  • second
  • 谷物种子壳上的芒,引申为细微,微小:~忽(喻细微)。

  • 时间的计算单位,一分钟的六十分之一:~表。~针。

  • 弧和角的计算单位,一分的六十分之一。

  • 经纬度的计算单位,一分的六十分之一。

  • 古代长度单位,一寸的万分之一。

  • 古代容量单位,十撮为一秒。


(时间计量单位) second (=1/60 of a minute):

  • 60秒为1分。

    Sixty seconds make a minute.

  • 这次赛跑他用了45秒。

    He ran the race in 45 seconds.


(弧或角的以及经纬度的计量单位) second (= 1/60 of a minute):

  • 2度8分30秒

    two degrees eight minutes and thirty seconds (2°8′30″)

  1. 他比自己以前的最好成绩快了1秒多。

    He was over a second faster than his previous best time

  2. 米切尔以0.03秒的微弱优势赢了刘易斯。

    Mitchell beat Lewis by three-hundredths of a second .

  3. 她跑100米只需11秒多一点。

    She can run 100 metres in just over 11 seconds .

  4. 她把自己之前的最佳纪录缩短了两秒。

    She clipped two seconds off her previous best time .

  5. 他100米决赛跑出了10.09秒的速度。

    He clocked 10.09 seconds in the 100 metres final .

  6. 他的赛跑成绩比世界纪录慢12秒。

    He finished 12 seconds outside the world record .

  7. 她以2分22秒的个人最好成绩赢得了这项比赛。

    She won the race with a personal best of 2 minutes 22 .

  8. 她以惊人的10.9秒速度跑完了100米。

    She ran 100m in an astonishing 10.9 seconds .

  9. 这盘磁带将在30秒后自毁。

    This tape will self-destruct in 30 seconds .

  10. 获胜者用的时间为20.4秒。

    The winner was timed at 20.4 seconds .

  11. 钟表显示时间一分一秒地过去。

    The clock ticked away the minutes .

  12. 这位飞行员数秒之内死里逃生。

    The pilot escaped death by seconds .

  13. 我必须在两点前赶到机场,但是时间一分一秒地过去了。

    I had to get to the airport by two , and the minutes were ticking away .

  14. 他领先汤姆·斯内普3秒冲过终点线。

    He crossed the line three seconds clear of Tom Snape .

  15. 戴维斯落后了差不多两秒,获得第三名。

    Davies finished almost two seconds in arrears for third place .

  16. 我能证明,这大约要用30秒的时间。

    I can verify that it takes about thirty seconds .

  17. 她以两分8秒74的成绩创了纪录。

    She recorded a time of two minutes 8.74 seconds .

  18. 菲莉丝·史密斯控制好速度,用51.32秒跑完了比赛,获得了参赛资格。

    Phyllis Smith ran a controlled race to qualify in 51.32 sec .

  19. 将近20秒的时间,戈兹沃思就那么一声不响地盯着我看。

    Goldsworth stared at me in silence for nearly twenty seconds

  20. 30秒后她又出现了,示意他们往前来。

    Thirty seconds later she reappeared and beckoned them forward .

  21. 他把领先优势逐渐扩大到了15秒。

    He pulled away , extending his lead to 15 seconds

  22. 比科斯达夫赛场上的前3名骑手之间只差12秒。

    Only 12 seconds separated the first three riders on the Bickerstaffe course

  23. 他100米跑了11秒。

    He has been clocked at 11 seconds for 100 metres

  24. 加速到时速60英里只需要5.7秒。

    Acceleration to 60 mph takes a mere 5.7 seconds .

  25. 米勒领先蒂埃里·克拉韦罗拉1分35秒完成比赛。

    Millar finished 1 minute and 35 seconds ahead of Thierry Claveyrolat .

  26. 时间一分一秒地过去,没有什么时间说话。

    The clock ticks away , leaving little time for talks

  27. 在这个国家每24秒就会有一所房子被人破门而入。

    In this country a house is broken into every 24 seconds .

  28. 世界冠军领先第二名2秒多钟到达终点。

    The world champion finished more than two seconds ahead of his nearest rival

  29. 她跑出了13.01秒的个人最好成绩。

    She ran a personal best of 13.01 sec .

  30. 罗杰·金德姆创造了12.92秒的世界纪录。

    Roger Kingdom set the world record of 12.92 seconds