
  • 网络diplomatic strategy
  1. 中国对日外交战略的回顾与思考

    Retrospect and Thinking to the Diplomatic Strategy on Japan of China

  2. 对60年代中国外交战略的新认识

    A New Understanding of China 's Diplomatic Strategy in 1960s

  3. 在这段时期,美伊的外交战略集中于中东、中亚地区,尤其是波斯湾的安全问题,关注的焦点主要体现在中东和平进程、恐怖主义和WMD(大规模杀伤性武器)三方面。

    During the period , the foreign strategies of America and Iran concentrated on the Middle East and the Middle Asia , especially on the Persian security and their emphases were embodied in the peace process of the Middle East , terrorism and the Weapons of Massive Destruction .

  4. 新时期日本外交战略的调整

    Japan : Readjustment of its Foreign Strategy in the New Era

  5. 美国国际教育与其文化外交战略:1946-1966

    American International Education and Its Cultural Diplomacy Strategy : 1946-1966

  6. 最后,对戴高乐平衡外交战略进行总结。

    And the summarization of De Gaulle 's Balanced-Diplomatic Strategy .

  7. 三个代表&冷战后我国外交战略的指针

    Three Representatives-direction of the diplomatic strategies of China after the cold war

  8. 戴高乐的平衡外交战略思想初探

    On Charles de Gaulle 's Thoughts of the Balanced-diplomatic Strategy

  9. 俄罗斯能源外交战略与中俄油气合作

    Russia 's Energy Diplomacy Strategy and Sino-Russia Oil Gas Cooperation

  10. 新保守主义思潮影响下的布什外交战略

    Bush 's Diplomatic Strategy Under the Impact of New Conservatism

  11. 冷战结束后日本对华外交战略分析

    Japan 's Diplomatic Strategies Toward China after the Cold War

  12. 对新时期我国全方位外交战略的再思考

    The Thinking about Our Country 's Omnidirectional Diplomatism Strategem in New Epoch

  13. 伊朗第三国外交战略的历史考察

    A Historical Review of Iran 's ' Third Power Diplomacy ' Strategy

  14. 冷战后的中国对日外交战略选择

    China 's Choice of Diplomatic Policy Toward Japan After the Cold War

  15. 为此中国应树立适宜的对美外交战略和策略。

    So China should set up appropriate diplomatic strategy and tactics to USA.

  16. 勃列日涅夫时期苏联的外交战略及其对其他社会主义国家的启示

    Soviet Brezhnev 's Diplomatic Strategy and It 's Enlightenment to Other Socialism Countries

  17. 试论冷战后越南外交战略和外交政策的调整

    The Foreign Strategies and Policies of Vietnam in 1990s

  18. 英国的外交战略和第三次英日同盟

    On Britain Diplomatic Strategy and the Third Anglo-Japanese Alliance

  19. 第二章阐述新加坡的安全外交战略。

    Chapter II states Singapore 's security diplomatic strategy .

  20. 其次,在此基础上,全面地论述戴高乐平衡外交战略的具体实践;

    Comprehensive discussion of the specific practices of De Gaulle 's Balanced-Diplomatic strategy ;

  21. 全面建设小康时期的中国外交战略

    China 's Foreign Strategy during the period of Building a Relatively Wealthy Society

  22. 中亚五国的地缘战略地位地缘政策是一国外交战略的有机组成。

    The territory policy is the mechanical combination for our foreign diplomatic strategy .

  23. 新世纪俄罗斯外交战略分析

    Analyses of Russian Diplomatic Strategy in the New Century

  24. 21世纪中国公众外交战略研究

    Research on China 's Public Diplomacy Strategy in the 21 ~( st ) Century

  25. 国际形势、外交战略与政策选择&试论中国在21世纪头20年的宏观外交战略与政策

    International situation , diplomatic strategies and policy selection

  26. 本次外交战略的转变对独立自主的外交政策赋予了新的内涵,即不结盟;不以意识形态定亲疏;

    And it entrust Independence and Nonalignment diplomatic policy with new content , nonalignment ;

  27. 美国外交战略及其效应(1919-1939)

    American Diplomatic Strategy and Effect ( 1919-1939 );

  28. 21世纪初日本对外目标及外交战略探析

    Japan 's External Goal and Diplomatic Strategy at the Beginning of the 21st Century

  29. 第一部分:分析里根政府推行中美洲公众外交战略的背景。

    Section one discusses the background why Reagan Administration initiatives the public diplomacy strategy .

  30. 非洲是中国整个外交战略的有机组成部分。

    Africa is the organic component part in the whole foreign strategy of China .