
  1. 高一涵与五四新文化运动的国家理念

    Gao Yihan with the New Culture Movement and the National Idea

  2. 《每周评论》时期高一涵政治思想研究

    On Gao Yi-han 's politic thought in the period of Weekly Review

  3. 民国时期宪政学人高一涵就是其中的一例。

    Gao Yihan who lived in the period of the Republic of China was one of constitutional scholars .

  4. 本文借用历史与逻辑相结合的方法,通过高一涵早期思想的诸多层面阐释,解析其思想的社会特征及其历史影响。

    This article uses historical and logical methods to analyze the social characters and historical influences of his ideas by expatiating on the early ones of him .

  5. 高一涵是五四时期的一位政治学者,也是一位新思想新文化的积极倡导者。

    Gao Yi Han was a political scholar during the period of the May 4th Movement as well as an active advocator of new ideas and new culture .

  6. 本文认为,高一涵始终是一个自由主义者,他力图将西方的政治制度照搬到中国以解决中国的制度危机。

    The dissertation comes to the conclusions that Gao yihan is a liberalist consistently , He tries to duplicate western politic institution into china in purpose of solving Chinese institution crises .