
  • 网络domestic industry
  1. 由于保障措施在WTO框架下具有特殊而重要的地位,是在公平贸易情况下保护国内产业的惟一合法手段,因此本论题的研究具有理论意义和实践意义。

    It is the sole legal means to protect a domestic industry while sticking to fair trade .

  2. 反倾销是世界贸易组织(WTO)允许采用的抵制不公平竞争、保护国内产业的重要措施。

    Antidumping is one of the important measures , which WTO permits , especially for counteracting unfair competition and protecting domestic industry .

  3. 利用WTO保障措施保护国内产业有关问题的思考

    Reflections on the application of WTO safeguard measure in protecting national industries

  4. 反倾销税是WTO反倾销协议允许使用的保护受倾销损害的国内产业的措施。

    Antidumping duties are measures permitted by WTO Antidumping Agreement to protect domestic industries injured by dumped imports .

  5. 保障措施作为WTO所允许的保护国内产业免受进口损害的贸易救济手段,已成为一项重要的保障手段,各个国家也越来越多的使用这一救济措施。

    Nowadays it becomes an important measure , more and more countries use the safeguard measures to protect the national industries .

  6. WTO反倾销协议允许成员国在倾销造成国内产业实质性损害或产生实质性损害威胁时采取反倾销措施。

    WTO Anti-dumping Agreement allows members to resort to anti-dumping measures when their domestic industries face material injuries from dumping imports .

  7. 试论企业核心竞争力的培育、维护和提升反倾销是WTO允许的维护公平竞争、保护国内产业的合法手段。

    Anti - dumping is a legal means allowed in the WTO to protect fair competition and domestic industry against the imported products .

  8. 许多经济学家警告称,如上世纪30年代的大萧条(greatdepression)一样,本次全球经济危机可能促使各国诉诸于保护主义,以应对国内产业的求救呼吁。

    Many economists have warned that the global economic crisis may prompt countries to resort to protectionism as domestic industries cry out for help , as in the Great Depression of the 1930s .

  9. 为此中国必须在WTO《反倾销协议》的框架内,挥起反倾销之剑加大反倾销力度,为国内产业创造一个公平的竞争环境。

    Just for the reason , in the frame of WTO " Anti-Dumping Agreement ", China must strengthen anti-dumping dynamics , in order to create a fair competition environment for domestic industry .

  10. WTO作为推进贸易自由化的国际多边贸易组织,一方面积极推动关税、非关税等传统贸易保护壁垒的拆除,另一方面,也有限的允许成员对国内产业实施保护。

    WTO to promote trade liberalization as the international multilateral trade organizations , on the one hand , actively promote the tariffs , and other traditional non-tariff barriers , dismantling of trade protection .

  11. WTO规则中的保障措施是指一经济体针对未可预见的急剧增长的进口,为补救国内产业因此所受到的严重损害或严重损害威胁而采取的临时性进口限制措施。

    Safeguard measures in WTO refer to the temporary import restrictions protecting relevant domestic industries from the unforeseen increases in imports that cause serious injury or threat thereof to those industries . Safeguard is experiencing a rapid increase in recent years .

  12. 倾销被认为是一种不公平的贸易行为,被WTO所禁止,而反倾销作为WTO认可的、保护国内产业的合法手段,越来越多地受到各国青睐,逐渐发展成为国际贸易壁垒的主导形式。

    Dumping is considered to be an unfair trade practices prohibited by the WTO , the WTO anti-dumping as a recognized and legitimate means of protecting domestic industries , increasingly favored by countries , becoming the dominant form of international trade barriers .

  13. 我国国民经济中业已存在的突出的产业结构矛盾、WTO带给国内产业的冲击和我国法治化程度相对不足,决定了完善我国产业结构调节法任务的艰巨性、紧迫性;

    To improve the Law of Industry Structure Adjustment in China is an arduous and urgent task because of the existing obvious problems in the industry structure in the national economy and the contradiction between the China 's entry into WTO and its comparatively insufficient development in legal system .

  14. 卡片没有全面更新成EMV规格所衍生的问题,不单只有美国国内产业,甚至对全球金融卡市场的冲击甚钜。

    The lack of movement towards EMV compliance in the US is a major concern , not only for the domestic industry but for the global card payment market as well .

  15. 此种增加对国内产业造成难以补救的损害;

    Such increase has caused irremediable damages to the domestic industry ;

  16. 河南承接国际国内产业转移的对策研究

    The Strategy Research of Henan Taking on the International and Domestic Transferred Industry

  17. 师夷以制夷加强对国内产业的合理保护,避免国外不公平竞争对我国产业的损害。

    Through legislation we can protect domestic industry , to prevent foreign unfair competition .

  18. 对外直接投资与国内产业空心化

    Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Industrial Hollowing

  19. 企业国际股权融资与国内产业保护

    Circulation of Funds of International Stockholder 's Rights in Businesses and Protection of Domestic Industries

  20. 国内产业结构与企业出口绩效间关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Domestic Industrial Structure and Enterprises ' Export Performance

  21. 第二,认定国内产业;

    Secondly determining the domestic industry ;

  22. 对国内产业结构理论的研究和应用进行了总结和反思,指出存在重实证研究,轻规范研究;

    Then it makes a summary of studies and applications of the relevant theories in China .

  23. 卡通渲染技术在国外已经开始使用,但国内产业目前还很少涉及。

    The technology of cartoon rendering has been used abroad , but never been used in ours .

  24. 同时,广西加工贸易存在产品附加值比较低,对国内产业链的带动作用小;国货复进口问题严重;

    At the same time , there are many problems exist in the Guangxi 's processing trade .

  25. 这样不仅会使中国产品在国际市场遭受打击,而且会使相关的国内产业因此蒙受巨大损失。

    As a result , Chinese products and domestic industry should be hit hard by the discriminatory treatment .

  26. 贸易保护或者保护性关税是一个国家限制进口,从而保护其国内产业不受影响而采取的措施。

    Protective trade or protective tariffs are a nation 's efforts to prevent its own people from trading .

  27. 面对国内产业所遭受到的倾销危害,加强对反倾销中存在的突出问题的研究,已是在国际贸易中维护我国国家利益的当务之急。

    It is urgent for us to study the conspicuous problems in anti-dumping area to safeguard Chinese national interests .

  28. 她说,尤多约诺在他的第二任期内会和他的经济团队把重点放在改善国内产业上。

    She says in his second term the president and his economic team will focus on improving domestic industries .

  29. 全球经济深刻调整将推动国际国内产业加快转移。

    Profound adjustment of the global economy will promote the international and domestic industry to speed up the transfer .

  30. 保护的对象是国内产业或国内企业,而不是传统意义上的民族产业。

    The object of trade protection should be domestic industries or enterprises rather than national industries in their conventional sense .