
  • 网络modern and contemporary chinese literature;chinese contemporary literature;Chinese modern literature
  1. 在中国现当代文学史上,彭燕郊是个奇迹。

    Peng Yanjiao Peng is a miracle in Chinese Contemporary Literature History .

  2. 中国现当代文学中的儿童视角小说

    The Children Perspective Novels in Chinese Contemporary Literature

  3. 论中国现当代文学的经典建构

    On the Construction of Classics of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature

  4. 中国现当代文学研究:在世纪的交汇点上

    Chinese Modern-contemporary Literature Study : on the Turn of the Century

  5. 行易知难笃学为是&中国现当代文学学科建设的一个剪影

    On the Discipline in the Modern and Contemporary Literature in China

  6. 文学研究:从女性到性别&中国现当代文学与性别学术研讨会述要

    A summary of the academic symposium on Chinese modern literature and sex

  7. 感性生命的安置&中国现当代文学中的个体伦理困境

    Settling of Life & Individual Ethical Dilemma Expressed In Chinese Modern Literature

  8. 小说到电影&中国现当代文学转化研究

    The Novel Arrives to Movie : Modern Chinese Literature 's Conversion Research

  9. 论原型批评及其在中国现当代文学研究中的运用

    On Archetypal Criticism its Application to Research on Modern Contemporary Chinese Literature

  10. 建国以来中国现当代文学史的个人写作

    The Individual Writing or Chinese Modern or Contemporary Literary History Since Oct.1,1949

  11. 中国现当代文学史上韩人形象的流变

    Change of Korean Images in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature

  12. 中国现当代文学教学改革可行性研究

    Research on Feasibility of Teaching Reforms of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature

  13. 简述中国现当代文学中的现代性

    Brief Descriptions of " Modernity " in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature

  14. 一部中国现当代文学史就是一部文学期刊史。

    A contemporary Chinese literary history is a history of literary journal .

  15. 再论中国现当代文学的分期

    Another Discussion on the Periodization of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature History

  16. 中国现当代文学课程教学目标设计思考

    The Aim for the Course of the Contemporary Chinese Literature

  17. 论中国现当代文学教学的生存论转向

    On Existentialism Tropism of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature Teaching

  18. 四川新时期:中国现当代文学研究回眸

    A Retrospective Look on the Studies of Modern Chinese Literature

  19. 欧洲中国现当代文学研究之分析

    An Analysis of European Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature

  20. 文化研究与中国现当代文学研究的新视野

    " Cultural Studies " and the New Horizon in Modern Chinese Literature Studies

  21. 中国现当代文学思潮论当代中国基本问题

    Theory of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature ? Fundamental Issues in Present-Day China

  22. 《中国现当代文学史》课程的个体参与实践教学

    Individual Participation and Practice in Teaching The History of Modern and Contemporary Literature

  23. 新批评派与美国汉学界的中国现当代文学研究

    New Criticism and American Research on Modern Chinese Literature

  24. 中国现当代文学是高校汉语言文学专业的一门专业基础课程,具有很突出的前沿性特征。

    Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature is a fundamental course at colleges and universities .

  25. 中国现当代文学中的科学基因

    The Gene of Science in Modern Chinese Literature

  26. 论文本阅读与分析在中国现当代文学教学中的地位

    On Textual Reading and Analysis : Its Position in Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature Teaching

  27. 目前高校中国现当代文学课程教学普遍存在着障碍与困惑,亟需改革。

    Current China present literature teaching have obstacle generally with perplexed , need to reform .

  28. 杨绛,中国现当代文学史上一位卓尔不群的学者兼作家。

    Yang Jiang is a particular scholar and writer in the history of contemporary literature .

  29. 中国现当代文学教学模式的转变

    Teaching Pattern Shift of Chinese Contemporary Literature

  30. 论萨特在中国现当代文学中的影响

    The Influence of Sartre on Chinese Literature