
  • 网络invest cascade
  1. 具有讽刺意味的是,引发新一轮私募投资潮的是《创业企业融资法案》(JOBSAct),而制定该法案的初衷之一却是鼓励更多初创型企业上市。

    The irony is that this new flood of capital is being made possible by JOBS Act legislation that was , in part , designed to encourage more startups to go public .

  2. 包括《悉尼先驱晨报》(SydneyMorningHerald)希恩(PaulSheehan)在内的评论员已拉响了警报,指出澳大利亚购房者在养老金计划与中国投资潮之间腹背受敌。

    Commentators like Paul Sheehan at the Sydney Morning Herald are sounding the alarm , writing that Australian homebuyers are caught ' in a pincer movement between superannuation and Chinese investment . '

  3. 当企业预见到即将出现一波新的投资潮时,他们肯定会大量购置这类机器。

    Surely companies would buy lots of them when they saw a wave of new investment on the horizon .

  4. 短期内,也不太可能出现这股投资潮。原因之一是汇率风险。

    Nor does such a rush look likely in the short term . This is partly because of currency risk .

  5. 它表示,除非全球储蓄大幅增长,否则这波投资潮将对实际利率构成持续的上行压力。

    It says this investment boom will put sustained upward pressure on real interest rates unless global saving increases significantly .

  6. 同时,2009年到2010年的投资潮集中在基础设施和房地产上,二者都不可以跨境贸易。

    The investment boom in 2009-10 was also concentrated in infrastructure and property . Neither can be traded across borders .

  7. 麦肯锡表示,在新兴市场的推动下,世界正步入新一轮潜在规模巨大的资本投资潮。

    McKinsey says the world is at the start of another potentially enormous wave of capital investment , driven by the emerging markets .

  8. 另一种可能性是,激进的结构性改革加上资产贱卖,掀起一波对内直接投资潮。

    Another possibility is that a combination of radical structural reforms with a fire sale of assets would draw a wave of inward direct investment .

  9. 当然,股市中的投资大户是婴儿潮时代出生的人。

    Of course , baby boomers are big investors in shares .