
  1. 苏雪林是一个值得后人认真阅读的复杂文本。

    Su Dueling is a complicated " TEXT " which is worth carefully reading by later generations .

  2. 第四章从象征手法的运用和语言风格上分析了苏雪林独特的情感表达方式;

    Chapter four analyses Su Xuelin 's unique emotion expression way from signify application and language style of tactics ;

  3. 而在文学批评和反鲁事件中,苏雪林所呈现出的剑拔弩张的攻击者和睚眦必报的复仇者姿态却令人难以理解。

    However , it is hard to understand the role of attacker and avenger which Su used to play in literary criticism and reverse Lu incident .

  4. 正是因为她所掀起的反鲁风波及此后长达半个多世纪的反鲁事业,一度让苏雪林在大陆的文学史中销声匿迹。

    That she raises ' counter-Lu ' storm and subsequently as long as half a century of the ' counter-Lu ' the enterprise , once let disturbance mainland literary .

  5. 苏雪林与武汉大学及其屈赋研究述略苏北高中武术课教学情况的调查研究

    SU Xue-lin , Wuhan University , QU Yuan s Rhyme Prose ; Investigation on Martial Arts Teaching Condition of Martial Arts Class of Middle Schools in the District of Jiangsu Province

  6. 作为中国现代独一无二的女性批评家,苏雪林的作家作品评论带有鲜明的文学史色彩,加上周详细致的分析和科学严谨的态度,使她的文学批评具有了学术的品格。

    As a Chinese modern unmatched female literary critic , her comment on author and works has a distinct flavor of literary history , adding to her comprehensive and careful analyze and rigorous scientific approach , all these made her literary criticism have a academic character .