
  • 网络ancient chinese literature;chinese ancient literature
  1. 中国古代文学教化论研究

    The Research on the Doctrinal Theory of the Ancient Chinese Literature

  2. 中国古代文学理论体系概述

    An introduction to the theoretical system of the ancient Chinese literature

  3. 文章借用西方文学的正典(canon)研究为视点,讨论中国古代文学的经典。

    In the perspective of western canon researches , this paper studies the ancient Chinese classics .

  4. 雁,是中国古代文学中常见的意象之一。

    Wild goose is an usual image in acient Chinese literature .

  5. 中国古代文学审美理论的研究范畴

    The research range of the aesthetic theory of Chinese ancient literature

  6. 在中国古代文学中,不乏还魂型作品。

    In ancient Chinese literature , there are many Rebirth works .

  7. 山水意识在中国古代文学艺术中的形成与凸现

    Emergence of Consciousness about Nature In Ancient Chinese Literature and Art

  8. 中国古代文学研究与教学的新拓展&记第二届全国高校中国古代文学研究与教学研讨会

    New Horizons for the Study and Teaching of Chinese Classic Literature

  9. 小雁塔日晷初探中国古代文学中雁意象的文化内蕴

    The Cultural connotation of wild goose image in acient Chinese literature

  10. 整体性思维方式与中国古代文学审美特质

    The Mode of Entire Thinking and Chinese Ancient Literature of Aesthetic Characteristic

  11. 中国古代文学艺术的生命本质

    The Essence of Life in Ancient Chinese Literature and Art

  12. 诗歌,是中国古代文学史上的瑰宝。

    Poetry , is a gem in the history of Chinese literature .

  13. 中国古代文学变形观

    The Study of View of Metamorphosis in Chinese Traditional Literature of Metamorphosis

  14. 中国古代文学作品教学与研究的几个问题

    Some Problems in the Teaching and Research of Classical Chinese Literary Works

  15. 试论中国古代文学中的爱情理想类型

    Expound the Type of the Ideal of Love in Chinese Ancient Literature

  16. 《中国古代文学专题》网络课程设计研究

    On Web Course Design of Studies on Chinese Ancient Literature

  17. 园记是中国古代文学体裁中的重要一支。

    Gardening literature is an important literary genre of classical Chinese literature .

  18. 关于中国古代文学史写作的思考

    A Consideration of the Writing of a History of Classical Chinese Literature

  19. 简谈中国古代文学课程教学方法的改革

    On the Reform of the Teaching Methodology in Chinese Classical

  20. 关于中国古代文学史编写的几点思考

    Several Ponders on the Compilation of Chinese Ancient Literary History

  21. 新世纪中国古代文学教学改革刍议

    On the Teaching Reform of Chinese Ancient Literature in the New Century

  22. 文学传播学的创建与中国古代文学传播研究

    The Establishment of Literature Communication vs. Study of Ancient Chinese Literature Communication

  23. 中国古代文学思想经典之我见

    My Opinion to the Classical Spirits of Chinese Ancient Literature

  24. 中国古代文学与文论的怨恨主题学概述

    On the theme of resentment in Ancient Chinese Literature and Literary Theory

  25. 游国恩与中国古代文学研究

    You Guo-en and His Study of Classical Chinese Literature

  26. 小教大专《中国古代文学》课堂教学摭谈

    On Classroom Teaching of " Chinese Ancient Literature "

  27. 游侠与中国古代文学有着非常特殊的关系。从先秦散文到清代游侠小说,游侠一直在文人笔下走动,并不时扮演着不同角色。

    There is a very special relationship between knight-errant and Chinese antiquity literature .

  28. 中国古代文学教学渗透德育因质初探

    New Moral Education Exploration of the Factors in China Ancient Literature Teaching Infiltration

  29. 儒家中和观对中国古代文学的影响

    The Affection of Golden Mean of the Confucian School on Ancient Chinese Literature

  30. 试论中国古代文学批评文体的特征及其成因

    Characteristics and Reasons on Chinese Ancient Literary Criticism Style