
  • 网络High tech;high-techicalization
  1. 现代工业建筑高技术化设计趋势研究

    Study on high-tech design trend of modern industrial architecture

  2. 中国海洋水产业的高技术化研究

    On the High-Technicalization of Marine Fishery in China

  3. 高技术化是加速我军后勤发展的重要推动力

    High technology propels development of PLA Logistics

  4. 产业高技术化;高新科技与企业发展的实践

    High Science & Technology and Enterprises Development

  5. 稳定的较高步频是高速走的基本特征之一;产业高技术化;

    Steady and high frequency is one of the fundamental properties of high - speed walking .

  6. 产业高技术化;

    High - tech nology ;

  7. 为适应农业生产的发展需求,农用拖拉机正在向大型化、智能化、高技术化等方向发展。

    The tractor is developing to the directions of large size , intellectualization , higher technical and so on for the adaptation of agricultural productions .

  8. 提出高技术化这一战略措施,并就高技术化的重点领域、高技术化基地建设及对策等方面作了初步的研究探讨。

    A strategic measure , High-Technicalization , is put forward . Moreover , the important field , countermeasure and base-construction of High-Technicalization is discussed in detail .

  9. 本文在充分把握高新技术产业化涵义的基础上,分析了高新技术产业化的过程,并对高新技术产业化的两种路径:高新技术产业集聚和传统产业高技术化进行了系统研究。

    This paper analyzes hi-tech industrialization process based on the meaning of hi-tech industrialization and systematic study for double methods of hi-tech industrialization : hi-tech industry and traditional industry hi-tech industrialization .

  10. 随着机械装备的高技术化、结构复杂化、功能强大化,传统的机械故障诊断方式已不能满足现代生产实践的需要。

    With the development of high-tech , complex-structure and powerful - function for the mechanical equipment , the traditional methods of mechanical fault diagnosis cannot meet the needs of modern production practices .

  11. 随着设备的高技术化,设备操作更为自动化,操作的技术含量降低而维护维修的技术含量却相对增加,设备维护、维修的主体正转向制造商。

    With high technicalization of equipment , its maneuverability is more roboticized , but its maintenance becomes more difficult , the principal part of the equipment maintenance is being turned to manufacturers .

  12. 把科技对农业、农村、农民的服务建立在信息化平台上,不失时机地推动农业信息化和高技术化,对于改造传统农业、促进农村经济发展具有重要的战略意义。

    Building technology service to agriculture , rural area and rural people on informationization platform and stimulating agricultural informationization and hi-technology has important strategic significance in reconstructing traditional agriculture and accelerating economy development of rural area .

  13. 本文依据生态学的原理,分析了传统产业和高新技术互动与融合的运行机理,提出了传统产业高技术化的模式与路径。

    According to the principle of ecology , the paper analyses the operation mechanism of interaction & combination between traditional industry and hi-tech industry , and presents the model and ways of traditional industrialization . 6 .

  14. 世界化学工业的未来发展趋势大致将表现为:经济国际化、经营多样化、产品专用化和产业高技术化。

    The future trends of the world chemical industry in principle can be reflected in : the internationalization of economy , the diversity of business activities , the specialization of products and the development of high technology .

  15. 从原生态化、高技术化、多重化三个方面探讨建筑表皮设计生态化表达的各种切入点,倡导建筑表皮生态化设计走多元化途径。

    From three aspects of originally ecological design , high technological design and multiple design , various interfaces of ecological expression on architecture surface design are discussed . And diversified approach of the architectural surface ecological design is prompted .

  16. 在这一趋势中展现了商业革命的滚滚浪潮,主要表现在商业经营国际化、产业组织集中化和连锁化、流通功能主导化、商业运营信息化和高技术化、商业业态的多样化以及更重视服务。

    This trend exhibits a worldwide business revolution is coming , which is mostly represented by business management internationalization , industry organization centralization and chaining , circulation function dominating , business management informationization and using High Technology , business operation form diversification and emphasizing on service .

  17. 随着复杂设备的高技术化,其结构日益复杂,以及制造系统全球化、客户化的发展趋势,使得传统的故障诊断技术已不能满足复杂设备故障诊断的需求。

    With the development of technology , the structure of equipment is more complicated , and the character of global and customized tendency of manufacturing system is represented , so traditional fault diagnosis technologies can not adapt to the requirement to fault diagnosis for complicated devices .

  18. 高技术产业化RD市场营销界面管理

    R D Marketing Interface Management in High-tech Industrialization

  19. 高技术产业化(HTI)是国家新型工业化进程的一个重要组成部分。

    High-tech industrialization ( HTI ) is an important component of the process of new-type industrialization .

  20. 高技术产业化(HTI,high-technologyindustrialization)是从高技术产品或工艺的研究开发到通过技术创新实现商业化应用,通过技术扩散实现规模化生产的全过程。

    High technology industrialization is the whole process that from the research and development on high-tech products or processes to commercialization through the application of technological innovation , and large-scale production through the technology diffusion .

  21. 高技术产业化的国际共生现象与中国的对策选择

    International coexistence phenomena of high tech industrialization and countermeasures for China

  22. 国家竞争力、高技术产业化与金融创新

    National Competitiveness , Hi - Tech Industrialization , and Financial Innovation

  23. 高技术产业化系统模型及管理模式研究

    Study on the System Model and Management Pattern for High-tech Industrialization

  24. 国家高技术产业化示范工程设计初探

    Preliminary discussion on the design of national high-tech industrialization demonstration project

  25. 高技术产业化项目经济评价问题分析

    Analysis on Economic Evaluation of Hi - tech Industrial Projects

  26. 高技术产业化风险投资的支持系统研究

    A Study on the Supportive System for Risk Investment in Hi-tech Industrialization

  27. 基于哈肯模型的高技术产业化过程机制研究

    Study on the Process Mechanism of High-Tech Industrialization Based on Haken Model

  28. 石油企业高技术产业化模式研究

    The Pattern of High - Tech Industrialization in Petroleum Enterprises

  29. 高技术产业化界面障碍及其对策研究

    The Studies on the Interface Barriers and Countermeasures of High Technology Industry

  30. 高技术产业化的宏观演化规律研究

    A Study on the Macro Evolution Laws of High-tech industrialization