
  • 网络Modern Chinese history;modern and contemporary chinese history
  1. 《中国近现代史纲要》八环立体教学模式探索

    Exploring the Eight-central-three-dimensional Teaching Model on Modern Chinese History Program

  2. 章开沅教授与中国近现代史写作

    Professor Zhang Kai-yuan and Writings of Modern Chinese History

  3. 丁文江是中国近现代史上的一位奇人。

    Ding Wenjiang is a legend in modern history in China .

  4. 中国近现代史你都开设了哪些课程?

    How many courses do you study in Modern China History ?

  5. 试析中国近现代史上的两次统一

    Analysis of the two Unifications in the Modern History of China

  6. 这在中国近现代史上仍为一大创举。

    It blazed new trails in the modern history of China .

  7. 浅谈中国近现代史教学与研究中的话语表达问题

    On Language Questions of Teaching and Research in Modern History of China

  8. 宋育仁是中国近现代史上的历史人物之一。

    Song Yuren is a historical character in modern history of China .

  9. 中国近现代史教学应注意四个转变

    The Four Transforms on Teaching Chinese Modern and Contemporary History

  10. 中国近现代史课堂教学之我见

    My View on Classroom Teaching of Modern and Contemporary History of China

  11. 关于《中国近现代史纲要》教学中若干问题的思考

    A Reflection on the Teaching of The outline of Chinese Modern History

  12. 爱国主义教育的最好教材&中国近现代史

    The best teaching materials of patriotism & Chinese modern history

  13. 中国近现代史是一部爱国主义的史诗。

    China is modern history be a patriotism is epic .

  14. 方志史料与中国近现代史研究

    Historical Materials of Local Records and Research of History of Chinese Modern Times

  15. 试论中国近现代史上的通识教育

    The General Education During the Modern History in China

  16. 讲授中国近现代史纲要课的几点体会

    Some Thoughts On Teaching Outline of Chinese Modern History

  17. 实践探究教学模式在中国近现代史教学中的运用

    Practice-and-Research Teaching Mode is Used in Modern Chinese History and Contemporary Chinese History Teaching

  18. 中国近现代史上三次自办铁路运动述论

    A Review of the Three Independent Railroad Building Waves in China 's Modern History

  19. 中国近现代史纲要课讲授体系探索

    An Exploration of the Teaching System about " Outline of Chinese Modern History "

  20. 黄仁宇大历史观视角下的中国近现代史

    Modern and Contemporary History of China under the Perspective of " Outlook of Macro-History "

  21. 立体教学法在《中国近现代史纲要》课程中的应用

    Application of Stereoscopic Teaching Mode in the Summary of Modern & Contemporary History of China

  22. 本文分析了运用网络手段教学《中国近现代史纲要》的必要性、可行性和实效性。

    This paper analyses the necessity , possibility and efficiency of thee-education of this course .

  23. 中国近现代史史料学研究的回顾与展望初中历史乡土史材料的挖掘和教学研究

    A Review and a Prospect of the Historiography of Modern and Contemporary History of China

  24. 西康建省是中国近现代史上的一个重要事件。

    The establishment of Xikang province is a big event in the modern history of China .

  25. 本次研究的主要对象是中国近现代史上文化领域的著名人物。

    The major target of this research is the eminent Chinese cultural people of modern time .

  26. 冯友兰是中国近现代史上著名的哲学史家、哲学家和伦理学家。

    Feng Youlan is a famous philosophy historian , philosopher and moralist during Chinese modern history .

  27. 论习明纳尔在中国近现代史纲要教学中的运用

    On Utilization of SEMINAR in Teaching of the Outline of Modern and Contemporary History of China

  28. 试论地方史资源在《中国近现代史纲要》教学中的运用&以福州为例

    The Teaching Use of the local history resources in the Course of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History

  29. 析《中国近现代史纲要》对大学生爱国主义的培养和渗透

    On cultivation and infiltration of patriotism on college students of " Outline of Modern Chinese History "

  30. 姚明上了数学、英语和中国近现代史等课程。

    Yao took lessons in mathematics , English and modern Chinese history on the first day at university .