
  • 网络China Rice
  1. 2008年中国稻米市场分析及2009年走势展望

    Analysis of China Rice Market in 2008 and Trends in 2009

  2. 中国稻米生产、加工、发展趋势;

    The trend of rice production , processing , and development in China ;

  3. 中国稻米垩白形成的地域分异规律之研究

    A research on the areal differentiation rules of rice chalkiness formation in China

  4. 中国稻米生产发展和国际竞争力分析

    Analyses on China 's Rice Production and Competition

  5. 中国稻米市场需求及整合研究

    Rice Market Demand and Market Integration in China

  6. 中国稻米产量居世界首位,而贸易量仅占4%左右。

    The rice production of China rank first with about 29 % in the world , while only about 4 % for trade .

  7. 针对国外稻米直链淀粉近红外光谱模型不适合中国稻米的问题,以中国主要产稻区的典型品种为研究对象,建立了糙米粉直链淀粉近红外光谱模型,该模型可用于实际样品检测。

    Because the rice amylose content NIR model abroad is not suitable for rice at home , an amylose content NIR model for unpolished rice powder is constructed to measure the actual samples in China .

  8. 本研究表明,扩大中国稻米出口需要采取以下战略和措施:一是要确立出口型稻米发展战略,出口稻米专门生产,产业化开发。

    The study shows that expansion of China 's rice export needs to take the following strategy and measures . First , it is necessary to take the export-oriented rice development strategy and rice for export will be produced purposely .

  9. 这使中国的稻米产量位于世界领先地位。

    This made China a worldwide leader in rice production .

  10. 中国的特种稻米

    Special Rice in China

  11. 经过春耕、夏耘、秋收、冬藏,如今超过65%以上的中国人食用稻米。

    Plowing a field in spring , hoeing and weeding in summer , harvesting in autumn and storing up in winter . Today , more than 65 % of the Chinese eat rice .

  12. 中国许多地方出产稻米。

    Many parts of China are kept under rice .

  13. 特别是刚进入21世纪中国加入WTO,为中国稻米扩大出口创造了很好的机遇。

    In the beginning of21th century China 's entry into WTO has provided golden opportunity to the expansion of rice export .

  14. 中国粮食跨过短缺时代后,中国稻米出口具有坚实的供给基础。中国稻米在生产成本、价格、品质、科技等方面同国际稻米主要出口国进行综合比较表现出较强的竞争力。

    China has a strong rice supply for export after ending the time of grain shortage and shows a stronger competitiveness compared with other export countries in cost , price , quality and research ability .