
huò miǎn quán
  • immunity;diplomatic immunity;right of immunity;dispensing power
豁免权 [huò miǎn quán]
  • [dispensing power] 法官或行政官(或代理人)停止实施某一特定法规或法律的权力

  1. IMF表示,外交豁免权在该案件中将不适用。

    The IMF said that diplomatic immunity would not cover its managing director in this case .

  2. 如今巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)也开始采取这种策略。他最近开始反对枪支管制,支持死刑,还同意对执行窃听的电话公司给予豁免权,导致他的支持者感到不爽。

    Now Barack Obama is at it too , upsetting supporters with his recent opposition to gun control and support for the death penalty and immunity for wire-tapping telephone companies .

  3. 各成员国的官员均享有某些特权和豁免权。

    Officials of all member states receive certain privileges and immunities .

  4. 安全管理员还可以为用户授予豁免权(exemption)。

    A security administrator can also grant exemptions to users .

  5. 在(B)款还特别规定联邦豁免权。出于“美国最高利益”的需要,总统授权联邦政府采取必要的行动。

    Subsection ( B ) provides for federal exemption if the federal activity is found by the President to be " in the paramount interest of the United States " .

  6. 迄今只有澳华黄金有限公司(SinoGoldMining)一家公司获得这种豁免权。这家澳大利亚集团正在开发中国第二大金矿。

    Such a waiver has only been awarded to one company , Sino Gold Mining , an Australian group developing China 's second biggest gold mine .

  7. 安全标签和豁免权统称为LBAC凭证。

    Together , the security labels and exemptions are called LBAC credentials .

  8. FGHemisphere主张,刚果不应在香港享受绝对主权豁免权。香港是前英国殖民地,承袭普通法传统。

    FG Hemisphere argued Congo should not enjoy full sovereign immunity in Hong Kong , a former British colony with a common law heritage .

  9. 用户的LBAC凭证是他所持有的安全标签和豁免权。

    A user 's LBAC credentials are any security labels he holds plus any exemptions that he holds .

  10. Car的设计能够最大程度地减少你可能面临的交通拥堵费、过路费和停车罚款,这是因为,尽管它实实在在地存在于道路上,但它的官方注册地是一个加勒比海小岛,这使得Car拥有外交豁免权。

    Car has also been programmed to minimise your exposure to congestion charging , toll roads and parking fines because although it has a physical presence on the roads it is officially registered to a small island in the Caribbean that has given it diplomatic immunity .

  11. DBSECADM可以像下面这样创建豁免权

    An exemption can be created by DBSECADM as follows

  12. 专门开采蒙古煤矿的悉尼xanadu公司,也正在寻求香港交易所的豁免权。

    Sydney-based Xanadu , which focuses on mining Mongolian coal , is also seeking a Hong Kong waiver .

  13. 他说,此事涉及到一个必须遵守的更大的原则,即外交豁免权。他说,美国仍然坚持,必须释放Davis。

    He said the matter involves the broader principle of diplomatic immunity that must be upheld , saying the U.S. has been " very firm " about the need for Mr. Davis 's release .

  14. EM和NML几乎就要拿到存放在纽约联储银行的1.05亿美元,然而上诉法院裁定这笔钱不是用于“商业”目的继而享有豁免权。

    EM and NML came close to seizing $ 105m parked with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York , but an appeals court ruled that the money was not for " commercial " use and was thus immune .

  15. 作为对基于标签的访问控制(LBAC)的DB2Viper2数据库角色增强的一部分,可以对一个角色或组授予或收回安全标签或豁免权。

    As part of the DB2 9.5 database roles enhancement to Label-based access control ( LBAC ), you might grant or revoke security labels or exemptions to or from a role or a group .

  16. 这三家航空公司均属于寰宇一家(OneWorld)航空联盟,并试图从美国交通部获得反垄断豁免权。美国交通部将于本周对此做出初步答复。

    The carriers , which belong to the OneWorld alliance , have sought antitrust immunity from the US department of transportation , which is set to issue its preliminary response this week .

  17. 主权豁免权这一法律原则也适用于外国最高统治者。

    The legal doctrine of sovereign immunity extends to foreign sovereigns .

  18. 律师刑事责任豁免权必要性刍议

    Necessities Of Lawyer ′ s Immunity From Responsibility For a Crime

  19. 美国公民的特权或豁免权。

    The privileges or immunities of citizens of the United states .

  20. 长屋对被指控的罪名没有外交豁免权。

    Nagaya does not have diplomatic immunity for the alleged offenses .

  21. 公共领域的工作意味着豁免权或一种政府保障。

    Public sector jobs carry immunity or a government indemnity .

  22. 保留公众在网络世界的信息空间&关于图书馆信息网络传播豁免权的思考

    Retention the Information Space for Public in the Network World

  23. 香港交易所不对豁免权协商置评。

    The Hong Kong exchange would not comment on the waiver negotiations .

  24. 这项豁免权届满六年后,国家通过立法。

    This exemption expires six years after the state legislation is adopted .

  25. 财政部因为外交豁免权问题

    Treasury Department kept running into issues Of diplomatic immunity ,

  26. 巴尔杰称他此前从一名联邦检察官那里得到了豁免权。

    Bulger claims he had previously received immunity from a federal prosecutor .

  27. 承认外交豁免权有效.国有船舶豁免权公约

    Respect diplomatic immunity as valid Convention on the Immunity of State-owned Vessel

  28. 被告于此件诉讼中,依法已经放弃国家赋予的主权豁免权。

    Defendant waived sovereign immunity from this action by statute .

  29. 关于我国律师执业豁免权的思考

    Reflection on the Immunity of the Legal Practice of Lawyers in China

  30. 一些国会成员希望终止这种勘测方法的法律豁免权。

    Some in Congress want to end that the law .