
  • 网络foreign linguistics and applied linguistics;Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Foreign Languages
  1. 外国语言学及应用语言学硕士学科点课程规划研究

    The Curriculum Layout for the Master 's Degree Program of Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics

  2. 大三下学期的时候,看到班上同学都纷纷报考硕士研究生,我也就报了。经过一番努力拼搏,我来到了中山大学外国语学院,成为外国语言学及应用语言学专业的一名研究生。

    At the second semester of my junior year , many students began to hit the books to prepare for the postgraduate exam , and so did I. After many days and nights of hard work , I was recruited by the School of Foreign Languages at Sun Yat-sen University and became a postgraduate in Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics .

  3. 本文为实验研究报告,以随机方法抽取广西师范大学外国语学院课程与教学论、英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学专业研究生作为研究对象样本。

    The participants of the research were selected by random sampling from the English postgraduates of College of Foreign Studies in Guangxi Normal University .