
huō kǒu
  • Notch;opening;gap;breach;break
豁口 [huō kǒu]
  • [opening;break;breach] 缺口

  • 穿过篱笆的豁口

  • (1) [gap]∶障碍物[如墙或树篱]上的缺口;尤指军事防御线上的突破口

  • (2) [break]∶裂缝;开口

  • 穿过篱笆的豁口

  • (3) [opening]∶破口,缺口

  • 城墙豁口

  • (4) [breach]∶[在墙壁、壁垒或碉堡中]炮击或像是被击开的缺口

  • 亲爱的朋友们,让我们再一次冲上豁口,让我们用尸体把墙堵住

豁口[huō kǒu]
  1. 树篱、篱笆等上的豁口

    An opening in a hedge , fence , etc

  2. 树篱、篱笆等上的豁口洞口在他面前豁然而开。

    An opening in a hedge , fence , etc The hole yawned before him .

  3. 这缸子有个豁口。

    This mug has a chip in it .

  4. 他试着把手伸进豁口,可就是伸不进去。

    He tried to push his hand through the gap but it wouldn 't go .

  5. 脸盆边上有个小豁口。

    The washbasin had a small chip .

  6. 他首先登上城墙豁口。

    He was the first to mount the breach in the city wall .

  7. 城墙扒了个豁口。

    A breach was made in the city wall .

  8. 本文的主要创新成果如下:(1)发现冬季南海南部冷舌是冬季印度洋&太平洋暖池在南海的一个豁口,南海冷舌的SST季节变化比同纬度带大;

    Some main and new research results are listed as follows : ( 1 ) The SCT is a conspicuous gap of the Indo-Pacific warm water pool in boreal winter .

  9. 岩石之间有一道很大的豁口。

    A great gap yawned between the rocks .

  10. 篱笆上的豁口宽度刚好能让羊钻过去。

    The gap in the fence was just wide enough for the sheep to get through .

  11. 实际上,有的地方缺失了整块,甚至露出很深的豁口。

    In fact , in some places there were deep gouges where whole pieces were missing .

  12. 两周前拔牙后留下的那个豁口现在已经不痛了。

    The gap left where a tooth was drawn a fortnight ago has lost its soreness .

  13. 非常大的一个豁口。

    A great big gaping hole .

  14. 装卸防腐管时注意保护管口,以免使管口产生任何豁口与伤痕。

    Take care of pipe mouth when installing and uninstalling corrosion-proof pipes to avoid rupture or damage ;

  15. 作为西边界的豁口的吕宋海峡是扰动能量增长的区域,尤其是锋面不稳定活跃的区间。

    Luzon Strait is the region where the perturbation energy increases and the frontal instability is especially active .

  16. 瀑布自气势磅礴的岩石悬崖倾泻而下,在几近垂直的岩壁上切割出一道道豁口。

    All of the falls pitch out from a high bluff of rock , each carving a notch in its sheer face .

  17. 大洋西边界流在边界豁口处由于失去边界的支持而发生形变。

    There is a deformation in the Western Boundary Current ( WBC ) which loses support from the western boundary at a gap .

  18. 这也是为什么要补足结核病研究和开发所需的资金豁口,这些研究可以为我们提供最新和更加有用的防治手眼。

    That is why meeting the funding gap for TB research and development is essential to provide us with new and more effective tools .

  19. 在英语里,这种东西也被称作蜂胶,因为它可用来掩蔽蜂箱的裂缝,并填补蜂箱的微小豁口。

    It is also known in English as " bee glue ", since it is used to cover the cracks and fill up tiny gaps in the hive .

  20. 这是一条叫人厌恶的通道,仿佛是土地上新裂开来的一道豁口,充满了树木拖到河边去时沿路留下的瘾迹。

    It was a hideous lane like a raw gash in the land , full of muddy ruts where felled trees had been dragged down to the river .

  21. 亚当找到了新陈代谢模型的豁口,尤其是孤酵酶。科学家认为有这样的酵酶存在,但没有把它与源基因联系上。

    Adam sought out gaps in the metabolism model , specifically orphan enzymes , which scientists think exist , but which haven 't been linked to any parent genes .

  22. 这将成为一个豁口,因为你不再信任对方,觉得任何时候只要你一转身,他就会做出伤害你的事来。

    There will always be a rift because you don 't trust your partner , and feel like any time your back is turned , they 'll be doing something hurtful .

  23. 所以剧组连忙召唤了一位牙医来补救这位女星的门牙豁口。尽管在镜头中我们看到是客串演员演的牙医帮助贝蒂解救她那卡住的牙套,但实际上的确出动了牙医。

    A dentist was summoned to the make-up trailer to fix the star 's chip , though on camera it will be guest orthodontist Kathy Najimy extricating Betty from her stuck braces .

  24. 与此同时,多条各种各样的视觉通道穿越建筑群,如小河及墙上的豁口,使人们同时又能感受到外面公园及城市的生活脉搏。

    Meanwhile , various visual channels , such as the canal and the slits on the walls , penetrate the complex to allow people to feel life in the park and the city beyond .

  25. 老头子开头定睛望着他儿子,不自然地咧着嘴微笑,露出安德烈公爵至今尚未看惯的牙齿中间的新豁口。

    The old man stared for a moment at his son , and a forced smile revealed the loss of a tooth , to which Prince Andrey could not get accustomed , in his face .

  26. 尽管这些豁口很疼,我还是让它们敞开着,因为它们能使我想起我付出的爱。我希望有一天,得到爱的人们能够回来填补上我心里的空间。

    Although these gouges are painful , they stay open , reminding me of the love I have for those people too , and I hope someday they may return and fill the space I have waiting .

  27. 唇腭裂包括小唇部豁口到至口鼻顶部凹槽等不同程度的口唇部器质缺陷,可能会导致进食困难、说话障碍和耳部感染等问题。

    Cleft lip and cleft palate range from a small notch in the lip to a groove that runs into the roof of the mouth and nose , possibly leading to problems with eating , talking and ear infections .

  28. 再往前去,他们看见围墙上有一个大豁口。穿过豁口,来到一个小树林,这儿的树颜色很深,也很高大。在这里他们找到了大量的干枝、朽木、枯叶和冷杉树的球果。

    Beyond this they found a wide gap in the castle wall and stepped through it into a wood of darker and bigger trees where they found dead branches and rotten wood and sticks and dry leaves and fir-cones in plenty .