
  • 网络international studies
  1. 我认为奥巴马政府为这个决定作铺垫已经有相当长时间了,华盛顿战略与国际问题研究中心(CenterforStrategicandInternationalStudies)的葛莱仪(BonnieGlaser)表示。

    I think the administration has been paving the way for this decision for quite some time , said Bonnie Glaser of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington .

  2. 不过,战略与国际问题研究中心的政治分析人士苏尼·塔努维德吉阿(SunnyTanuwidjaj)认为,在苏西洛总统的领导下经济形势有了好转,选民明白这一点。

    But political analyst Sunny Tanuwidjaj with the Center for Strategic and International Studies says overall economic conditions have improved under President Yudhoyono and voters know it .

  3. 中国国际问题研究所(chinainstituteofinternationalstudies)的阮宗泽相信,外交上的势头能够保持下去。

    Ruan Zongze of the China Institute of international studies is confident the diplomatic momentum can be maintained .

  4. 上海国际问题研究所(shanghaiinstituteforinternationalstudies)的晓刚公布了一份“经济愿望清单”,其中包括美国放松对中国高科技出口的限制。

    Zha Xiaogang , of the Shanghai Institute for international studies , has published an " economic wish-list " , which includes a relaxation of US restrictions on exports of sophisticated technology to China .

  5. 中国国际问题研究所(chinainstituteofinternationalstudies)的金林波表示:“中国希望将对话提升到更高层次两国政治关系正步入一个新阶段。”

    Jin LiNbO , of the China Institute of International Studies in Beijing , says : " China wants to elevate the dialogue to a higher level the political relationship is moving into a new phase . "

  6. 主权问题是国际问题研究的重要组成部分。

    Sovereignty is an important topic of international studies .

  7. 国际问题研究的时间概念

    The Concept of Time in Studies of International Issues

  8. 超越范式:国际问题研究的路径探微

    Transcendence of " the Paradigm ": An Exploration of the Approaches to International Studies

  9. 在当代国际问题研究中,世界经济与政治关系一直是人们关注的热点。

    Relationship between world economy and world politics has always been the focus of many scholars .

  10. 秘鲁国际问题研究中心

    Peruvian Centre for International Studies

  11. 门德尔松是总部设在华盛顿的战略与国际问题研究所的俄罗斯问题专家。

    Sarah Mendelson is a Russia expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington .

  12. 中国国际问题研究所副研究员杜兰表示,局势仍在发展。

    Associate Research Fellow Du Lan with China Institute of International Studies says the situation is still developing .

  13. 感谢战略与国际问题研究中心和美中贸易委员会举办今天这个活动。

    I want to thank the CSIS and the U.S. - China Business Council ( USCBC ) for hosting this event .

  14. 战略与国际问题研究中心分析员安东尼科德斯曼认为不应过于夸大这个变化。

    One should not over-hype the change , says Anthony Cordesman of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies , a think-tank .

  15. 英国皇家国际问题研究所、威尔顿庄园、《金融时报》和《经济学家》,还有不少美国刊物都在谈论中国成为强国的问题。

    Chatham House , Wilton Park , the Financial Times and economist , together with many American publications are all talking about China as a power .

  16. 美国战略与国际问题研究所的巧实力委员会对巧实力战略作了全面研究,该委员会认为巧实力外交战略是一个内涵丰富的大战略,实施该战略也要基于一定的原则。

    The CSIS Smart Power commission believes that the Smart Power Strategy , a big idea which is rich in content , should be based on three principles .

  17. 所以让他们参与将是绝对关键。”战略与国际问题研究中心的珍妮弗·库克指出。

    And so it is going to be absolutely critical to get them engaged , " noted Jennifer Cooke , with the Center for Strategic and International Studies .

  18. 目前国内国际问题研究界对美国的军工复合体这一特殊的利益集团及其与美国外交政策制定、变化的内在联系机制、动因的关系还有待于进行深入细致的研究。

    The international problem researchers in our country should make deeper and more meticulous study of the internal contact mechanism , motivation between the military-industry-complex and the American foreign policy .

  19. 非常高兴在金秋时节访问贵国,来到美国著名的智库战略与国际问题研究中心与朋友们见面。

    It is my great pleasure to meet you , my friends , here at this prestigious think tank today during my visit to your country in this golden season of fall .

  20. 经济全球化新格局下的油气合作&专访中国国际问题研究所研究员、中国能源战略研究中心主任夏义善

    Oil / Gas Cooperation within the Context of Economic Globalization & Interview with Mr. Xia Yishan , China Institute of International Studies research fellow and director of China Center for Energy Strategy Studies

  21. “各方均失望地离开,且您尤其可以从布什总统的语气中听出来,”华盛顿战略和国际问题研究中心的亚洲事务专家坎贝尔说道。

    " Each side leaves with frustrations , and you could particularly hear that in President Bush 's tone ," said Kurt Campbell , an Asian expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies .

  22. 中国国际问题研究所前所长杨成旭(音)表示,考虑到巴黎方面的态度及有限的时间,今年重启中欧峰会的可能性微乎其微。

    Yang Chengxu , former head of the China Institute of International Studies , said it is highly impossible for the summit to resume this year , given the attitude of Paris and the limited time .

  23. 崔洪建博士是中国国际问题研究所欧洲研究部主任。他表示,中国和德国将利用此次访问加强两国之间的贸易关系。

    Dr. Cui Hongjian is the head of the European Studies Department at the China Institute of International Studies , he says China and Germany will use this visit to strengthen trade relations between the two countries .

  24. 华盛顿战略与国际问题研究中心高级研究员詹姆斯·安德鲁·刘易斯称亚历山大在国家安全局运作,同时兼具建造及领导主要情报机构的军事对手网络司令部方面广受尊敬。

    A senior fellow at Washington 's Center for Strategic and International Studies , James Andrew Lewis , says Alexander is widely respected for running NSA , while establishing and leading the spy agency 's military counterpart , Cyber Command .

  25. 中国国际问题研究所副所长董漫远表示,由于全球化趋势不可逆转,中美经贸互相依存格局日益增强,美国人根本不可能完全抵制中国制造的商品。

    It ` s impossible for US citizens to completely stop using Chinese-manufactured goods , given the irreversible trend of globalization and increasing economic interdependency between the two sides , said Dong Manyuan , deputy director of the China Institute of International Studies .

  26. 华盛顿公共政策研究机构战略与国际问题研究中心的中东项目主任奥尔特曼说,布什总统急于展开外交行动,而目前恰恰缺乏使外交努力获得成功的政治环境。

    John Alterman directs the Middle East program at the center for strategic and international studies , a public policy research group in Washington . He says the president is rushing to diplomacy at a time when the politics for successful diplomacy are missing .

  27. 我国大豆国际竞争力问题研究

    The Research of International Competition Ability of the Chinese Soy Products

  28. 辽宁省承接服务业国际转移问题研究

    Study on Liaoning Province 's Undertaking the International Transfer of Services

  29. 我国水产品贸易的国际竞争力问题研究

    The Research of International Competitiveness of Aquatic Products in Our Country

  30. 伊拉克战争所涉国际法问题研究

    Studies of the International Problems Involved in the War on Iraq