
wài huì jiāo yì shì chǎnɡ
  • foreign exchange market;forex market
  1. “胖手指失误”指的是金融市场中的键盘输入错误,比如股票市场或者外汇交易市场。交易员在输入购买或者出售指令时出现非常大的偏差,比如交易的股票或合约有误,价格有误,或者出现其他的输入错误。

    A fat-finger error is a keyboard input1 error in the financial markets such as the stock market or foreign exchange market whereby an order to buy or sell is placed of far greater size than intended , for the wrong stock or contract , at the wrong price , or with any number of other input errors .

  2. 外汇交易市场的标度特性

    Scale characteristic in foreign exchange market

  3. VaR及其在外汇交易市场的应用

    VaR and Using in Forex Market

  4. 投机者、交易商和市场信心(sentiments)对外汇交易市场的波动影响巨大。

    Speculators , traders and sentiments contribute significantly to the volatility of the FX markets .

  5. 大家所熟知的1992年英镑钉住汇率制事件中,外汇交易市场的操盘手实际上已经挑战了英国央行(BankofEngland),不仅如此,他们甚至迫使英镑贬值并从中获利达数十亿英镑。

    In the well known case of the GBP peg in1992 , the major players in the FX market actually challenged the Bank of England , no less , and forced a devaluation of the GBP , making billions in the process .

  6. 据Euromoney的最新年度调查显示,德意志银行在外汇交易市场的占有率为15.18%,花旗集团为14.9%。

    Deutsche Bank holds a 15.18 % market share in currencies dealing , according to the latest annual Euromoney benchmark survey . Citigroup commands a 14.9 % share .

  7. 图表分析师可能操控着外汇交易市场的绝大多数波动。

    Chartism probably holds most sway in the foreign-exchange market .

  8. 除了惯例之外,外汇交易市场的每笔交易都遵循这样的特定模式。

    In addition to convention , transactions in the FX markets are quoted in a certain format .

  9. 外汇交易市场发展程度和人才的制约。

    They include regime , development of foreign exchange market , supply of talents , and so on .

  10. 外汇交易市场不是股票交易所和商品交易所那样有组织的市场。

    The foreign exchange market is not an organized market in the same sense as a stock exchange or commodity exchange .

  11. 正式介绍这部分之前,笔者用下面这个表格列出了国际外汇交易市场中的主要交易货币和它们的交易代码

    Before that , here is a list of major currencies traded in the global foreign exchange ( FX ) markets and their corresponding codes

  12. 毅联汇业的行动突显出,那些令股票与衍生品交易改头换面的力量如今正如何影响着外汇交易市场。

    The move by ICAP highlights how the forces that have reshaped equities and derivatives trading are now pushing at the foreign exchange market .

  13. 外汇交易市场是个场外交易市场,这意味着交易没有通常指定的中心交易点和清盘地点。

    Foreign exchange is an over the counter market , that means that there is no central exchange and clearing house where orders are matched .

  14. 国际货币基金组织的储备资产;补充的储备金币或可兑换货币以维持外汇交易市场的稳定性。

    Reserve assets in the International Money Fund ; designed to supplement reserves of gold and convertible currencies used to maintain stability in the foreign exchange market .

  15. 然而,目前外汇交易市场中的交易员和投资者依然主要依赖基本面分析和技术分析进行投资决策。

    However , at present , the traders and investors of foreign exchange market are still mainly rely on fundamental analysis and technical analysis to make investment decisions .

  16. 长期以来,香港一直是环球外汇交易市场链亚太环节上的一个重要市场。

    For the time being , Hong Kong is one of the important markets of the link of Asia and Pacific in the chain of foreign exchange markets around the world .

  17. 这种方法可以应用在股票市、商品市场和外汇交易市场,甚至于资金管理和利率走势的任何市场。

    The method applies to all investment markets including the stock , commodity and foreign exchange markets and extends to the analysis of managed funds and even to the movement of interest rates .

  18. 由于投资者回避交易欧元,加上各国央行都继续严格控制本币汇率,规模达数万亿美元的外汇交易市场上的交易总量下降到了六年来的低点。

    Volumes in the multi-trillion-dollar foreign exchange market have dropped to six-year lows as investors shy away from trading the euro and central banks continue to keep a tight grip on the value of their currencies .

  19. 外汇交易市场作为一个国际性的资本投机市场,其历史要比股票、黄金、期货市场短得多,但它却以惊人的速度迅速发展,并吸引了越来越多的投资者加入这一行列。

    As an international capital speculative market , the foreign exchange market which history is much shorter than stocks markets , gold markets and futures markets , developed rapidly at an amazing rate and has attracted a growing number of investors to join in .

  20. 这包括现货外汇交易及其他货币市场运作。

    This includes Spot FX transactions and other market activities .

  21. 外汇交易中心系统实行会员制、分别报价、集中交易和外汇交易市场清算的制度。

    The Foreign Exchange Trading System had adopted a system of membership , respective quotation , concentrated trading and forex market settlement .

  22. 作为外汇投资机构包括外汇经纪商、银行、外汇投资者个体,需要对即将开放的外汇虚盘交易市场这一潜在的经济新增长点进行价值评估,进而作出理性的投资决策。

    As the FX investment institutions , including FX brokers , banks , individual FX mon-eyman , and work out rational investment decision-making , they need to evaluate the potential new item before the FX margin deal market will be disparked .