
  1. 论高技术经济战略与东部地区的发展

    Study on the High - technology Economy Strategy and the Development of East Area

  2. 全球高技术经济竞争态势

    Trend of World Hi-tech Economic Competition

  3. 高技术经济的制度演化研究

    Institutional Evolution Research on Hi-Tech Economy

  4. 以信息化带动工业化,发展中国高技术经济,是全面建设小康社会的基本战略选择。

    The basic strategy to attain these objectives is to develop the hi-tech economy of China with informationalization leading the process of industrialization .

  5. 政府为干细胞研究注资动机各种各样;主要原因有二,打造高技术经济基础及促进医学进步。

    Governments have mixed motives for funding stem cell research ; the main two are to develop a high-technology economic base and to promote medical progress .

  6. 从知识稀薄的生产走向知识密集的生产;科学向生产的全面渗透,是大工业生产,尤其是当代高技术经济的特征。

    The industrial production , especially the contemporary Hi-tech economy , is featured by a comprehensive penetration of science into production with the shift of knowledge-scarce production to knowledge-intensive production .

  7. 我们认为,这轮美国经济持续增长的直接原因在于,美国率先完成经济结构调整,步入高技术经济时代;

    We believe that the direct reason for the sustainable growth of American economy in this economic cycle is that the United States has first finished its economic structural readjustment to step into the era of hi-tech economy ;

  8. 因为知识经济的实质就是高技术经济、高文化经济、高智力经济,是区别于以前的以传统工业为产业支柱、以稀缺自然资源为主要依托的新型经济。

    Because the essence of knowledge economy is high technology economy , high culture economy , high intelligence economy , which is the difference between the traditional industry with a pillar industry and with scarce natural resources and the new economy .

  9. 关于高技术战争经济问题理论研究的构想

    An idea of theoretical research of hi-tech war economic issues

  10. 高技术科技经济特性的研究

    The Research of Technology and Economy Characteristics of High Technology

  11. 论国防高技术的经济开发

    Economic exploitation of defense high technology

  12. 高技术局部战争经济动员预案制订办法初探

    Formulating Economy Mobilization Prepared programme under high-tech regional war conditions

  13. 基于内生经济增长理论的高技术标准促进经济增长作用机理分析

    Effect Mechanism of High-Tech Standards Promoting Economic Growth Based on Endogenous Growth Theory

  14. 运行两年多来,主要设备运转正常,性能稳定,系统开车率高,主要技术经济指标经考核达到设计要求,成品硫酸质量达到优等品标准;

    Main technical and economic indices reached the design values in performance test . The product sulphuric acid reached top-quality standard .

  15. 高技术企业作为经济活动的重要领域,是多学科研究的焦点,而高技术企业的发展也推动了经济管理学科的发展。

    As the important field of economic action , hi tech enterprise is the focus of varied subject of research and its development plays an important role in the development of the subjects of economic management .

  16. 配电网是电力系统中和用户联系最为直接的环节,其覆盖范围广泛,单相接地故障机率高,技术和经济因素综合决定了配电网故障选线和故障定位有其特殊性。

    The distribution network is the most direct link for the customers , because of its wide range , high probability of single-phase ground fault , the fault line selection and fault location have the unusual points .

  17. 车联网是将物联网延伸到智能交通领域,具有很高的技术与经济可行性,其产业前景也非常广阔。

    The Internet of Vehicle ( IOV ) is a kind of the Internet of Things which extend to the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems , with high technical and economic feasibility , as well as a very promising future .

  18. 伴随着高技术产业成为经济增长的主要动力这一过程,全球范围内出现了有别于传统经济理论的新经济增长理论,这种理论对城市区域空间的发展、演变产生了重大影响。

    As high - tech industry has become the motive force in economic growth , there appears a new theory of economic growth which is different from the traditional theories in the globe and has exercised significant influence on the development and evolution of urban space .

  19. 高技术产业化项目经济评价问题分析

    Analysis on Economic Evaluation of Hi - tech Industrial Projects

  20. 高技术局部战争城市经济目标防护应遵循的原则

    The principles of protection of city economic target in high-tech local war

  21. 掺合料用量对混凝土高性能化的技术经济效果影响研究

    Influence of Admixtures Content to the Technical-economical Effects of high Performance Concrete

  22. 高技术产业与区域经济协调发展机制研究

    Study on the Coordinated Development Mechanism of High-tech Industries and Regional Economy

  23. 高技术产业与新经济的发展趋势

    Hi-Tech Industry and the Trend of the New Economy

  24. 湖北省高技术产业融合带动经济增长实证研究

    Empirical Study about Integration of High-tech Industry on Economic Growth in Hubei Province

  25. 高技术园区对区域经济的辐射和带动评价研究

    Effect of high-tech park on development of regional economy

  26. 本系统具有很强的扩展性、很高的技术可行性和经济可行性。

    The system has strong expandability , high feasibility of technique and economical .

  27. 高技术战争影响世界经济的主要表现

    Influence of high-tech war upon the world economy

  28. 高技术产业发展对经济增长带动作用的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on the Impetus Function of High-tech Industry Development to the Economic Growth

  29. 高技术产业在各国经济发展过程中所起的作用已越来越显著,高技术企业的发展日益成为社会发展不可忽视的力量。

    High-tech industries play an increasingly significant role in the national economic development process .

  30. 高技术产业作为知识经济的支柱产业,在经济增长中的主导作用日趋明显。

    As a pillar industry of the knowledge economy , the high-tech plays a leading role in economic growth .