
  • 网络Foreign Literature Studies
  1. 互联网与外国文学研究的现代化

    Title : Internet and the Modernization of Foreign Literature Studies

  2. 我国近年来外国文学研究热点

    Focuses in the Study of Foreign Literature in Recent-year China

  3. 外国文学研究与新世纪文化建设

    Foreign Literary Research and New Century Culture Construction

  4. 论外国文学研究中的整体文化批评体系建构

    Constructing the system of cultural criticism as an integral whole in foreign literature study

  5. 外国文学研究中哲理意蕴的探讨

    Approaching Philosophic Significance in Study of Foreign Literature

  6. 我们的外国文学研究也将由此而出现新的局面。

    And a new situation will come into being in the study of foreign literatures .

  7. 朱虹,原中国社会科学院外国文学研究所研究员,现任美国波士顿大学访问教授。

    Zhu Hong , visiting professor of Boston University , a critic of feminine literature in China .

  8. 在国内从事中国文学研究与从事外国文学研究学者之间,存在着如何判定意识流小说标准的最基本问题。

    A different standard for the judgment on stream of consciousness novel exists among the researchers at home .

  9. 同时,广大的外国文学研究者则把这一理论应用于各类文学作品的批评实践中。

    More and more foreign literature researchers have applied this theory to their analyses of all kinds of literary works .

  10. 把本土意识导入外国文学研究能够扩大外国文学欣赏的视野。

    Bringing the sense of nativeness into the study of foreign literature can widen our vision of foreign literature appreciation .

  11. 这也许只是一种尝试,我相信在以后的外国文学研究中会努力朝着这个方向走下去的。

    Among foreign literature research this is perhaps a kind of trial , I believe that I will hereafter work hard along this direction .

  12. 他对印度文学作品的译介和研究为中国的外国文学研究和中印文学比较研究做出了开拓性贡献。

    His translation and study of Indian literature made a pioneer contribution to the study of foreign literature and the comparative study of Chinese Indian literature .

  13. 在面对他者本文时,调动他者文化对他者本文进行阐释属于外国文学研究;

    In the face of Other 's text , to interpret it by drawing the fore-structure of Other 's culture belongs to the study of Foreign Literature ;

  14. 我们应该正视这种距离,这不仅是为了推进外国文学研究领域思想评论的不断发展,也是为了面对我们的现实人生。

    While articulating a wish to enhance the continuous development of ideological review in the field of foreign literature study , the author also expresses intense concern for real life .

  15. 近几年来,外国文学研究领域中的互文性概念表现出了不寻常的活力和生机。

    In recent years , the concept of intertextuality demonstrates unusual vigor and vitality in the research field of foreign literature , and Borges ' works , no matter the idea or text , can be rated as the sample of intertextuality .

  16. 跨文化语境中的外国文学教学研究

    Foreign Literature Teaching in Cross-Cultural Context

  17. 操控理论视角观照下当代中国的外国文学翻译研究(1949-2008)

    Translation of Foreign Literature in Contemporary China : A Study from the Perspective of Manipulation Theory ( 1949-2008 )

  18. 本文从信息革命的角度探讨怎样认识、看待和使用互联网络以促进外国文学学术研究现代化的问题。

    This article discusses , from the aspect of information revolution , the role that could be played by Internet in the modernization of foreign literature studies .

  19. 因此,对瞿秋白研究文学史成果的考辨,不仅能够凸现瞿秋白在外国文学史研究上的地位,而且还能够追溯一种文学史撰写方式的发展演进过程。

    Therefore , an investigation of the achievement of Ju Qiu-bai 's literary history studies can not only display Ju 's position in terms of foreign literary history studies but also trace the evolutionary process of an approach to writing literary history .

  20. 社会兼职:省比较文学学会副会长、全国马列文艺论著研究会理事、全国外国文学教学研究会理事、中国比较文学学会会员。

    Professional affiliations : deputy head , Fujian comparative literature association ; council member , China Society of the study for Marxist-Leninist works on literature and arts ; council member , China Society of foreign literature teaching ; member , China Comparative Literature association .

  21. 事实·学理·洞察力&对外国文学传记式研究模式的质疑

    The Problem of Biographic - Paradigm in the Study of Foreign Literature

  22. 谈外语界外国文学教学与研究的若干缺憾

    Some Drawbacks of Foreign Literature Teaching and Research in the Foreign Language Circles

  23. 开拓外国文学主体性研究的新方向

    A New Approach to Literary Subjective Study

  24. 将湖南文学与外国文学进行比较研究,有其特定的概念规范和学术要求:湖南文学有其时空不同的广义、中义和狭义之分;

    The comparative studies between Hunan literature and foreign literature require the specification of the concepts and academic awareness .

  25. 苏文菁文学院教授、福建师大“外国语言与文学研究中心”研究员。

    Su wenjing , professor , College of Chinese language and literature ; resident researcher , foreign language & literature research center .

  26. 外语界的外国文学教学与研究有些美中不足:过于重视语言形式和语言技能,忽视了知识面的扩大、思辨能力的提高;

    There are some drawbacks in the foreign literature teaching and research in the foreign language circles : too much emphasis on linguistic form and skills ; ignoring the acquisition of knowledge and the cultivation of thinking ability ;

  27. 高中语文教材中外国文学作品审美教育研究

    On Aesthetic Education of Foreign Literary Works in Language Teaching in Secondary Schools

  28. 对外国语言和文学的研究让我们的学生在未来的生涯规划中拥有潜在的优势。

    The study of foreign languages and literature provides valuable experience and a potential edge for future career development for our students .

  29. 讨论法在外国文学教学中的运用&《外国文学》教改研究之三

    Application of the Discussional Method to Teaching Foreign Literature