
  • seckill
  • flash sale
  1. 当“秒杀”和网上购物相联系时,指的是迅速销售出新的广告商品。

    When associated with online shopping ," seckill " refers to the quick sell out of newly-advertised goods .

  2. 3月13日,在夏威夷的投票中,他继续秒杀了Santorum。

    He crushed Mr Santorum in Hawaii , which also voted on March 13th .

  3. iPhone的新款iOS7操作系统以及无与伦比的零售分销将秒杀摩托罗拉。

    The new IOS 7 operating system and the unparalleled retail distribution of are going to crush Motorola .

  4. Gilt是一家总部位于纽约的奢侈品“秒杀”零售商,据报道此轮融资对其估值超过了10亿美元。

    Gilt is a new York-based " flash deal " retailer of luxury goods , and reportedly raised this round at a valuation in excess of $ 1 billion .

  5. NPD还指出,就在2012年,Chromebook的市场份额还“微不足道”,如今它市场份额的增速秒杀其它所有产品类别。

    In 2012 , chromebooks had a " negligible " share of the market , according to NPD , and the surge represented the largest share increase among any product category .

  6. 而碧昂斯事业的新巅峰则是在8月24号的MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖礼——歌坛最高颁奖礼之一——上,她获得“迈克尔•杰克逊录影带先锋奖”这一特别荣誉,同时她在颁奖礼上的18分钟表演也成功秒杀全场。

    In her latest career surprise , on Aug 24 Beyonce received the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at the MTV Video Music Awards , a special honor in one of the industry 's top ceremonies , and gave a mind-blowing 18-minute performance .

  7. 你开玩笑吧我们秒杀了全场

    Are you kidding ? We destroyed in there .

  8. 在乐队比赛中完全被我们秒杀掉!

    Totally stomped him in battle of the bands !

  9. 春秋航空有限公司开展的“第二季限时秒杀抢购活动”于昨日上午10点开始抢拍。

    Spring Air 's seasonal sale kicked off yesterday morning at10 , China Radio Network reports .

  10. 即这个技能现在的设定更偏向于范围单位杀伤,而不是秒杀英雄。

    It has been shifted to be more of a unit-killer than an easy hero kill .

  11. 古希腊最常见的裙装——单肩裙,在今夏也有秒杀大势。

    A common style in ancient Greece , one-shoulder dresses are a killer trend this summer .

  12. 通过和自己对战的方式轻松秒杀我们,成了全球最厉害的围棋手。

    ignored it all and became the world 's best player by just playing against itself .

  13. 秒杀法则终极杀阵2

    Second Killing Rule TAXI 2

  14. 秒杀全场的套装或套裙

    A killer suit or dress

  15. 这处房产是用滑鼠“秒”到的,这种新生的网路现象被称为“秒杀”。

    The property was his at the click of a mouse , thanks to a new online phenomenon called " seckilling " .

  16. 即便如此,该片凭借乐趣横生的情节以及出色的视觉特效,可称得上是一部秒杀大多数翻拍片的佳作。

    However , with all the fun and spectacular visual effects , Catching Fire is still more than most adaptations manage to deliver .

  17. 如果你问得恰当的话,或许有的大厨不会介意,不过大多时候他们都会很生气,小心大厨“小胖附体”,用恶狠狠的眼神秒杀你!

    If you ask nicely , the chef might oblige but most of the time , you 'll just get a dirty look .

  18. 许多刺客在战斗中完全不攻击,而只是在等能量回复以进行下一次秒杀。

    Many asses don 't attack at all in between combos , and those that do simply build up energy while they wait to spike .

  19. 高效杀菌、除臭,30秒杀灭金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、乙肝病毒、艾滋病毒、无色无味、无毒、无刺激;

    Washroom : Effective sterilization , deodorant , 30 seconds to kill staphylococcus aureus , E.coli , hepatitis B virus , HIV , colorless and tasteless , non-toxic , non-stimulating .

  20. 在防御的同时迅速摧毁或占领上述建筑或干掉对手科技中心通过空运工程师或其他单位。不要把重工的门朝向对手,也别造太近,不然您的坦克会被秒杀。

    Quickly stop the threat by destroying said buildings and attempt to either capture or destroy your opponents tech centre with engineer airlift or units at the same time that you defend .

  21. 如此惊人的速度简直秒杀一切,但考虑到它们能在比空气密度更大的环境中达到并保持此等高速,这就略显逆天了。

    Such intense speeds are amazing anywhere , but when you consider that these animals attain and maintain these velocities in an environment with a density far greater than air , it becomes phenomenal .

  22. 或者,我们可以给与宠物一些主动防御技能来对抗秒杀,这样也不错。但这可能只是权宜之计。

    Otherwise we can get some more active defenses for pets to help against a burst , which could be nice as well , but they would only be " band-aids " for the problem .

  23. 为了迎合现代的农夫和脚夫斗争模式,黑龙公主做了一些调整。但是!原来的战斗体验将会保留,深呼吸的秒杀快感仍然存在。

    Adjustments have been made to the encounter to keep it fit for modern raiding , but the fundamental experience of fighting the Brood Mother will remain , as will the horror of the Deep Breaths !

  24. 另一个小屋的敌人也赶忙向他致意,雅达夫一个恶虎扑食之后,竟然赤手空拳的秒杀了四个装备精良的敌军。当然,在捕食的过程中,他光荣的再次中弹。

    By this point the second bunker had a clear shot and opened fire , so he ran at them , taking bullets while he did , and killed the four heavily-armed men inside with his bare hands .

  25. 唯一的重要区别可能是斯图尔特要确定出资人有相当的新媒体经验,或至少知道如何不错失下一轮电子商务浪潮(如秒杀销售)。

    The only major difference may be that Stewart makes sure the sponsor has significant new media expertise , or at least ideas on how it can avoid missing out on the next e-commerce trend ( e.g. , flash sales ) .

  26. 这种消费新经验塑造了一种秒杀的消费叙事策略来刺激消费的欲望,同时,空间的虚拟也使得人们丧失了实地购物的感觉,灵活的购物方式使得公共空间与私人空间之间的区分日益模糊。

    This new consumer experience shapes a new strategy to stimulate consumption spending narrative desire . At the same time the virtual space also makes people lose the " second shopping " feeling , and the flexible way to shop makes differences between public space and private space grow fuzzy .