barbarians , and to claim that national socialism is doing all it can to advance art even in the midst of war .

  23. 因为战争的领导艺术和人的活跃性,临到像第一次世界大战的中期以后西欧地区那样的阵地战,就死了一大半。

    For the art of directing war and the active role of man are largely nullified in positional warfare such as that fought in Western Europe in the second half of World War I.

  24. 在这个巨大的战争之中,艺术可以存在,而且几乎未受巨大的命运战争的影响,这几乎是个奇迹。

    It is almost a miracle that in the midst of this gigantic battle , art is able to exist , and almost untouched by the storms of our people 's gigantic and fateful struggle .

  25. 由此,作家开拓了新时期战争史诗的艺术新质,使悲剧、纪实与思辨艺术有机统一于史诗的文学样式中,为新时期战争史诗的创作提供艺术借鉴。

    Therefore , the writer creates the epic features in the war epic , unifies the tragedy , documentary and speculative within the literature style of epic and offer aesthetic reference for the creation of war epic in a new period of time .

  26. 上历史课的时候,讲到古希腊和罗马时,我们谈到的是战争、文学、艺术、还有那些经典文明所创造出来的发明。

    In history class , when we learnt about ancient Greece and Rome , we were taught about the wars , literature , art and invention of those classical civilisations .

  27. 彦涵作为中国版画艺术的杰出代表人物,从抗日战争时期就在艺术界崭露头角,并与古元一起成为新木刻运动领军人物。

    Mr. Yan Han as the outstanding representative of Chinese print art , from the period of war of resistance against Japan in the art world and cut a striking figure , together with Gu Yuan to become the new woodcut movement leader .

  28. 在军事斗争中自觉运用武装冲突法,把斗法和斗兵紧密地结合起来夺取战争的胜利,已经成为一项重要的现代战争指导艺术。

    Consciously utilizing armed conflicts law in military fights and tightly combining struggling through law and struggling through soldiers to gain victories of wars already has become an important guiding art for modern wars .

  29. 战争是人类发展历史上不可回避的重大事件,对人类社会的发展影响深远,而这些战争总会在文学艺术上得到反映。

    War is very important in the history of human development , have far-reaching impact in the development of human society , and these wars are always reflected in the literary arts .